Where do i start? He refuses to let me stand him properly, so was advised do let him stand naturally for now. He trusts no tables, due to our first ringcrafts table being wobbly! Standing him on the floor is less than ideal as he backs off from the judge completely. He has shown under 7 judges and has only let 1 have a good close look at him without trying to jump, and when the judge says walk up and down Rebel sees that as a chance tojump up or at one show he wanted to pull me along the mat as a nice dashund was standing at the other end. Someone said he was doing it as he was too interested in me and always looking for praise constantly. I know that i cant put all the blame onto the poor boy, i am learning too which is probably making it more of a problem. At least Diamond is a natural and needs no ringcraft lessons whatsoever. I think Rebel will outgrow this as i know some people with dogs with Fullerton in them have experienced similar problems.