Please can anyone advise me. My 4 month old whippet puppy sleeps in crate at night. I made error of it being too big at first and he could step out of bed and toilet in there, he would bark after he had done it, never before. So now it is just big enough for his bed, first night fine, woke him during night to wee outside, second night after only 2 hours he barked but had already wet his bed. Had let him out and had done wee before he went to bed. During day he goes to door to go out to toilet but does not bark. Everywhere I read they say they will not soil their bed| He has dry food but I do take water away during evening, maybe not soon enough, can anyone also advise timing of taking water up before bed. I do not know what age he will start cocking his leg, therefore very concerned about getting him dry at night.