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What do I look for in a good vet


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I have had a dog for 8 months. She is 9 yrs old and was the most stressed, frightened and nervous dog I have ever met in my life. I am an active 70 yr old and was determined to give this little mutt the best life she could have
We only have the choice of 2 vets here and both of them are big businesses who have taken over private vet practices
I have been 5 times in the last 8 months and saw 5 different vets who did not seem to agree
First check up I was told she had tooth abscess, needed 2 teeth out and had wax in her right ear, was given pain killer, antibiotics and an ear wash
I then took her in for teeth removal, collected her and was told she had 12 teeth out not 2 as I had ben told, infection in right ear for which I was given steroid eardrops and had pain killer again despite me saying I already had some. Was still charged for it.
I went back about a small pink little lump under her fur which I have been told is nothing to worry about by 2 different vets, but it is getting bigger
I went about a dark spot on her head and the vet shaved her head to find that it was only skin pigmentation and then tried to say that the blood spots on her head from the shaving was from her scratching!!!!!!! and supplied cortisone gel which I did not use.
The last visit was because I had seen her rubbing her bum on the grass twice but this was over about 4 weeks and a friend advised me to just get her checked.
I went back to the vets and insisted that if there was no problem please do not do anything. The vet said her anal glands were full and proceeded to empty them, poor old Biddy squealed and since that last visit she has consistently rubbed her bottom on the patio. I will never go there again
I will have to go to another town to find a vet, would it be better to find and independent vet rather than a big practice as all 5 vets seemed very young and 2 of them did not even seem to know what they were doing
What is best way of finding a good vet? I cannot go by good recommendations as everyone here goes to the same 2 vets and many have complained and said that they do not trust them but continue to go there
I definitely need to find somewhere where I can trust that she is getting only what she needs. She is too old for me to insure and has cost nearly £900 so far in vets fees
I have discovered that it is cheaper for me to buy a prescription and then get medicines on the internet but found out too late for me to try that
Any advice would be appreciated
Try looking online for small practice independent vets or just independent vets in your area.
I do not like these big practices where you never get to see the same vet, each vet has a different idea and then takes another pocket full of our hard earn't cash, Hmm :oops:

We are lucky where we are, there are 3 small independent practices within 25 minutes of home that I am aware of, I would also travel further If I found a small Homeopathic or raw feeding vet that I felt to be knowledgeable and trustworthy.
Have a look online and see what you can find.
Thanks excuseme. I did start looking at small practices in neighbouring towns and at the same time asked every person I knew or met who had a dog about where they went for their pets treatment
Everyone local used one of the 2 practices in town but time and time again the name of a vet came up who was based in the other vet and she had great reviews
Good news is I have registered with this other practice and have asked if I can see this highly recommended vet every time I visit and have been reassured that I can so I am quite happy with that and prepared to give it a go
Good luck - a sympathetic vet is invaluable. Maybe book an appointment to introduce Biddy to the vet, where you can explain about her background, her insecurities, what she is likely to need to have done? If she can start off from a position of trusting and liking this vet, it will help a lot. And always feel free to stand up for what you think is right for Biddy if they seem overkeen to 'do stuff'. A hands-off, 'wait and see' approach is often an option.
Thanks Judy I totally agree with all you say. I have completed the registration and just waiting to hear from them.
They are going to request the notes from the vet practice I have been using and will then contact me.
I have told them not to believe everything that has been written down and that I will go through it with them to explain everything that has really happened
They sound really good so far, so am hopeful that I will trust them and that they will only do what is really necessary
I am at loss to know where to register my new rescue dog after a very bad experience with my last dog
who was put to sleep last year.My regular vet was taken over by Medivet, was a really good and caring
practice before but after the takover, vets seem to be joining and leaving every week,after one visit I decieded
try somewhere else, found one which at first looked really good but were more interested in money than care,
my dog had an awful final day,still think about it every day and so sorry he was put through that.
I am at loss to know where to register my new rescue dog after a very bad experience with my last dog
who was put to sleep last year.My regular vet was taken over by Medivet, was a really good and caring
practice before but after the takover, vets seem to be joining and leaving every week,after one visit I decieded
try somewhere else, found one which at first looked really good but were more interested in money than care,
my dog had an awful final day,still think about it every day and so sorry he was put through that.
….but he’s no longer suffering nor holding any grudges.
So sorry, Montysdad. I had a bad thing happen with a vet years ago. My dog died because he used the wrong anaesthetic after I'd told him it was one that sighthounds died under. I can't forget it and wish I could live more easily with the memory.

You, however, have nothing to reproach yourself over at all. Like my dear dog, a fabulous happy life and one bad day has to be seen in context. Intellectually we can see it, but emotionally is far more difficult, and we are all here supporting you and understanding. And as RGC says.
Hi Montysdad so sorry about your loss last year, I cannot imagine how that feels like,. I have taken over the care of a middle aged dog and have no experience at all (never owned a dog in my life before) but I do think there are good vets and bad ones, same as doctors really. I have experienced bad ones so far (although waiting to see a new one who sounds lovely) but I think you can tell and hopefully you will find a good one
Getting a bit worried now, still not been able to book app with vet. Surgery I was attending did not send the required information to the new practice I registered with. I phoned them myself and receptionist left me on hold for a long time before coming back and saying that the practice manager had to approve this and would be in contact with me but has not done so
Have now contacted the new practice and made a provisional app for Tues and they are going to try and get the relevant information from the previous vets
I am very wary of vets now, Biddy is a worse state now than before she attended. Except for her teeth removal which I accept was needed and successful (only from what vets told me)
She was treated for ? wax, infection in right ear but I was told to treat both ears with steroids and now she has problem with left ear
I am ashamed to admit that I asked for her anal glands to be checked. She hated it and squealed and since then she has dragged her bottom on the patio, on pavements, concrete, is driving her crazy, this has been going on for weeks
I clean her with baby wipes but there are 2 areas either side of her bottom where they seem dry and irritated and flaky skin or swollen which I think is due to the rubbing
I need help and I do not trust vets
I don't think your new vet will need the medical records from your own vet, though of course it would be preferable.

Was it your old vet who checked the anal glands? Did they say whether they were full/blocked/empty, and did they actually empty them? I do wonder if it's possible that the baby wipes could be irritating the area - dogs generally manage without being wiped.

I do hope that your new vet is much better, and that you can trust them. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
Thanks Judy for your reply. The vet said that her glands were full but I only saw a smear on the tissue that she used. I will stop using the baby wipes in case it is irritating her. I only used them to clean up the dry scaly skin to see better what was going on
I have phoned the new vets and made an appointment but cannot get in till Tues as I want to see a particular vet and they are going to contact and chase up her notes from the the practice where I used to go
I do hope this new place is a lot better and I think it will be, they have said that I can see the same vet each time
I hope all goes well. Meanwhile, you might consider using aloe vera gel on the sore area.

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