I'm not sure what the problem is; but my Sam's certainly not himself this morning. 
He's eaten his breakkie with no problems, but he's low in salts somehow. He can't be bothered to do alot. He just about mustered up the energy to take a 'milky bone' from me! :unsure: They are his absolute favourites. :wub:
We had a lovely long walk yesterday in the woods for over two hours - BUT it was darn hot! Perhaps it's that? Thought though really he would suffer for it yesterday rather than this morning - he was fine at the time, and had a terrific time. Maybe it's just the general heat & humidity of late that he's fed up with.
I'm gonna take him out real soon for a short half an hour's walk. I'll see how it goes.....
:luck: :luck:
He's eaten his breakkie with no problems, but he's low in salts somehow. He can't be bothered to do alot. He just about mustered up the energy to take a 'milky bone' from me! :unsure: They are his absolute favourites. :wub:
We had a lovely long walk yesterday in the woods for over two hours - BUT it was darn hot! Perhaps it's that? Thought though really he would suffer for it yesterday rather than this morning - he was fine at the time, and had a terrific time. Maybe it's just the general heat & humidity of late that he's fed up with.
I'm gonna take him out real soon for a short half an hour's walk. I'll see how it goes.....
:luck: :luck: