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Wonder With The Lamp And Fly


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As i did not get out yesterday morning i decided to have a look around the local fields ,well there a good 40 minute walk away.Well when i reached my lamping ground i decided to keep my back to the railway and lamp out into the field keeping between the rabbits and the warrens on the railway bank.we accounted for two rabbits and two hares of here,one of which was sadley a leveret and fly failed to retrieve another hare further along.We then crossed the railway and lamped some smaller paddocks and some stubble fields,fly retrieved another hare from one of the stubble fields and another two bunny's.Don't you just love the sound of both dog and rabbits twisting and turning through the stubble.She took a further two out of two rabbits on the horse paddocks so at that i called it a night at 3am.I didn't get back till 5am ,i now looked like the Disney character 'Quasimodo' after the two hour walk back which was one serious all the best


Another two pics from a lamp the other night with fly and 3 out of 3 retrieved hares the other day whilst out with TOMO,fly took 1 and we think possibly two because it took the two dogs through an hedge were we lost sight but fly was retrieving it back.Tara or Visa took the third i cant remember which.



good hunting

(w00t) That's the way to go rew, you must be very proud, keep the pictures coming. :thumbsup: Diane
I realy love to see a good dog on a hare over here.But in daylight,not on the lamp.You have a real corker of a dog there Rew.But to be honest,and i guess someone has to say it.It don't take much of a dog to kill a hare on the lamp,as ive seen collies do it,never mind leggy terrier of some discription once.But in my book,a hare is for day time,and as seen here,you have the tool to do it with.I know over here,you are looked down on,big time,if you have a name for killing hares on the lamp.Farmers wont even let you on their land if they think youre after a hare,and the gun club lads would have no hesitation of doin youre dog's if they thought you were lamping hares.Yes,ive done it,on a couple of occasions,when i was a lad,just like you.But then we had the travelers over here,who were killing around a dozen a night,as they drove 50/60 miles in their vans,and slipped 2,3 and sometimes 4 dog's on a hare.They didn't last very long,and were soon very rarely seen after that,as they're numbers went way down.There are a few round me at the moment,and im terrified that someone finds them,and cleans them up,before they get a chance to make a come back.You are realy in a world of youre own there mate,with all that beautiful hunting land at youre feet,and seemingly the best quarry known to any lurcher.The long eared fellow.But along with doing youself,and youre 1st class we dog justice,do the old long eared fellows justice too mate,and do it on a level playing field.In the day time.This is not ment to offend you,as ive always held you in high regard,as i did youre dog's.But people,ok,like me,don't like to see the old long eared fellows being pulled down in the night,when he has no where to go.Hope you can take a wee bit of advice like this,and not be offended by it,as ive tried to word it the best i can. Also,is it still legal over there to coarse,(especialy at night)with a lamp.Cause if you were caught over hwere,day or night.You would never,ever,own a lurcher again,or any sort of hunting dog for that matter. ...Billy...
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thanks matey i know what you mean and a daytime hare is the true test for most dogs but i see it like this, a dead hare is a dead hare no matter how it is killed,snared ,shot ,coursed ,lamped.theres plenty round here and i would defffinatley say a terrier would struggle on these beast,alot of the time they run out of the beam,or into cover,woodland,use the railway and after they have been lamped a few times they obviously come wise to the lamp and they can run as good as any .they will be shot to be controlled by the keepers through out the year and i really cant see the sport in that offense taken but of course these hares were shot and fly only retrieved are you anyway mate?cheers mate :thumbsup:

good hunting

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rew said:
As i did not get out yesterday morning i decided to have a look around the local fields ,well there a good 40 minute walk away.Well when i reached my lamping ground i decided to keep my back to the railway and lamp out into the field keeping between the rabbits and the warrens on the railway bank.we accounted for two rabbits and two hares of here,one of which was sadley a leveret and fly failed to retrieve another hare further along.We then crossed the railway and lamped some smaller paddocks and some stubble fields,fly retrieved another hare from one of the stubble fields and another two bunny's.Don't you just love the sound of both dog and rabbits twisting and turning through the stubble.She took a further two out of two rabbits on the horse paddocks so at that i called it a night at 3am.I didn't get back till 5am ,i now looked like the Disney character 'Quasimodo' after the two hour walk back which was one serious all the best

Another two pics from a lamp the other night with fly and 3 out of 3 retrieved hares the other day whilst out with TOMO,fly took 1 and we think possibly two because it took the two dogs through an hedge were we lost sight but fly was retrieving it back.Tara or Visa took the third i cant remember which.



good hunting


Just as well the season for coursing hares started on the 10th September !!
your not allowed to course hares mate,these were shot then retrieved by the dog.dogs only young first season,i dont know how you bring on a young un,i guess a strong january one ?.honestly i didnt know there was a season ,but with how the weathers changing theres going to be young and pregnant hares nearlly all year round.all the best

rew said:
your not allowed to course hares mate,these were shot then retrieved by the dog.dogs only young first season,i dont know how you bring on a young un,i guess a strong january one ?.honestly i didnt know there was a season ,but with how the weathers changing theres going to be young and pregnant hares nearlly all year round.all the best

Fair enough, but maybe you should had said in your initial post that these hares were shot & retrieved by your dogs. I have to agree with Billyboy though that hares should not be lamped, there is nothing more breathtaking than seeing any running dog testing a hare on its own ground in daylight. And yes hare coursing is banned by the nanny state, but in hare country, mistakes do happen & most people stick to the original season of Sept - beginning of March.
Fair enough, but maybe you should had said in your initial post that these hares were shot & retrieved by your dogs. I have to agree with Billyboy though that hares should not be lamped, there is nothing more breathtaking than seeing any running dog testing a hare on its own ground in daylight. And yes hare coursing is banned by the nanny state, but in hare country, mistakes do happen & most people stick to the original season of Sept - beginning of March.

you have lost me now mate,isn't it September now when these hares were retrieved. :blink:

You cant only hunt in season sometimes, ive lost permision before for leaving rabbits & not shooting hares in the summer when they do the most harm, i only do daytime hares, but if there is a lot of hares i cant see the harm, keep up the good work REW, :thumbsup:
whippet quick said:
You cant only hunt in season sometimes, ive lost permision before for leaving rabbits & not shooting hares in the summer when they do the most harm, i only do daytime hares, but if there is a lot of hares i cant see the harm, keep up the good work REW,  :thumbsup:
cheers whippet quick.all the best


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