Mum would like to thank everyone for all their kind messages about Xanthe (her story is buried somewhere in the middle of the El Diablo thread).
I thought I'd update you. For about 2 weeks she was paralysed in both her hind legs. She was in a bed in a separate room from the other whippets so that they didn't knock her, with the radio on to keep her company when no-one was in there. On Wednesday Mum went in to check up on her, and she was lying on the bed just as she had been left, looking innocent but the radio was on the floor in pieces! That evening Mum was a little later than usual bringing Xanthe's dinner in. When she opened the door, Xanthe stood up for a second - her legs did give way, but she was standing for a second or so. By Sunday she was able to get around on 3 legs. One still has no strength, but it does react to stimulation, so things are definitely looking up.
I thought I'd update you. For about 2 weeks she was paralysed in both her hind legs. She was in a bed in a separate room from the other whippets so that they didn't knock her, with the radio on to keep her company when no-one was in there. On Wednesday Mum went in to check up on her, and she was lying on the bed just as she had been left, looking innocent but the radio was on the floor in pieces! That evening Mum was a little later than usual bringing Xanthe's dinner in. When she opened the door, Xanthe stood up for a second - her legs did give way, but she was standing for a second or so. By Sunday she was able to get around on 3 legs. One still has no strength, but it does react to stimulation, so things are definitely looking up.