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No computer !


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Oh my goodness, I have been suffering withdrawal symptoms for about 3 days without my computer working.
I had no idea what to do. My computer man has had to shut down until government gives the ok to open his little shop.
I had an alarm that kept ringing/buzzing and the only way to stop it was to crash the computer. I tried switching on again about 3 times and each time it got worse. My Google boot up page, just kept loading so fast time after time after time. Only way I knew to turn it of was to pull the plug!
The computer has been turned off for about 3 days without any attempted use.
Today I decided to use my husbands computer just to look at my emails. This made me give my computer another try, and to my amazement it has booted up quiet normally although a bit slowly to start with. Seems ok now:rolleyes:
As soon as I can I will take the computer in for a checkupo_O

aaah bliss, mmmmmmm:D
I hate it when tech stuff goes wrong.

I stopped working in an office 6½ years ago, and ne of the things I miss is just having folk around to ask about this sort of thing.

My two kindles are very reluctant to connect to WiFi. Just why? Everything else is connecting, if it was one device I'd blame that - but two kindles? A mystery.
Are they the new Paperwhite Kindles, Joanne? Mine connect OK, but are often reluctant to down load new books - I have to prod and poke from several directions before they'll comply.

Mr N hates it when pooters go wrong because he's always the one who has to fix them in this house. When his died a week or two ago he spent an evening ranting about how he hates pooters, didn't want a new one, was never going to look at a PC again... then ordered a new one the next day, as I knew he would :cool:
Are they the new Paperwhite Kindles
No, one is an old paperwhite, the other is a fire (for reading in the dark when Mr F is asleep).
Must admit I was stuck in the dark ages until I got a new phone and the lads at work gave me a crash course on modern day life. They've saved me a fortune in cash,which I'm well pleased with.
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Is there an advantage to using a kindle as opposed to a tablet? I did buy a kindle several years ago but it wouldn’t hold library ebooks so I changed it for a Kobo. I now use an iPad mini which can take both books from kindle and library ebooks. I bow to anyone who can convince me of the advantages of a kindle over an iPad. This isn’t a challenge, merely a request from someone who remembers predecimalisation.
Is there an advantage to using a kindle as opposed to a tablet?

A Kindle is smaller and thinner, which may be more comfortable to some (and easier to slip in a bag). You can read the some of the new models in the bath. But the main advantage for me is that the light from the screen is less gentle, and easier on the eye, which might be particularly important if you read before going to sleep.

Mr N used a tablet as a Kindle for some time and only got a Kindle when the tablet died - if I remember I'll ask him about pros/cons later.
My kindle fire can be used as a tablet but I find it a little slower, the on-screen keypad is smaller so it makes it more awkward to use (bizarrely I prefer my phone which is smaller still). So the kindle is fine for reading and for use as a tablet if necessary but wouldn't be my first choice as a tablet.
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Mr N says the Kindle is lighter (which he didn't realise was an advantage till he got one) and has a longer battery life (so greener). Though he did prefer the larger screen on the tablet.

A downside of the standard Kindles is the images - they're b&w, and if they're, say, maps with tiny writing, you haven't got a chance of making them out.

I suspect if I could browse on mine, I'd spend the whole time going off to google a location in a book to see what it was like in real life, then get tempted to pop in to the forum, check my mail..... As it is, if I'm reading a travel book I tend to make it a 'downstairs book' just so I can look at places online.
I've had a message from Excuseme, she is still having tech trouble and the person who normally fixes stuff is still not working.

So she isn't ignoring us, she will be back when she can get online.
I'm back again, although I don't know for how long though.
I have logged in using "Internet Explorer" and what looks like old log in details. I am still not able to use the "Google Chrome" that was initially being used for this site only, originally suggested by "Josie".
Good to see you here again @excuseme, we've missed you! Computers can be a real pain in the neck if you don't have someone on hand who is confident to help you. I hope yours is a bit more reliable now.
Yes, really nice to have you back, and I hope all goes well now.

remember when technology was supposed to make life easier?!
My computer man is opening his little shop tomorrow. YIPPEE !
I dare say there will be loads of people waiting to get their computers booked in too.
Good to have you back @excuseme ! At the moment I am squinting through what looks like a pink and blue deckchair cover on my lap top happened yesterday, so I spent the day saving loads of stuff on a stick(I am hoping it is all saved there anywayo_O) just incase it suddenly dies:(. I suppose it is rather old, a positive dinosaur really in the life of a lap top but I am not looking forward at all to having to get a replacement, I find it all very stressful!!
For now I will keep squinting through this colourful veil and pretend everything is just fine:rolleyes:
Oh good luck @Flobo. I hope you don't suffer from bad withdrawal symptoms :rolleyes:
I curse the modern technology, but I sure missed my computer not working properly. (we weren't even aloud calculators when I was at school)

I will be ringing my man tomorrow to see when he can fit the computer in.

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