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  1. D

    Jessie Has Arthritis

    Here's what we did when Jasper went wonky :( Changed his diet to remove all atificial colouring, we now feed 1 Pack Tesco value mince (800G for £2) fried up with 1 cup of mixed veg and as its cooling 2 cups of porridge oats. this is fed with Pedigre small bite mixer and 1 cod liver oil...
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    When Dogs Were Dogs

    Some of these pictures are 87 years old. Paul B
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    Is There Something Going Round?

    Is there something going round? All three of our dogs are displaying the same symptoms. A slightly runny eye and diarrhoea, one of them has also been sick. They all seem bright and alert so I am not particularly worried. I am going to withhold food for 24hrs, anybody else had this?. Paul B
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    Dog Bullied

    By two birds :D . Freddie the fearless whippy/grey cross famous for her attempt to take on two Rottweiler’s (w00t) has met her match at last. A pair of Stormcocks nesting in our garden have been bullying her so badly she is scared to go out. Can’t blame her though these birds are nutters, I...
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    Urgent Heed Help

    Great news, the owd Tom is back with his family :D the dog wardens were on the ball and made the connection. We now know why he was puffing and panting up the hill and why he is so skinny and a bit wobbly,the old lad is 17 years old (w00t) . Still has all his teeth and that wonderful...
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    Urgent Heed Help

    Thanks for that Vicky, He is very friendly, about small greyhound size a real old Gent at least 10+. He's OK for tonight, warm fed and watered,see how we go tomorrow. Paul
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    Urgent Heed Help

    Thanks for the advice everyone :thumbsup: , we took him to the police station to report him (a requirement by law) they scanned him, no chip. We are not handing him over to the dog warden or he will just enter the system and we will lose control over what happens to him and I will never...
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    Urgent Heed Help

    We have just found a wonderful big wooly Lurcher, a real old gent :wub: . I have had to put him in next doors shed, not ideal but our dogs will not tolerate him so we have had no choice. We found him in the Barnsley area near the Transpennine trail so he could have come miles. He has a...
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    Dogs And Horses

    This is going to effect YOU We are trying to stop the government putting this crap in our drinking water. Fluoride is far more toxic than Lead, that’s it that’s all you kneed to know. Don’t believe the spin about poor wickle chiwdrens teeth, it will poison them as well. If you would like...
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    Does anyone give their older dogs Vitamin & Mineral supplements, and if so what kind? Paul
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    I've Rescued A Georgeous Boy!!!!

    If you take him to a vets and the do find a chip they may not let you take him back home. This happened to us when we found little Meg .the vet took her off us as she was not our property :( ......she is now though :) :) Paul
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    Advice Please - Cranky Back Legs

    Thanx for the advice FeeFee especialy about the glucosamine :thumbsup: , I wasn't aware there were two types . I am going to try glucosamine , codliveroil and a Bioflow collar. Paul
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    Advice Please - Cranky Back Legs

    Hi Guys, I need a bit of advice please. Jasper our 8 year old Lab cross has started to get “cranky” on his back end especially when he gets up. Has anyone got a magic mixture they swear by and has anyone had any success with magnetic collars? has anyone tried homeopathy? I am trying to avoid...
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    Has Your Dog Ever Been Poisoned?

    Little Meg managed to poisen herself a few years back by eating a piece of pizza that had been festering in the sun for a few days :x . She was very ill, it was touch and go for a few days. She made a full recovery though we have to watch her very carefully when we are out walking where...
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    Inca Attacked By Staffie

    You should have kicked him in the bollocks and said "that's funny i've never done that before either, now where do i sent the vet bill". Paul
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    Road Pricing Scheme

    Yes Beejay everyone who drives ought to sign this, not that it will make much differance though. As with most things this goverment will thow you to the floor put its foot on you neck and force it down your throat. We are battling like hell in Yorkshire to stop the fluoridation of our drinking...
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    Strange Bloke In The Woods

    Not every strange bloke you come across in the woods is as strange as you may think. I was cycling along an isolated woodland path when I rounded a bend and saw a women jogger in the near distance. I immediately became sensitive to the situation and decided to keep a distance so as not to...
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    Got My Rescue Greyhound!!!!!

    Well done, Joy is a great name but if the kids have a problem with it let them call him Joey. Paul
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    Whippet Bitch Wanted

    Can she cook ? Paul
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    Poo Freeze

    Save yourself a bob or two, go to B&Q or any other DIY and in the pluming section you will find water pipe freezing sprays. :thumbsup: Paul