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  1. Rob Rixon

    Joy fishes

    We Rixons will alway remember Joy with her little Van - thinking of the vast distances she would travel to Opens as an elderly lady with her Whippets. I know Joy and her mother were members of the pedigree racing club which raced at Sunbury on Thames in 1953. Her Wirrawon bred dogs featured at...
  2. Rob Rixon

    2014 open calendar-will it effect clubs?

    Lots of Pedigree Whippet Racing Opens have been organised since the Superstars was founded in 1981. Prior to this there were few Pedigree Opens and those that were organised, the Controller/compiler of The Whippet News Top Ten points system agreed their dates. This is a very old problem with...
  3. Rob Rixon

    Jenny bloxsome

    I'm very sad to hear of the passing of Jenny. She was one of the Club Secretaries I had to write to on a regular bases back in the 1980s and we met on the tracks around the UK, competing agains Jenny & Colin's dogs at the Champs and Opens during that period. Our thoughts are with Colin and his...
  4. Rob Rixon

    Wroughton laddie

    Has anyone heard of this whippet? I think based in the South of England - some time back. Thanks,
  5. Rob Rixon

    Sittingbourne Greyhound Race

    Nice to hear. Some questions:- Can you find out if the Whippets would have been graded in with their times? They will improve, each time they run, if fact they may do their best times when racing. Will this be enough to grade them. At the recent 240m bend Champs fastest time was 15.89...
  6. Rob Rixon

    Wcra 3Rd Championships 2012

    Full results on the web site - if your interested.
  7. Rob Rixon

    Water Logged Main Ring - Arbury Hall

    Bad weather in the Midlands with plenty of over night rain resulted in the Cancellation of the Game & Country Fair at Arbury HAll this weekend. The Main Ring was water logged and so the organisers agreed to Cancel the whole event and so the four rounds of whippet racing was abandoned. A big...
  8. Rob Rixon

    Racing At Arbury Hall

    Hi All Just to inform all those that are interested and have raced at the Warwickshire & West Midlands Game Fair in past years. The new venue is Arbury Hall, near Coventry over the August Bank Holiday - racing morning and late afternoon on both Sunday & Monday. The track will be across the...
  9. Rob Rixon

    Suffolk Dog Day

    Thanks to all those who helped at Suffolk Dog Day 2012. The Suffolk Foundation Charity have stated that the final figure made on the day is very likely to exceed £50k. Our 200 plus trial money contributed to the pot, running all sorts of breeds. A couple of pic of the day are below.
  10. Rob Rixon

    Blueberry Open - Stanborough

    Trish Bawden - Secretary of Stanborough has asked me to put the following on K9 We are sorry that the Open was Cancelled and that it cost some owners fuel. The committee considered that the track condition was too dangerous to race dogs, part flooded overnight on the Saturday. We were as...
  11. Rob Rixon

    Blueberry Open - Stanborough

    Hi All Due to the very bad weather the Stanborough Blueberry Open at their Peter's Green track has been cancelled. :unsure: Thanks to Trish Bawden for her Phone calls and thank goodness for mobile phones. I was on my way when I got the call. I'm sure the Stanborough committee will keep us...
  12. Rob Rixon

    Great Weekend 1st To 4th June

    Full Results have just been put on under the News tag. Superstars tables will be up dated after confirmation of the results by Terri or Ted Smith. We also enjoyed the meeting. ;)
  13. Rob Rixon

    New Whippet For The Rixons

    After the trip to Germany with Sue last year to collect Rishkin, we are about to collect an addition to our 'kennel'. Our new whippet is of quality german stock - we have gone for another small one, which is (I think) an interesting colour. :sweating: Not sure about the name we will use -...
  14. Rob Rixon

    Massive Congratulations

    Hi All and Congrats to the winners Full Results on the Web site - but give me a chance as the Pages are still being built Up date Superstars - later in the week, plus Pics soon. Rob. :thumbsup:
  15. Rob Rixon

    Skype - Talk-in

    True - I studied humans behaviour as Uni and I find it interesting to make a statement and watch the the reaction of others. Now if I suggest something I'm always wrong - not a problem - irrespective of the subject. Hook, line, etc. I have not got the 1930s scales only a picture of Peter...
  16. Rob Rixon

    Skype - Talk-in

    Hi all Had an interesting Skype Conference call yesterday and it got me thinking. What do you think about a Skype Talk-in? It would save on the cost of the hire of the hall and travel costs. Plus you could eat your own food and log-off when you got fed up with the conversation.. Is this the...
  17. Rob Rixon

    Balance Potato Scales

    I never even mentioned they (the WCRA) in my original bit. Why do people assume that when Rob Rixon speaks/does anything it is for the WCRA? - I have got a life away from the WCRA! It may be that I wanted to weigh my own dogs - or it may be for a new racing club! It was just a general...
  18. Rob Rixon

    Balance Potato Scales

    I don't think Peter Spokes had any trouble using this type of scale with owners putting their foot under the platform. They can be up to British Standard - accurate - and checked by Weights and Measures Authority - they can also be checked against 'stone' dead weights - as all the current weigh...
  19. Rob Rixon

    Balance Potato Scales

    No and I don't remember Brian using this type of scales at Linton
  20. Rob Rixon

    Balance Potato Scales

    Hi all I've got a chance of getting hold of some newish Imperial Scales - like those used by the WCRA when Peter Spokes was the Secretary, for weighing Whippets. Can anyone remember the possible problems (other than there were not very portable - in fact dam heavy to lift), when using these...