All Dobbie's puppies together before they start to leave home in the next few days.
Mel took this superb picture. The house will be so quiet without them. We are of course keeping the litle girl, Tiffany,(centre stage in photo)!, and who is already bombing round the house and garden with...
I am reliably informed that dog thieves cut out the micro chip with a penknife , so there are risks and disadvantages with any system. Having had experience of migrating chips in my racing and coursing dogs, including one chip which has completely disappeared, tattooing is my own personal...
[ With all the problems associated with chips migrating, why not have your pup/dog ear tattooed instead? I have all my litters ear tatooed before they go to their new homes. I regard this a s one of my responsibilties as a breeder. It's permanent, easily readable and doesn't migrate.
Well done Barbara, it's the cute little girl snuggled up to Dobs. although the two parti boys are the spitting image of Miya and W.C.R.C h Magic Trick: both typical of the Macarthur line. We're giving them Cornish themed names in honour of Jack, and what could be more Cornish than tin mines. My...
Just to let everyone know that Geoff Sealey welcomes allwhippets , lurchers and greyhounds at his schooling track at Clue Hill Farm at Bicester. Trials are held every Wednesday and Sunday, 9 00-1200. People who have discovered this venue for trialling, will know already what...
Blue Girl is 11oz
Boy Dobbie I 13 oz - the image of his mother
mini parti boy is 12 oz
The blue babies are beginning to look very stripie. Not brindles again!!!
Love Julia
Dobbie (Chimes at Midnight) had five pups early on Saturday morning. Pups and Bitch are doing fine - owners knackered! She had four dogs and one bitch (see photo below). Thanks to everyone for their good wishes.
See you all soon
Watch this space for race dates for 2008!
Please note that the Puppy Cup will now be run on FEBRUARY 3rd 2008, followed by the A.G.M. Please bring some eats so we can have a picnic whilst we get together to discuss our next season's racing. The race dates for the season are under negeotiation...
Laguna blood is behind most current working/racing and show pedigrees, as it would appear to produce stamina as well as speed and looks. Both my racing champion Graceful Chimes, and her sister, Chimes at Midnight ,( a half coat), who have a strong Laguna pedigree can win over the usual racing...
The slipper in the first part in the video is Brian Pether, not sure about the chap slipping the whippets though! The whippets have had a number of meeting there, at Bob's invitation. The first one was about 9 years ago when he put on a charity meeting,with the greyhounds, for Frenchay Breast...
I laughed 'til I cried. I'm a tyke exiled in Gloucestershire for the past 23 years and it makes me quite homesick. especially the mushy peas! They don't do them down here like they do "oop North". Brilliant!
Congratulations to all the winners- especially my "grandson",Super Supe! What a fantastic day you had. Keep the pictures coming, it makes up for us not being there! Are you having another one next year Mark?
The pictures Trish are fantastic! So glad everyone enjoyed the day! Sue,Terry and Mel also had a great time. Bob and Brian Tovey appreciated the quality of the whippet performances-from lifelong greyhound owners and trainers that's quite a complement!
Sorry about the delay, but here are the...
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