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    New Game

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    New Game

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    New Game

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    Stud Dogs

    my view as a owner of working terriers...the best x the best if your bitch is just average or not winning dont breed, buy one in from the best. if your bitch is good then go to the best out there
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    Help..ruby's Eaten A Pencil

    I machine graphite every day and your dog will be fine. its only nasty if you breath the dust in long term
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    Who Owns Blue/black Pedigree Whippets

    Quinn 22 wks tomorrow
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    Working Strains?

    usually F1 are when you mate a dog to another that is a different strain or breed F2 is then mating a F1 back to the original type used.
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    For All Those Born Before 1986

    Following the coal man with your little plastic wheel barrow, picking up bits he had dropped. falling off your chopper bike and nearly taking your nuts off :b
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    mine love to swim, my eldest is crazy about swimming and retreaving from water
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    Pet Supermarket

    my local store (doncaster) doesnt sell livestock. only food, bedding, etc
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    Sad Story About A Ginger Cat

    I wouldnt let a dog out, never mind a cat. common sense isnt so common is it
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    Halo 3

    Halo 2 was utter rubbish, the ended was the worse ever. they rushed to get it out on time and it showed.
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    Lurcher In Urgent Need Of A Loving Home

    looks like a 3/4 bull greyhound
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    Coursing With Prize Money

    come on number 25 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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    Lateral Thinking

    or your to busy watching the partner of your dreams that your car mounts the pavement and you kill all 3 :D :D
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    Lets Play A Game

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    Blue Whippets

    16 wks and 16"
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    Blue Whippets

    Quinn at 16 wks
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    Collie Cross Greyhounds

    im always interested in collie blooded lurchers if you have pictures to post. As the person only wants a part time work im sure Hancocks stuff would be perfect, you know what your getting ?
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    Collie Cross Greyhounds

    Been several times and owned a dog from its the only site i could find where a person could get to see picture of different collie crosses....where did i say go buy one from