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  1. animalady

    Postie Brings Chloe A Present!

    Awwwwwww Chloe you look so pretty in your princess collar - so glad you like it! Now you CAN go to the ball - no more cinderella days for you........ hugs from minty :huggles: :wub:
  2. animalady

    Compatibility With Cats

    ditto ................but my two are in love!
  3. animalady

    The Best Barf Books?

    I think most people share info on the net re barf - dr billingshurst book may be a bit different as hes out in Oz everyone has different ways of how they like to feed raw but as long as you vary and give meaty bones and veg as well ..... i speak to my friends who feed barf and we share ideas...
  4. animalady

    What Ya Think

    Thats lovely nicky i know how hard it is as ive had a go myself for my lot well done!
  5. animalady

    Archie Having A Roll....

    handsome devil :teehee:
  6. animalady

    Im Losing Control Of My Dogs :$

    just a word of encouragement dont give up and dont lose faith - something like this sometimes isnt a quick fix but slowly slowly you begin to see a difference and that is very rewarding - i think we all want things to be sorted quickly sometimes. i would do one to one training with each dog...
  7. animalady

    I'm Soooo Tired!

    What a great pic!! so typical of them isnt it!!! Was feeling the same myself till i saw on the news theres a man of 101 years old running the london marathon!!! i feel ashamed of myself at less than half his age :b :b
  8. animalady

    Chloe And Busta

    Wonderful to see after all she's been through! :wub:
  9. animalady


    idea........ next time you go in shed to eat your sandwich and leave poor jill to watch tv in the lounge in peace :lol: :p :thumbsup: :D
  10. animalady

    Scarletfair Shooting Star From Ipanema

    Ooooh ooooh peggy sue!!!!
  11. animalady

    Happy 1st Birthday

    awwww so loved and spoiled rotten... happy birthday tia :wub: :wub:
  12. animalady

    Smirnoff Update

    oh you poor thing.... its called a pyometra - my staffie had the same thing just before i was due to fly her from africa back to uk and she had to have an energency spay and was delayed from travelling for two weeks. dogs do recover well from this. sending love to smirnoff :wub:
  13. animalady

    Lets Play A Game

  14. animalady

    Who Eats Breakfast?

    Hi and welcome! i feel every dog is diffferent in their eating preferences - some will scoff and others pick! as long as the weight is good as you say i wouldnt worry! hugs to your iggie :wub:
  15. animalady

    Tipsy's First Litter

    Congratulations! seven puppy kisses on the way from me and mine! and a big one for tipsy too! :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
  16. animalady

    Early Spey/neuter ??

    I very much doubt if the general small animal veterinary practices would entertain such a procedure or in fact offer it to the general public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. animalady

    Early Spey/neuter ??

    when i was vet nursing a few years ago one of the vets spayed her own dog at the age of 12 week s - i was shocked to say the least but had no redress as she made the decision to do it and thought it best to look the other way at the time.(not the nicest of women either!) not something i would...
  18. animalady

    Warm Whippies

    aww they look so happy and snug! minty says can he come and play with the girls as his girlfriends have had to go to "in season holiday camp" for a whiley! ...........and we all miss them soooooooo :wub: :wub: :wub: :( :( :(
  19. animalady


    Tee hee!! well im chuffed to bits with the fabric - its been a life saver for me knowing where my little boy is without the worry!
  20. animalady


    close up of my boy