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  1. Lloyd

    A Few Pics Of Today's Racing At Gloucester.

    The colours aren't quite right (blue looks purple etc) Which is no doubt correctable but to be honest it's just tooo much work :sweating: "am I bovvered" :lol:
  2. Lloyd

    A Few Pics Of Today's Racing At Gloucester.

    all pics now posted on my website (click lloyds whippy pics below)
  3. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    I'll make my bid for fleadom while I can then!
  4. Lloyd

    Pics From Today's Racing At Gloucester

    I have now put all the pictures from 18/03/07 on my website :thumbsup:
  5. Lloyd

    A Few Pics Of Today's Racing At Gloucester.

    Cheers Judy, will try that :thumbsup:
  6. Lloyd

    Harvel Pics

    Great pics :thumbsup:
  7. Lloyd

    A Few Pics Of Today's Racing At Gloucester.

    I had a look in photoshop, the only thing I could find to help rectify it was Hue/saturation or curves but it still didn't look right. Will have another look for colour cast :thumbsup:
  8. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    Are we scratch racing next weekend ? :teehee:
  9. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    Take Jayne's advice, ring Don Corleone and get the Maflea on the case :p
  10. Lloyd

    A Few Pics Of Today's Racing At Gloucester.

    Due to me having the wrong setting on my camera all day, resulting in all the pics coming out with a blue tinge (WB set on tungsten for those who are interested) :rant: , most will be in B+W as it's the only way they will look ok. I know I havn't posted last weeks pics on on my website yet...
  11. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    I have been contacted by a representitive of the flea community who has asked me to convey the following message: Ok, so we caused the bubonic plague. Ok, we are generally considered parasitic pests. Ok, we have no emotions, don't feel pain and have the brain the size of a speck of dust...
  12. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    Ok, had I known that there were flea sympathisers out there I would not have posted the topic. I will announce the results now to avoid any more upset to the FLF. As it is, the flea survived. After 7 days it had apparently stopped moving, it was removed from the water and placed on on a tissue...
  13. Lloyd

    Attentive Whippets

    Thanks for your comments :thumbsup:
  14. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    hmmm, better get on to Frontline and get them charged for mass genocide.
  15. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    The experiment was conducted a few weeks ago, I have only just got round to sharing these important findings with K9. It was a glass of cold water and the flea remained floating throughout.
  16. Lloyd

    How Long Can A Flea Survive....

    The answer is in days :blink: ie 1 day, 2 days etc.. I will give you a clue, it's not less than 1 day.
  17. Lloyd

    Testing, Testing........

    Luverly pics :thumbsup: