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  1. B

    Just An Idea...

    Just a suggestion I thought might be useful, would it be possible to create a new board for people who've just had litters of pups? Since so many posts in the breed specefic boards seem to be people wanting pups, and theyre always redirected to previous or other posts, wouldnt it be a bit...
  2. B

    Whippet Collars

    I haven't even got a whippet yet, but since I've put a bit of effort into finding whippet related sites and no one else has replied yet, I'll show you what I've found in the hope it might be of use! - rather expensive but also rather lovely...
  3. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    Oh so carrying them is alright? That makes sense. What a relief! I was getting a bit worried because everyone's saying how important it is to socialise your pup, and at the same time saying you can't even let them past the door until their vaccinated. Brilliant, thanks. Why didnt I think of...
  4. B


    Oh really? We don't want a whippet for anything other than a companion, but I might look into racing ones if they are smaller... thanks! Mmm yeah from the looks of it some IG's are easier than others to train, but since this is the first time we've ever had a dog we'd rather not run the risk of...
  5. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    Against the rules? How mean! They are allowed on the underground in general though? I'd love to see that picture, he wasnt still in the mack was he? :blink: Top deck? But i would have thought that would be a bit difficult, trying to drag a dog upstairs and downstairs <_< Yeah we've heard...
  6. B


    23"? Eeek! :blink: Yeah the only reason we particularly wanted a small dog was mainly because we have a pretty small flat! So much as we'd love it to be filled with dog...! Also, for first time dog owners it just seems simpler to have one small enough to be scooped onto lap or into arms for...
  7. B


    Oh thanks a lot those links were really informative! Hmmm I think I'll stick to my original idea of a whippet - IGs seem harder to housetrain, more hyperactive and yappy - the three things I really don't want! :blink: The only bonus for my small flat, is their size! :b They sound lovely...
  8. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    Yeah thats true Jok, you just wait I'll have mine trained to use the loo AND flush! :- " On the same note, what does everyone do if they want to take their dog out and happen to want to go in a shop? Are whippets small enough to pick up and take inside, or do you just not venture in shops...
  9. B


    Please do excuse my ignorance here, but..! I just wondered what the main differences were between whippets and italian greyhounds? We've had a handful of people now recommend the whippet to us (we're first time dog owners), but whilst I've heard of the IG I'm not sure really what the...
  10. B

    Whippet Crate

    I just wondered what the best type of crate to buy was. Considering I want it to be big enough for my whippet when he's an adult, but not overly big because I live in a small flat, whats a bearable size crate to buy? And does it matter if the base tray is plastic or metal? Thanks
  11. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    So buses and train people are fine with you having a dog on board? Brilliant :) I was worried we'd have to be walking everywhere! How about long journeys on trains... i suppose you cant go on that long a journey and still be in england, but do dogs last out on the toilet front? (or can you...
  12. B

    Whippets sleeping in bed

    On the dogs in beds front, whats to stop young puppies having an accident in the bed? (since ive heard theyve no qualms if its a certain distance away) or somesuch thing... or does this just not happen? Id be scared id squash them in the night!! :teehee:
  13. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    No thats what i thought really, but then i'm not sure what to do with him if i take him into town and want to pop in a shop. Guess ill have to take someone with me and force them to stay outside - keep him company! Hehe. Ahhh well, shame its not possible really.. *mutters darkly* Thanks!
  14. B

    Puppy Friendly Public Transport?

    We're considering getting a puppy in late july, it will be the first dog we've ever owned. I just wondered about dogs and public transport. I have looked on websites, but i just thought i'd ask if anyone knew the regulations - are dogs allowed on buses, trains, and the london underground? Do...
  15. B

    Puppy Wanted

    Just wondered if anyone had any pups availible around mid july. Preferably near-ish to north yorkshire, pedigree if possible but it'd only be for a companion so not necessary. Male is preferable too. Can anyone help? Thanks And whilst i'm here, can i ask whats the difference between puppy...