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  1. J

    Pedigree Dogs Exposed

    IMO its the owners faults for buying the dogs in the first place, they go for pups whose parents arent health tested cus they are cheap and then blame the breeder when things go wrong. and as for the ones who didnt know their pet could get those inherited diseases ??? research the breed you want...
  2. J

    Breeder's Contracts

    how would you be knee deep in baby rabbits if you only kept one sex or kept both sexes apart, how would you like it if your parent had said to you i dont want you to have children so ive booked you in for a hysterectomy?
  3. J

    Doggy Contraception

    they are innoculated
  4. J

    Doggy Contraception

    if they get injured i take them to a vet, you dont need to have a vet to able to take them to a vet, although luckily they havent beed injured
  5. J

    Doggy Contraception

    i dont have a vet, my dogs dont get ill i own a breed that doesnt have inherited illnessess
  6. J

    Doggy Contraception

    because vets dont generally tend to give out free information
  7. J

    Doggy Contraception

    not being funny but after reading your original post and posts the comments you have had from people you have brought on yourself
  8. J

    Doggy Contraception

    With regards to the question of potential, rest assured that our whips come from champion bloodlines its not as simple as well they come from champion backgrounds so therefore thats good enough reason to breed the, it doesnt work like that im afraid
  9. J

    Breeder's Contracts

    i wouldnt dream of doing it i dont even agree with spaying/neutering as an adult what other people do is up to them but would never in a million yrs do it to one of my own, a dog and a bitch pup i bred have beed spayed and neutered i was absolutely gutted i just couldnt believe it if you dont...
  10. J

    Help, How Do I Train My Lurcher Not To Chase?

    electric shock collars dont hurt at all, they do is scare you i had it done to me and it didnt hurt at all but it would make you stop what you are doing which is what they are meant to do an electric shock from an electrical item is a million times worse
  11. J

    Help, How Do I Train My Lurcher Not To Chase?

    mark am i right in thinking that if a dog chases sheep then the farmer has a right to kill the dog?
  12. J

    Working Strains?

    couldnt find the post where it says people prefer to buy kc registered dogs cus they know dogs havent beed inbred some kc dogs are inbred ive been doing reasearch into my border teriers pedigree and it turns out that the dog i was reasearching was out of Ch brannigan of brumberhill and fine...
  13. J

    Multi Dog Households

    great topic but unfortunately i cant offer any advise either as i have 4 bitches but i do have a nightmare with them as one of the bitches doesnt get on with any of the others which is very annoying so it makes everything i do difficult eg kennel cleaning lettinf one out etc etc lol :)
  14. J

    Lets Play A Game

  15. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    hey thats ok :D what gets me about the countrymans weekly is its produced in plymouth where i live but all the adverts are put in from people who live hundreds of miles away and when i advertised in it i didnt get a single phone call!!
  16. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    i rang the countrymans weekly and they dont keep records of past advrtisments does anyone else have any ideas?
  17. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    hi thanks alot ill try that then :cheers:
  18. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    hi thanks alot ill try that then :cheers:
  19. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    what i mean is im looking for an address or phone number
  20. J

    Looking For A Kennel

    hello can anyone help