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  1. J

    K9 Bridle

    Hi Annie could you let me know how you've got on this this type of collar, I've got 2 italian greyhounds who have become lead aggressive towards other dogs since they where both attacked. I think having more head control will help the situation but everything on the market is huge on them...
  2. J

    One Classy Lady!!

    My little girlie Iggy does that with her front paws, it's very cute, What a lovely little girl sitting in her bed. Jo xxx
  3. J

    Thinking Of Getting An Ig

    Welcome to K9 xx I've got two iggy's and they are one of the maddest breeds i've come across and also the hardest to toilet train, Sophie is now 15months olds and has only just stopped pooping in her bed every morning, so hard to get they to go outside when it's cold. Dont get a puppy in the...
  4. J

    O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

    I'm just hoping that Oliver my iggy doesn't think the tree's a new whizzing :o post so he doesn't have to go out in the cold. My mother will kill him if he does that up hers on Christmas day Jo xxxx
  5. J

    Feeding Schedule

    Hubby wont allow me to have sophie in the bedroom, thats why I thought a monitor would be good. Sophie would only howl the place down if she couldn't get into bed with us which is definitely not an option!!!
  6. J

    Feeding Schedule

    I'm after some advise about feeding times for my iggy's. Sophie has a habit of pooping in her bed every night this doesn't seem to bother her at all. I've tried using a baby monitor to hear her if she needs to go out but she doesn't make any noise. At the moment I feed them twice a day 7am and...
  7. J

    Its That Time Of Year Again

    Both mine have been diagnosed with an upper respiratory bacterial infection, sounds like kennel cough but isn't. Both have had to have antibiotics as it's highly infectious. Not sure if any type of natural remedy would help with this kind of infection. My vet says there is a lot of it about. He...
  8. J

    Naughty Iggy's

    Oh no, please don't tell my two, they think they need lots more toys as is it, always fighting over the same one. They spend ages checking out all the toys in Pets at home when I take them there for a treat. I'm sure they'd love to have a shopping spree of their own. xxxx
  9. J

    Little Sods

    Thank goodness mine have only killed the odd toy, I shan't be showing them the photo to give them any idea's. xxx
  10. J

    Naughty Iggy's

    Yep, That would be us :D xxx
  11. J

    My Favorite Ig Photo Ever.

    Thanks sarah I love them dearly they're my babies, trying to persuade hubby there's room for one more. xx
  12. J

    My Favorite Ig Photo Ever.

    No, they killed a squeaky toy that looked like an ink cartridge but Oliver's cat has to be regularly repaired
  13. J

    Naughty Iggy's

    All was quiet in the kitchen so I went to see what the dogs were up to. They found de-stuffing their toy to be great fun. Suppose i'll have to buy them a new one for xmas. xxx
  14. J

    My Favorite Ig Photo Ever.

    These are my favourite one's on my two at the moment. Sophie as a tiny pup and Oliver with his best buddy, cat. He took to this toy as soon as we bought him home and he carries it around with him. xxxx
  15. J

    Little Devil

    My little Sophie's like that, seems to take no effort to jump straight up on to the kitchen table, she doesn't even need a run up. glad she hasn't managed to get over the tall stair gate yet that keeps them in the kitchen. Jo, Sophie & Oliver xx
  16. J

    Sophie's 1st Birthday

    Today is Sophie's 1st birthday, she's grown from such a tiny little thing in to a lovely graceful and elegant bundle of mischief. She had a new toy for her birthday which she has guarded all day and not let poor Oliver have a look at it. We love her so much and she's always very smiley and very...
  17. J

    Pics Of Milo

    He's just soooo yummy and a great name, I hope my little blue one looks as good as him when he stops growing. Can I ask what food you give him, mines all thin and gangly at the moment. Thank Jo Sophie & Oliver xx
  18. J

    Not Long Now

    Finally managed to get a picture small enough!! The Red & White one is Sophie and the Blue is Oliver.
  19. J

    Not Long Now

    I've got 2 iggy's that are 3 months apart in age and in hindsight I wish i'd not bought the second so soon after my ex racer greyhound died. I felt the need to fill the gap she had left in the house and sophie my first iggy who was only 6 months old was so sad when her big friend disappeared...
  20. J

    For All You Chicken Owners

    If they've only just starting to lay they will take a while to settle down to making eggs all the same size. Mine tend to throw odd sized ones or soft shell ones if the weather has been horrible or they have got really wet. Thunder also upsets the laying too. I'm sure it will sort it' self out...