Thanks for reply dont really know, which shows as i havent looked into it much yet, havent got her papers, would have to get in touch with greyhound rescue or trust, probably just companion shows to start as dont know how she will do, so any help much appreciated.
Hi i am new to this forum, although i did come on early last year for some advise when i got my greyhound regarding settling in with cats , which she has done successfully, I am very proud of her as she is a lovely dog.
Was wondering if anyone on here shows there dog and can offer any advise...
Hi new to this forum and i am interested to know about racing are they fun races, and what sort of dogs is it for just whippets?I have an exracer greyhound
Brill thanks for all your replies it has really helped, and I will continue and let you all know our progress over the next comimg weeks and months as she really is the most adorable girl and gets on great with rambo my JR.
I never expected her to get along with cats outside the home that...
(w00t) Still trying but she is very interested in them and makes a snapping sound with her jaw, just like a crocodile(she is muzzled ) will try the water advice, thankyou, did yours eventually accept your cat? and how keen were they?
Hi thanks for replies, she has come from a rescue where they said I could take her and see how she goes on with my cats, she is a very good tempered girl who has put up with my very grumpy JR to say the least and has not even snarled at him, I keep introducing her to my siamese who is not afraid...
Hi I am new to this forum and would appreciate any help regards socializing a rescue greyhound with my cats, I am wanting to home the greyhound so I am trying to get her used to my cats, she has taken well to my Jack Russell so no problems there, but cats she is rather keen to have.
Has anyone...
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