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  1. R

    Embarrassing Whippets!!

    My two horrors sneaked through a hole in the perimeter fence round Stone Henge. At the gallop they jumped all over the stones, scattering tourists everywhere :teehee: . The only way i could get them back, was to make my way to the main entrance, pay to get in :- and then try to catch...
  2. R

    Full Crufts Results

    We had a lovely day too...very sociable, catching up with people, seeing all the lovely dogs....Oh and the showing too :lol: Lara did'nt make the cut, but she went so well, and it was a pleasure to have such a lovely girl to show. Very well done all those who took part, and congratulations to...
  3. R


    Well me and Lara found our way to New Haw thanks to my friend Tom Tom (how did i manage before!). We had a lovely day, spent with "whippety" friends, and lovely food, all home cooked too :wub: Oh yes and we got VHC in graduate which i was thrilled with :)) Well done all who took part, and...
  4. R

    4 Month Old Pup Peeing Blood!

    My Borzoi pup had exactly the same problem at around the same age. she was right as rain one day, and peeing blood the next, I took her to the vets sharpish, and she was diagnosed as having Cystitis :wacko: A week on antibiotics and she was right as rain :sweating: She's now six months old...
  5. R

    Poor Whippet

    Poor little chap :( Whippets deserve lots love and comfort. Good luck :luck: and look forward to seeing the pics when you get them :wub:
  6. R

    Poor Whippet

  7. R

    Camping With A Whippet

  8. R

    Ferret Name Ideas?

    Tic and Tac or nip and tuck?
  9. R


    Have you checked out cotswold poultry, or, they do a moderately sized coop for £112 which is the cheapest (no pun intended!) i've seen, and i saw it assembled at alton show and it's quite nice and cosy! :D
  10. R

    Do Your Whippts Have House Coats?

    there are certainly some strong views on this thread.....I'll always put a warm coat on my girls when they are out walking on the lead, as they carry very little fat, and subsequently cannot retain body heat in the same way a fatter more heavily coated animal can, is it not wrong to exercise...
  11. R

    Talulla Is Very Poorly

    Poor Tallulah! and poor you! what a worrying time for you, the nights seem lonely and endless when you're worried sick and probably pacing up and down. At least the vet kept Tallulah hospitalised where she can be closely monitored, and the appropriate treatments commenced as indicated, the drip...
  12. R

    Pet Insurance

    I've just changed to direct line, they do a 10% discount for insuring more than one dog, and their policies are reasonably flexible, with good cover for loss/theft, vets bills and kenneling due to accident or illness, plus I found them quick to contact and very hrlpful
  13. R

    Scarlett,stirling &kai

    How cute are they, and your sofa's still intact, you've done well!
  14. R

    Tonight Ive Lost My Darling Boy

    Im so sorry, Biscuit was a wonderful boy, my thoughts are with you all at this devastating time, with love Elaine and "Lara" (Blandings Sweet Tea)