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A ferrety update

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We have been thinking about getting ferrets later on it best to have an outside pen for them too for during the day ...we were thinking of something like a large avairy size ....and how many can live together ....
I kept mine like that. The ferretry was divided into two compartments with an "airlock" entrance so I could get in, bolt the main door, then open whichever side I wanted without mass exodus. I promise you they can fit through the eye of a needle, and are fast!

Whether you can keep them all together is a temperament thing. I kept two entire boys together (vasectomised) with no falling out, and when they were old and mellow I could even keep them with the jills all year round. Others were feistier and had to be kept apart.

Best night ever was when a rat chewed its way into the ferretry. OH and I were awakened by screaming and had to run down the garden in our scanties and wellies. One dead rat, five escaped ferrets off in five different directions. Luckily we got them all back.
Yes you definitely need an 'airlock' type entrance! They are wily little buggers for sure and seem to be made of quick silver...even though ours are indoor ferrets, there are a couple of rooms they aren't allowed in, which of course makes Goose, especially, want to go in there! I've caught him at times hiding near the shut doors just in case I happen to forget he's there and someone will come through! Never under estimate a ferret!!:eek::D They will dig, climb, jump, bide their time, try and fool you, contort themselves and constantly be thinking of new ways to do all those things too in order to get what or where they want!:D:D
But they also do like to sleep...a lot!(after they have caused mayhem that is!)
As it's Easter i thought I'd give the boys a box of turf with some rubber eggs hidden in it for them. Think it was a success, even though Goose found and ran off to stash the eggs quite quick, they all enjoyed having a good old dig around!:D
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And my random ferret fact for today is... Did you know that some ferrets when sleeping go in to such a deep sleep it's called 'dead sleep'.. you can literally pick them up and they won't stir and are completely floppy, if you don't know they can do this the first time you experience it can be a panicky moment!!:eek::eek: Out of our lot, Iggy is the only one who goes into dead sleep.:cool:
Happy Easter everyone:)
I love the random ferret fact!
I love reading about your ferrets antics ..,they are so funny :););):);););)
Goose’s antics always makes me laugh! And great ferret fact
The other afternoon I heard those words I really don't like to hear coming from the front room..." where's the tv remote??!!" :eek::eek: Oops, I must of forgotten to put it out of Sid's reach:oops:, I have religiously been moving it for the last few months, as we have never found the other one he took! Crafty little old man seized the opportunity in a heartbeat:confused:, Mr 'I just bimble around these days and snooze a lot'..hmmm... Thankfully I found it pushed under the book case, phew!!:D
Note to self, never trust a ferret, even a slow, old one!:rolleyes:
The other afternoon I heard those words I really don't like to hear coming from the front room..." where's the tv remote??!!" :eek::eek: Oops, I must of forgotten to put it out of Sid's reach:oops:, I have religiously been moving it for the last few months, as we have never found the other one he took! Crafty little old man seized the opportunity in a heartbeat:confused:, Mr 'I just bimble around these days and snooze a lot'..hmmm... Thankfully I found it pushed under the book case, phew!!:D
Note to self, never trust a ferret, even a slow, old one!:rolleyes:
LOL....I'm nimble and old enough to loose those pesky remotes need for a ferret...or a dog(s) to do that :D
BTW....when you named Sid....was he particularly 'vicious' to earn that name? ;)
when you named Sid....was he particularly 'vicious' to earn that name? ;)
:D:DHe was already named that at the rescue centre, we kept it as it suited him, he had come in as a stray. The pic below is our very first meeting with him back in 2016, how could we not love a face like that!! :D We call him Sid 'not vicious' as he is the softest, most hug-able little man ever, a total dope..(apart from his thievery of course!:rolleyes:)
They are wonderful creatures, so entertaining and a joy to watch. It's fun taking them for a walk with the lurchers and Terriers, watching how they interact with the dogs while playing. The dogs always managed to get them doing their war dance as we call. Yep great fun and happy days that have passed.
Ah yes the 'war dance', very funny to watch! @Rinkydinkydo I would of loved to have seen your dogs and ferrets all out together:D:D, Jake was scared of my lot as one had jumped up on the sofa and nipped his ear once and when we tried him again, they chased him round the room! After that I only had to say 'Jake, the ferrets are coming out' and he'd be off, ready to be shut in another room, safe and sound:D
Since last weekend our old boy Sid has become incredibly rambunctious in his cage, he's been pinging the bars, spilling his water bowl and throwing his water bottle off too! I was thinking he might be ill or uncomfortable but when he comes out he bimbles around as usual and settles to sleep quite happily, for hours, if he is out of his cage... as soon as I put him back he starts up again! He would wear himself out and sleep for a bit then go at it some more, even during the night:(. He is such a worry at times and it's been awful seeing him so anxious and not knowing why. So this week, when my daughter is home, he's been in her room all the time where he sleeps like a baby.:confused:
I have booked the vets, so he can give him the once over but earliest appointment is next Friday and I have just ordered a mesh gate to go across a doorway so he can stay out more, last night I just left him sleeping in the front room with a the coffee table on it's side to block the door and he was totally happy and I got a peaceful nights sleep and a lay in to boot! He is still there now, but if I have a dog staying this is not going to work so not quite sure what to do... Anyone got any thoughts or ideas??
Here's a couple of pics, the one in the bed is the little monkey nowo_O:D


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Haven’t anything helpful to say, but he is a gorgeous lad. I need a ferret in my life (not with a Timber though).
No worries, sure we'll work something out;)
I forgot my random ferret fact! Did you know that ferrets have sideways pupils like goats?:cool:
No worries, sure we'll work something out;)
I forgot my random ferret fact! Did you know that ferrets have sideways pupils like goats?:cool:
I did not! I didn't know that about goats either, so that's a two for the price of one random fact!
Maybe he’s reached the age where he’s decided he prefers the luxuries of life!? :p
Hmm, yes I think you may be right!
Either that or he has decided he is lonely in his cage on his own, it's 2 years now since he lost his Winnie,(and we can't trust the brothers to be with him unsupervised) that was my other thought to try and find him an old lady to snuggle up to, maybe...:rolleyes:
Oh yes, do get him a lady friend. Then we can hear all about her as well :)

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