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Accident At Champs

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orestes.... no one is blaming Charlotte I hope ! 8) accidents do happen and we all should take note so that it doesn't happen again....... I hope Charlotte soon gets over the accident and is soon free from pain...give your mum my love and tell her I hope to see her soon.... :D Pat
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charlotte is not the first to be knocked off her feet by standing in the path of oncoming dogs and she in my opinion won't be the last,there is a lesson to be learnt not only at championship meetings but at all whippet meetings that is to make sure you have a boundry and all owners are made to stand behind or to one side before the race begins.

p.s hope charlotte is feeling better, allison had bally so to the vets and all is fine with her just a bit bruised, could have been a lot worse ;)
phil said:
thanks to everyone who helped charlotte, pat for holding her hand murial for putting kettle on and john gill for luking after our dog,also to jim and gracefor taking charlotte, shes got a very sore leg and a few other aches and pains but we will wait till the morning to see how she feels, i have just herd alisons dog was hurt ,i dont know how bad  but hope the dog is ok.  phil
this accident has caused a bit of a stir ,everyone is entitled to there opinion but the whole thing is getting stupid surely lessons can be learned instead of bickering at each other ,i would like to see a bigger run off area,iwould also like to tracks that are cordend of by rope in a v shape narrowing towards the line this would allow every one to see the race without leaning over the ropes. phil
JoJess said:
orestes.... no one is blaming Charlotte I hope !  8)   accidents do happen and we all should take note so that it doesn't happen again....... I hope Charlotte  soon gets over the accident and is soon free from pain...give your mum my love and tell her I hope to see her soon.... :D   Pat
Get well soon-Charlotte and dog also......accidents happen :thumbsup:
I agree with John Weir's point. Everyone is saying that the end of the track should be cordoned off so stop owners getting near the finishing are but I think John is right, the only reason people stand so close is because spectators lean so far over the fencing it is difficult for an owner to see their dog running from an outside box. It is the spectators that should be moved out of the way especially near the finish that way the owners can see what is happening in their race and judge how their dogs are doing and see from a distance when and if they are required to move over a bit.

Good Point John Weir I agree whole heartedly !
I cant understand how anybody couldnt see their dog , as there were two lots of ropes.

All the spectators were stood outside the outer ropes.
fleesh the track was cordened with blue posts then about 2 foot away from that was the orange fencing so the spectators were quite far back. if the orange fencing tapered outwards towards the end everyone wud be able to c better. but imo u cud c the dogs quite easy. well u cud on the sat ( the day i raced my dog) i think u will find it was the sun shining in charlottes eyes that stopped her from seeing the dog coming towards her not the spectators. anyway good to hear both charl;otte and ballyso r not seriously injured.
In my dog's race on the Sat I could not see the trap (that my dog was in) so as I have said I was standing a bit close to the sand pit (closer that I would have liked) but he fell out the traps so I knew that his race was over so I moved back. I cannot say what happened in this race but I am only sharing what happened to me in my dog's race.
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what colour were u out of john? my dog was out the red and i cud c that side no prob maybe it was the right hand side of the track people cudnt c properly? :wacko:

p.s mind at over 150 yds i cant c the traps proplery anyway lol and thats with me spex on lol
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I know accidents happen, but all i am saying is there were two lots of ropes,about 3ft apart so i dont see any reason why you couldnt see your dog.

I ran my dog in its heat , & i was well clear of the sandpit & didnt have any problem seeing my dog coming up the track.
He was in the red and honestly I could not see his trap without being where I was at the start of the race. The most important thing for me is if anything can be learned from this accident to improve the safety of the run off then it can only be good for racing.
I wasn't at the championships, but why did the lure driver start the lure when somebody was standing in front of the sand pit in the middle of the track?
i dont think she moved to the middle until after the race had started infact i think it was nearly finished. im not 100% sure though :blink:
i was at the other side of the track where charlotte was hit by bally so, my opinion is why some owners had to stand practicly in the middle was that there were spectators past the winning line on the right hand ( same side as photo finish ) who even had chairs and when the race was about to start they stood well past the orange netting so this obscured the view of the owners especially on that partiticular side, in future i think the orange netting should be extended further past the winning line :- "
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JOHNG said:
i was at the other side of the track where charlotte was hit by bally so, my opinion is why some owners had to stand practicly in the middle was that there were spectators past the winning line on the right hand ( same side as photo finish ) who even had chairs and when the race was about to start they stood well past the orange netting so this obscured the view of the owners especially on that partiticular side, in future i think the orange netting should be extended further past the winning line :- "
I agree John, but imo an official/lure driver should make sure there's no-one on the track before the race starts
jade scott said:
I cant believe that anyone can be so daft as to stand in a position on the track that is in direct line of where the dogs are going to run to at the the finish. It is a miracle that the dog survived this collision. Why the BWRA should have to go to the trouble of fencing of the whole run off area because of the few that cant seem to wait untill the race is over before before getting on the running surface is beyond me, even after the accident people were having to be told to get of the track. I might sound a bit uncaring but the dogs do everything we ask of them they dont need further injuries.
By the way,Charlotte is my sister and if you had seen her crying and traumatised this week maybe you would realise just how UNCARING you've been!
I don't know what everyone else thinks but maybe this subject has gone far enough-

Accidents happen unfortunately and we can only learn by them..

The poor woman won't want to attend a meeting again at this rate....
I also agree........Get Well soon Charlette and Bally So :D
Being that this was an accident and both parties are on the mend, lets treat it as a wake up call and everyone play their part in making our sport safer for all.

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