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jayp said:
8) well an interesting discussion it seems strange to rely on any study undertaken by the very companies making huge profits from these products. wouldyou rely on a study by tobacco companies to report the adverse effects of cigarettes? i have studied various articles on vaccine protocol reported by canine health concern which give arather different view unrelated to profit. it is only after independant studies have taken place that the very companies insisting we continue to inject our animals with live virus year after year are now admittingthis is unnessesary and that every three years is sufficient. if anyone is interested in a different view of vaccination and beleive me it is eye opening then read the book  Shock to the system by Catherine O;Driscoll and make up youre own mind  :b
I can see your point, but I thought that live vaccines were superceded many years ago :unsure: Also, rather than spending money on book I would have my dogs' titre tested, then i know if they have enough immunity or not. Theory is great, but each dog is different, some respond to vaccination better than others.
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jayp said:
8) well an interesting discussion it seems strange to rely on any study undertaken by the very companies making huge profits from these products. wouldyou rely on a study by tobacco companies to report the adverse effects of cigarettes? i have studied various articles on vaccine protocol reported by canine health concern which give arather different view unrelated to profit. it is only after independant studies have taken place that the very companies insisting we continue to inject our animals with live virus year after year are now admittingthis is unnessesary and that every three years is sufficient. if anyone is interested in a different view of vaccination and beleive me it is eye opening then read the book  Shock to the system by Catherine O;Driscoll and make up youre own mind  :b
Right - so you're saying the study undertaken by the vaccine company to PROVE that their vaccine didn't need to be done every year, so they now advise it to be three-yearly rather than annually puts money in their pockets? Actually it was quite risky to do this. It means that they're NOT pushing and selling annual vaccines, they're selling them less often and risk losing money, so they put the health of the dogs ahead of their profits.

Aside from all this is that I was not starting a vaccine debate and have no interest in one. I was just saying there are different protocols in different countries, and apart from that we are now way off topic. The original topic was monorchidism/cryptorchidism.

dawn said:
At 13 weeks I am sure they will be up and down like yo-yos. 
Why do people worry about this problem at such an early age, give them a chance to drop.

I bet u were a monorchid at 13weeks :D

May I reasure you 100% I was not a Monorchid at 13 weeks. I want to thanks all the honest folks that have responded to my question. Oh by the way the ones I had were actually GSD's and not Whippets. I just wish Breeders were open and came out of the cupboard and said Yes I have one in my last litter and we are trying to fix it. All we get though is blank looks. As a breeder would you desex a puppy if it's testicle didn't come down either 1 or both even though you have placed that puppy in a good home, Would you as the breeder pick up the tab ?

The jab responce is just plain fantasy just that.

Many thanks

chelynnah said:
jayp said:
8) well an interesting discussion it seems strange to rely on any study undertaken by the very companies making huge profits from these products. wouldyou rely on a study by tobacco companies to report the adverse effects of cigarettes? i have studied various articles on vaccine protocol reported by canine health concern which give arather different view unrelated to profit. it is only after independant studies have taken place that the very companies insisting we continue to inject our animals with live virus year after year are now admittingthis is unnessesary and that every three years is sufficient. if anyone is interested in a different view of vaccination and beleive me it is eye opening then read the book  Shock to the system by Catherine O;Driscoll and make up youre own mind  :b
Right - so you're saying the study undertaken by the vaccine company to PROVE that their vaccine didn't need to be done every year, so they now advise it to be three-yearly rather than annually puts money in their pockets? Actually it was quite risky to do this. It means that they're NOT pushing and selling annual vaccines, they're selling them less often and risk losing money, so they put the health of the dogs ahead of their profits.

Aside from all this is that I was not starting a vaccine debate and have no interest in one. I was just saying there are different protocols in different countries, and apart from that we are now way off topic. The original topic was monorchidism/cryptorchidism.


in fact the vaccine manufacturers only decided this after an independant study was done in america and published. early vaccination in certain suseptable breeds can result in testicles not completely descended being retained permanently.
mikadene said:
I just wish Breeders were open and came out of the cupboard and said Yes I have one in my last litter and we are trying to fix it.
With the best will in the world, it is not always possible to avoid certain conditions, however hard you try, cryptorchidism being one of them.  If someone asked me outright "Were all the dog puppies entire in your last litter" I would answer honestly but I don't think anyone is going to go around broadcasting to the world "Oh and by the way I'm breeding dogs who are not entire". 


Get real but please do let us know how we can "fix it".  And don't say don't breed from mother/father/siblings ......... if you don't keep many dogs it is not always possible to take this approach especially if you don't re-home dogs that don't make the grade for one reason or another.

As a breeder would you desex a puppy if it's testicle didn't come down either 1 or both even though you have placed that puppy in a good home,

Not necessarily and certainly not as a puppy.

Would you as the breeder pick up the tab ?

Certainly not!

The jab responce is just plain fantasy just that.

Not according to my Vet!  But then what would she know, she's just a Vet


jayp said:
chelynnah said:
jayp said:
8) well an interesting discussion it seems strange to rely on any study undertaken by the very companies making huge profits from these products. wouldyou rely on a study by tobacco companies to report the adverse effects of cigarettes? i have studied various articles on vaccine protocol reported by canine health concern which give arather different view unrelated to profit. it is only after independant studies have taken place that the very companies insisting we continue to inject our animals with live virus year after year are now admittingthis is unnessesary and that every three years is sufficient. if anyone is interested in a different view of vaccination and beleive me it is eye opening then read the book  Shock to the system by Catherine O;Driscoll and make up youre own mind  :b
Right - so you're saying the study undertaken by the vaccine company to PROVE that their vaccine didn't need to be done every year, so they now advise it to be three-yearly rather than annually puts money in their pockets? Actually it was quite risky to do this. It means that they're NOT pushing and selling annual vaccines, they're selling them less often and risk losing money, so they put the health of the dogs ahead of their profits.

Aside from all this is that I was not starting a vaccine debate and have no interest in one. I was just saying there are different protocols in different countries, and apart from that we are now way off topic. The original topic was monorchidism/cryptorchidism.


in fact the vaccine manufacturers only decided this after an independant study was done in america and published. early vaccination in certain suseptable breeds can result in testicles not completely descended being retained permanently.

why? explain why vaccination whould stop testicles desending
Seraphina said:
Agree, almost totally.  The only reservation I have is about excluding from breeding any dog related to cryptorchid.  Unfortunately, that would not leave much to breed from, the way things are there are not many lines that do not have problems, and not many people admit to having cryptorchids in their litters. 

I wholeheartedly agree. If all relatives of cryptorchids were excluded from breeding, that would leave a very narrow gene pool in whippets, and let's face it - there are a number of conditions that are a lot worse for the dogs themselves than cryptorchism that could (and most likely would) result from such a policy.
a few years ago i was talking to a couple at a show and admiring one of their dogs,

the dog was there ''not for competition'' the owner said she had brought him along to accompany their other dog but he couldn't be shown himself as his testicles had disappeared when he was a year old :eek:

she said that he had gone for his booster injection, had a bad reaction with accompanying high temp and one of the results was his nuts had disappeared :(

whether they had withdrawn inside or not i don't know, if i'd have had more time i would have tried to find out more but was a bit rushed,

i've never heard of this before or since but just wondered if a high temp could have caused this or an over reaction of his immune system?
beaker said:
a few years ago i was talking to a couple at a show and admiring one of their dogs,the dog was there ''not for competition'' the owner said she had brought him along to accompany their other dog but he couldn't be shown himself as his testicles had disappeared when he was a year old  :eek:

she said that he had gone for his booster injection, had a bad reaction with accompanying high temp and one of the results was his nuts had disappeared  :(

whether they had withdrawn inside or not i don't know, if i'd have had more time i would have tried to find out more but was a bit rushed,

i've never heard of this before or since but just wondered if a high temp could have caused this or an over reaction of his immune system?

stress in any form can cause testicles to withdraw as can happen at a pups first show.vaccination is a major assault on an immature immune system and should not be done before 12 weeks at the earliest and only when testicles are fully descended jan.
i do not know too much about testicle / vaccine debates etc . all i can add is that my 3 boys testicles were down on fri when they had there 1st vaccination and 2 days later they are still there :)
mikadene said:
As a breeder would you desex a puppy if it's testicle didn't come down either 1 or both even though you have placed that puppy in a good home, Would you as the breeder pick up the tab ?The jab responce is just plain fantasy just that.

Many thanks


I always thought that if i sell a puppy, it should have all it's bits in right places, so i would feel responsible if there was a huge cost of operation needed to find missing testicles. But I would like to be part of the process, I would like to know the moment his testicles were noticed missing, and I would liked to have the opportunity to try to bring them down myself. When the people only told me months after the dog was castrated i did not feel the need to offer contribution to the cost.
jayp said:
beaker said:
a few years ago i was talking to a couple at a show and admiring one of their dogs,the dog was there ''not for competition'' the owner said she had brought him along to accompany their other dog but he couldn't be shown himself as his testicles had disappeared when he was a year old  :eek:

stress in any form can cause testicles to withdraw as can happen at a pups first show.vaccination is a major assault on an immature immune system and should not be done before 12 weeks at the earliest and only when testicles are fully descended jan.

Yes, they can withdraw, it is a natural reaction to danger, but they do not disapear permanently into the abdomen unless there is a problem - like the testicle being too small.

That dog Beaker mentions had his gone misssing after booster given year after the baby inoculations, so he would have been more like 14 months old. nothing to do with immature immune system.

As far as vaccinating dogs before 12 weeks goes; I remember when there was not vaccine that could be given to pups under 12 weeks, and i also remeber people loosing whole litters. Thirty odd years ago I lost third of a litter from distemper when people next door did not vaccinate their dogs and my pups became sick just day before they turned 6 weeks and were to be vaccinated. The vet still gave the shots to those that were not sick, half of these never developed distemper, the other half got bit ill but recovered, those who were the first to show signs all died, horrible painful death.

I looked up the Driscol person, she claims that her dogs were dropping dead left, right and centre when she vaccinated and fed them commercial food, now she does not vaccinate and feed raw and dogs from the same lines are picture of health. Just buy her book and she will explain it to you. While i agree that there are better ways to feed dogs than kibble, i know lot of dogs who lived pretty healthy lives till their old age on kibble and being vaccinated every year.
dessie said:
mikadene said:
I just wish Breeders were open and came out of the cupboard and said Yes I have one in my last litter and we are trying to fix it.
With the best will in the world, it is not always possible to avoid certain conditions, however hard you try, cryptorchidism being one of them.  If someone asked me outright "Were all the dog puppies entire in your last litter" I would answer honestly but I don't think anyone is going to go around broadcasting to the world "Oh and by the way I'm breeding dogs who are not entire". 


Get real but please do let us know how we can "fix it".  And don't say don't breed from mother/father/siblings ......... if you don't keep many dogs it is not always possible to take this approach especially if you don't re-home dogs that don't make the grade for one reason or another.

As a breeder would you desex a puppy if it's testicle didn't come down either 1 or both even though you have placed that puppy in a good home,

Not necessarily and certainly not as a puppy.

Would you as the breeder pick up the tab ?

Certainly not!

The jab responce is just plain fantasy just that.

Not according to my Vet!  But then what would she know, she's just a Vet



I will try and answer your questions truthfully and with experience to boot I will tell you what I did.

On the question did I come out of the cupboard and tell folks I bred Monorchids. a great big YES. I also told folks who the sire and dam was and that was the time I leaned that the sire was producing Monorchids and so was his son. That was Ch Velindre Shea Khan and his son Velidre Lord Luke. I spoke to his breeder and he refused all knowledge of the fact but many others wrer also bitten by his deceipt. Befor useing this dog I asked his owner has he any problems and he said only he has a hip score of 25. My girl had a score of 7 so it is ok to use the dog.

I kept 2 dog pups myself and never bothered to check them until they were 14 weeks old. That was when I found out the problem. So I took the bitch out of my breeding program and had her spayed at once. I kept the pups until they were 7 months old and they still had only one each so I had them castrated and placed them in a pet home free of charge. I thougt it was my responsibility as a good breeder. That was how I fixed my problem , and sorry I have no magical cure you just have to bite the bullet and no matter how hard it hurts erradicate that line. That was my last and only experience of the problem. If I had sold a dog on and it was found to have withdrawn them up then Yes I would pay the vet bill or take the puppy back and give them a full refund or another intact puppy. I donot wipe my hands of them as soon as they leave the front door. They get lifelong help as well. That is why I get them coming back for their 3rd puppy from me. Sorry I don't have a miracle cure for you.

mikadene said:
Hi,I will try and answer your questions truthfully and with experience to boot I will tell you what I did.

On the question did I come out of the cupboard and tell folks I bred Monorchids. a great big YES. I also told folks who the sire and dam was and that was the time I leaned that the sire was producing Monorchids and so was his son. That was Ch Velindre Shea Khan and his son Velidre Lord Luke. I spoke to his breeder and he refused all knowledge of the fact but many others wrer also bitten by his deceipt. Befor useing this dog I asked his owner has he any problems and he said only he has a hip score of 25. My girl had a score of 7 so it is ok to use the dog.


I used to show & breed gsd,s for over 15 years,& quite honestly,i am amazed that you chose to use a stud dog with a hip score of 25 :wacko:

You would have had a high chance of producing puppies that ended up with bad hips,which in my mind,is far worse for the dog & owner than having a missing testicle!

OK,so you used the dog NOT knowing about the monorchid problem,but you used him knowing he had a relatively high hip score!

Would you have paid the huge vet bills for the owners who ended up with a dysplastic dog?
Seraphina said:
jayp said:
beaker said:
a few years ago i was talking to a couple at a show and admiring one of their dogs,the dog was there ''not for competition'' the owner said she had brought him along to accompany their other dog but he couldn't be shown himself as his testicles had disappeared when he was a year old  :eek:

stress in any form can cause testicles to withdraw as can happen at a pups first show.vaccination is a major assault on an immature immune system and should not be done before 12 weeks at the earliest and only when testicles are fully descended jan.

Yes, they can withdraw, it is a natural reaction to danger, but they do not disapear permanently into the abdomen unless there is a problem - like the testicle being too small.

That dog Beaker mentions had his gone misssing after booster given year after the baby inoculations, so he would have been more like 14 months old. nothing to do with immature immune system.

As far as vaccinating dogs before 12 weeks goes; I remember when there was not vaccine that could be given to pups under 12 weeks, and i also remeber people loosing whole litters. Thirty odd years ago I lost third of a litter from distemper when people next door did not vaccinate their dogs and my pups became sick just day before they turned 6 weeks and were to be vaccinated. The vet still gave the shots to those that were not sick, half of these never developed distemper, the other half got bit ill but recovered, those who were the first to show signs all died, horrible painful death.

I looked up the Driscol person, she claims that her dogs were dropping dead left, right and centre when she vaccinated and fed them commercial food, now she does not vaccinate and feed raw and dogs from the same lines are picture of health. Just buy her book and she will explain it to you. While i agree that there are better ways to feed dogs than kibble, i know lot of dogs who lived pretty healthy lives till their old age on kibble and being vaccinated every year.

hallelujah sense at last
dessie said:
The jab responce is just plain fantasy just that.

Not according to my Vet! But then what would she know, she's just a Vet


What in the vaccine could cause the testicles to retreat into an abdomen? Could you please ask her?

Normal male has his testicles out of his body and they gow to such a size that they cannot go back in too far. If they can, there is a problem. Vaccine is just dead or weakened virus. We live in a sea of microbes from the moment we are born, and that is good as that primes our immune system to fight diseases. All what vaccination does is introducing the immune system to a particular virus, which in it's full strength can be deadly.
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Seraphina said:
jayp said:
beaker said:
a few years ago i was talking to a couple at a show and admiring one of their dogs,the dog was there ''not for competition'' the owner said she had brought him along to accompany their other dog but he couldn't be shown himself as his testicles had disappeared when he was a year old  :eek:

stress in any form can cause testicles to withdraw as can happen at a pups first show.vaccination is a major assault on an immature immune system and should not be done before 12 weeks at the earliest and only when testicles are fully descended jan.

Yes, they can withdraw, it is a natural reaction to danger, but they do not disapear permanently into the abdomen unless there is a problem - like the testicle being too small.

That dog Beaker mentions had his gone misssing after booster given year after the baby inoculations, so he would have been more like 14 months old. nothing to do with immature immune system.

As far as vaccinating dogs before 12 weeks goes; I remember when there was not vaccine that could be given to pups under 12 weeks, and i also remeber people loosing whole litters. Thirty odd years ago I lost third of a litter from distemper when people next door did not vaccinate their dogs and my pups became sick just day before they turned 6 weeks and were to be vaccinated. The vet still gave the shots to those that were not sick, half of these never developed distemper, the other half got bit ill but recovered, those who were the first to show signs all died, horrible painful death.

I looked up the Driscol person, she claims that her dogs were dropping dead left, right and centre when she vaccinated and fed them commercial food, now she does not vaccinate and feed raw and dogs from the same lines are picture of health. Just buy her book and she will explain it to you. While i agree that there are better ways to feed dogs than kibble, i know lot of dogs who lived pretty healthy lives till their old age on kibble and being vaccinated every year.

interesting quote from genetics book by bjackie isabell ; almost every breeder has heard of tales of ; disappearing testicle; in a male in which both testicles could be definately palpated by the age of seven weeks but then one suddenly disappears this is often associated with being shipped by air or other simlarly upsetting experiences. until the testes are too developed to pass through the inguinal ring puppies can withdraw the testes from the scrotum, usually when exited or stressed. occationally a retracted testicle becomes entangled with the spermatic chord and never appears again. There are also various teratogenic agents that are suspected to cause cryptorchidism in dogs and these should be considered before it is assumed to be genetic. antibiotic acromycin,chloramphenical,oxytetracycline
Strangely enough Basenji's can and some do quite frequently (especially prominent in the really ancient lines) "take up" their testes,especially when a bitch is in season,so some exhibitors have or can have trouble when showing a male and have a bitch or bitches in season.
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05whippet said:
Strangely enough Basenji's can and some do quite frequently (especially prominent in the really ancient lines) "take up" their testes,especially when a bitch is in season,so some exhibitors have or can have trouble when showing a male and have a bitch or bitches in season.
not as strange as you think > taken from net doctor

Retractile testicles are very common and it merely means that although your testicles hang normally in your scrotum most of the time, they are pulled up by certain muscles into the groin area in certain circumstances.

Swimming, especially in cool water, will almost always cause this, as the natural tendency of the muscles in the skin surrounding the scrotum is to contract in the cold. The cremaster muscle pulls the testicle upwards and in some men into the inguinal canal that lies just above and behind the crease at the top of the leg where it joins with the abdomen.

This happens too when you are nervous or anxious as a result of stress hormones, as well as during sporting activities.

During physical exertion blood flow is diverted to the exercising muscles and away from the genitalia. Again the testicles are pulled up as a result.

During sport, the scrotum contracts to protect the testicles from harm, and in fact, retractile testicles have a protective value in contact sports for this reason.

Professional sumo wrestlers in Japan actually massage their testicles into their inguinal canals deliberately so they do not become injured during wrestling.
masta said:
05whippet said:
Strangely enough Basenji's can and some do quite frequently (especially prominent in the really ancient lines) "take up" their testes,especially when a bitch is in season,so some exhibitors have or can have trouble when showing a male and have a bitch or bitches in season.
not as strange as you think > taken from net doctor

Retractile testicles are very common and it merely means that although your testicles hang normally in your scrotum most of the time, they are pulled up by certain muscles into the groin area in certain circumstances.

Yes but they only retract, they do not travel all the up to where they came from originally. In an adult they ought to be far too big for that

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