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Any-one Else Going Lure-coursing At Newbury

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Well Jo is being very bashfull cos if it were my dog I'd be braggin that:


And it was their first time

Team 'Fawn whoppet' did us proud :D

I think that the over all winnign whippet got a scorein the low 80's, and I'll let Jo tell you what Archies score was :thumbsup:

It was great to meet Dessie & Mille, and some of their lovely dogs. TJ was very noticeable by his collar :)

It suprised me how different it was to racing, and how many rescues were there.

Well done to Archie, Jo & Lloyd. You really deserved to win yesterday. As I said, thinking back to the first hill sprint and what a different dog Archie is now - credit to you.
Don't know how, but I have missed this thread - which started a couple of days ago!! Don't know how I managed that.

But because I did, I put a post on the coursing site last night but I don't know how to move it to here.

So, once again [SIZE=21pt]Congratulations to Archie and Star[/SIZE] :cheers: :cheers:

Winner and runner up in their class - they were a great team :huggles:

Well done Jo, Rae and families - well deserved :D :D

He's busy Dessie! They will be here, watch this space!
Here is Archie's poser picture........he got 79 points on both his runs, Star got 75.5, and I think they are really evenly matched. It is any-body's guess who scores higher next time.I think the top whippet group score was 81.

View attachment 16529
:thumbsup: Hey - Great pictures - especially the one of Archie - he looks :wub: :thumbsup: a very nice posey picture - Love the action shots - looks like everyone had a good day. Very well done Archie :cheers:

Cant wait to see the rest. :thumbsup:
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Strike Whippets said:
Very posh and very posey...........Well done Archie and Star  :huggles:
I'll tell you what Hannah, I am quite impressed looking at him there.......He has shed loads of weight and looks almost proper whippety. BTW, he is freaked out, expecting a bad thing to happen, and put himself in that pose apart from me tilting his chin up! :thumbsup: :wub: :wub: :wub:
I have posted a few pictures here. Not many of whippys yet, bookmark my site for more soon ;) (great pic of Archie and Star)
Strike Whippets said:
He does look very nice there  :D .........Ever thought of showing him ??.......
LOL..........I think my boy, given the choice of bollocks and showing, or no bollocks and chasing a lure might just go for the latter! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love that 3rd pic...........Is that one of the Borzoi's or an Afghan?

Star and Archie xxxxxxx :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

(In case you think I'm potty, he is at work, I'm at home, first time I've seen them too:blink: )
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Great photos :thumbsup:

Joanna said:
I love that 3rd pic...........Is that one of the Borzoi's or an Afghan?


Is that Digger in the one just below the Saluki?

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Yes it is Digger, Elizabeth. He ran well as always.......He must score top marks for enthusiasm
Joanna said:
Yes it is Digger, Elizabeth. He ran well as always.......He must score top marks for enthusiasm
Thought it was!

I'm glad I didn't run ours actually, the vet found the torn muscle in his groin today. Although he seems to be walking normally, he'll be off the track and anywhere near bunnies for a couple of weeks :'(
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moriarte said:
Joanna said:
Yes it is Digger, Elizabeth. He ran well as always.......He must score top marks for enthusiasm
Thought it was!

I'm glad I didn't run ours actually, the vet found the torn muscle in his groin today. Although he seems to be walking normally, he'll be off the track and anywhere near bunnies for a couple of weeks :'(

Ouch, just as well he didn't risk it. If September is Newbury, (and Rae can come with Star), we will be going again then, hopefully meet up :thumbsup:

Well done Archie!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers: & Star :wub: :wub:

And some lovely photos there Lloyd, can't wait to see the rest :thumbsup:
terrific photos , love the one of the Saluki , really unusual angle :)

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