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Nicky Co.

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We've had our rescue greyhound about a month now, and while he had a couple of accidents in the first few days, he's settled in fine now and seems happy.

Then last night we'd been upstairs and came down to find he's weed on the carpet. It was only a small amount so was wondering if it was scent-marking more then being caught short, especially as he'd been out not long before, but we were puzzled as to why this had suddenly happened.

Then this moning we came down to find he had done both a poo and a small wee on the carpet. They were cold so must have been done in the night, but normally he has no problems waiting until morning.

Just wondering if anyone has any idea what may have caused this, and whats the best way to handle it? My husband was thinking it might be a dominance thing, and that now he's settled he's testing the boundaries.

Any advice gratefully accepted!
Aww, shame you've had a couple of accidents. Sounds like Skipper wants to be with you guys upstairs :- " :huggles:


Hopefully it will be passing phase :))


Hows his tail now ?



Tracey X
A month is very early days for a dog who has been in kennels, and I'd expect some ups and downs and setbacks.

Personally I'd just calmly take the house training back a step - ie make sure he gets plenty of opportunities to go out last thing at night and GO WITH HIM. Make sure he gets plenty of praise/reward when he performs outside.

If he does have an accident indoors, don't tell him off, just quietly clean it up with something that will remove any smell that might make him go back there - dilute bio washing liquid is good.

I definitely don't think it is dominance, dogs really don't sit around plotting to see if they can get away with messing in the house. Tbh I get a bit fed up hearing 'dominance' used as an explanation for all sorts of behaviours, Jan Fennell has a lot to answer for (I'm not a fan :- " )
Oh Skipper he sounds so lovely but yes if hes only been out of kennels for a month he needs more time just be patient with him and never scold him, he will want to please you and he will if you show him love and understanding he'll get there :)) little darlin' :))
FeeFee said:
A .  Tbh I get a bit fed up hearing 'dominance' used as an explanation for all sorts of behaviours, Jan Fennell has a lot to answer for (I'm not a fan  :- " )
Totally agree! A dogs mind is far too complicated to use dominace as the answer for everything :wacko: (Not that I'm saying that's what you were doing - just that I hear it a lot of the time too)

Could something have triggered an upset in your greyhound? Is he castrated? Is he crated? It could be so many things that you may never get to the bottom of it, but I agree with going back to basics for house training, and trying to stick to a routine so that he doesnt feel stressed by an unexpected change for example. Possibly try a DAP diffuser incase it is stress, or try Dorwest Herbs to see if they can recommend something to help him.

Did he have his second accident in the same place as the first? If you use biological washing powder it will remove the smell and hence the temptation to go in the same spot as it 'smells right'.
beaubeau said:
Aww, shame you've had a couple of accidents. Sounds like Skipper wants to be with you guys upstairs  :- :huggles:  

Hopefully it will be passing phase  :))


Hows his tail now ?



Tracey X

He WAS upstairs with us - only room he's not allowed in is our bedroom! He wanders downstairs from time to time, so must have been then, but as he'd been out not long before we didn't think much of it.

Ah well, as others have said this is early days for an ex-kennel dog I won't worry too much about it.

His tail is completely fine now, and the fur has grown back, apart from the very tip which you can barely see.
Rae said:
Could something have triggered an upset in your greyhound?  Is he castrated?  Is he crated?  It could be so many things that you may never get to the bottom of it, but I agree with going back to basics for house training, and trying to stick to a routine so that he doesnt feel stressed by an unexpected change for example.  Possibly try a DAP diffuser incase it is stress, or try Dorwest Herbs to see if they can recommend something to help him.
Did he have his second accident in the same place as the first?  If you use biological washing powder it will remove the smell and hence the temptation to go in the same spot as it 'smells right'.

To be honest he seems totally happy - playing with his teddy. curling up next to us on the settee, enjoying his food/walks/cuddles. The recent hot muggy weather seems to have made him a little more restless than normal, and he's taken to lying in different places, presumably as they're cooler, but nothing else that I can think of. He's castrated but not crated.

The accident was close to the first one but not exactly same place - we used 1001 carpet cleaner both times as someone said that got rid of the smell, but will put some washing powder on as well just to make sure!

Thanks for the advice/reassurance. Not having had a dog before, I just worry about stuff like this in case I'm doing something wrong, but sounds like its just one of those things which is good to know.
Do not feed him at night, and make sure he goes for wee last thing before you go to bed. If he is urinating too frequently he may have bit of infection. But it is still early days, it will take some time for him to really settle in. :luck: :luck: :luck:
It has been very warm for the last week or so again, perhaps hes just drinking more and cant go all the way through the night if hes got a bit more water inside him than he has previously. My Rosie (shes nine) will go months and months not needing to be let out in the middle of the night, then she will go through a phase of needing to. Shes trained me that if she whines at the bottom of the stairs I will let her out. Your dog hasnt been with you long enough to know how to let you know yet.

It will sort itself out, it sounds like he is settling down in every other way. :)
I have found that a good spray of vinegar on the carpet will discourage a dog peeing in the same place. Also if you feed them where they have peed (after it is all cleared up) that will discourage them using the same place.

The humidity of late has upset both my dog’s stomachs and they are going to the loo much more often. I have found having them outside the bedroom is good, it makes them feel secure being near you, and you can hear them if they whine for the loo. If this would not work for you, perhaps putting his bed in an area of the house where there is no carpet will make clearing up much easier.

My greyhounds initially took to house training in a couple of weeks, but for some months we had accidents, and still do. I know it's difficult and nasty to face first thing in the morning, but in a few months it will forgotten, as your greyhound learns his new routine and starts to feel safe and secure. When he goes to the loo outside make a fuss and tell him he’s good, use a word like pp when he goes and say it every time in an enthusiastic voice, so that last thing at night when you take him outside he will know that command and empty his bladder.

Hopefully soon this will just be a distant memory, will keep my fingers crossed for you.
My advice Nicky is just hang on in there .... if he's come from kennels (ex racer?) this holding on til morning thing is completely new to him. Patience is the key - he will learn the rules but may take some time.

One really useful piece of advice I was given on here when Dij took to weeing in the house (all better now! o:) ) is to clear up in secret. Don't draw any attention to what he's done - put him in another room or outside and use bio wash powder to remove all traces of the smell. Obviously scolding after the fact will only confuse him (mine do get a very sharp 'no' if i catch them actually in the act!)

Bloggs my new boy has been with me since easter - having spent 4 months in kennels although he had been previously house trained, he'd forgotten most of it. In a way its become more about him training me! Dij is very patient and will give plenty of notice if he needs a wee .... Bloggs only tells me once! More fool me if I don't listen. :oops:

So far I've had 5 accidents from him - 2 in the early days when I think he didnt know he wasnt meant to wee on carpets and 3 when he'd been telling me he wanted to go out but I hadn't realised the tiny little squeak was a request!

Incidentally, I am quite a fan of Jan Fennel's methods, but then I most definitely had a dominant dog in Digit - Bloggs is a completely different dog and I think needs a completely different approach :wub:
I have this from my ex racing Greyhound when we are having the amount of rain at the moment, he won't stay outside long enough then can't hold it during the night :rant:
i have had to literaly chase jake up the garden and stand in the rain watching him to make sure he wees before we go to bed. pixie goes straight out, rain or shine, and does hers :wub:

jake is just a big girls blouse and doesnt like getting wet.

i OFTEN have a puddle on the floor in the morning, not sure which one does it, should both know better by now.

i am just praying they will grow out of it.

i will try the washing powder idea too, thanks for that!

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