took blue to the vets again this morning as even thou she said hes fine im really worried what with it being a head injury and keep think that his head may be bleeding inside :b i know stupid but i cant help the way i feel and it put my mind at rest ,iv mentioned before that my vet has two whippets of her own and very knolagable about whippets ,well today she said he looks and feels right as rain and said she has fallen in love with blue and would i consider letting blue cover her bitch when the time comes (w00t) so blue is going to be a DADDY (w00t) :huggles: i cant wait im soooo excieted and its the next best thing to having a litter of my own as she can have all the worry and stress of it and and we could even pick a pup from the litter :- " but wel see if thers one that takes my fancey (w00t)
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