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Clever Dog


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Raced whippets all my life and never have i had a whippet that could unlatch her cage turn round put the latch back on again, make her way through jackets, muzzles, kickboards without disturbing a thing into the front of the car, to eat a cheese baguette and numerous dog treats before her race. Well seems it happened today or did it????

Left the car a little way from track where it was quiet so that Tora (Two Faced) would do her norm and sleep in her cage before her race. Came back to the car to get some wound powder for another dog, left back of car up whilst applied wound powder at that point Tora fast asleep in cage,she stood up came to the front of the cage thinking it was her turn to come out only to be told lay down a bit longer, then duly closed the back door, went to track to watch a few more races. Returned approx 6 races later to see she was in the front of the car, panicking how she had got out of her cage I opened the boot of the car (with a witness there) to inspect how the little sod had escaped to find cage fully intact with door latch locked!!!! So she had let herself out with about six inches in front of cage must have been quite a struggle to get out let alone turn round and put the latch back on after her, climb over boards, jackets, muzzles without disturbing any of them to get to a cheese baguette :eek:

One confused owner now can my dog REALLY open a cage turn round and lock it after her or did she have some help!!!!!!!!

From now on my car doors will be locked when i leave the car just in case she learns anymore tricks clever little sod that she seems to be :- Maybe she dint run that bad considering she had a belly full and was panting like mad after panicking in front of the car trying to get out :angry:
we had a fostre whippet that would litterly force herself through the gap at the bottome of the door god knows who she never hurt herself or got stuck but she could get out of any cage with the bolts still closed. we used to have to but a litte karaben clips along the bottome and top of the door about 4 each end to stop her getting a gap open
There arent any gaps in the cage where she could squeeze, the cage is solid, i'll be blunt the dog aint clever as people who know Tora will tell u, theres some dodgey ******* people about even in the sport we all love, word of warning to others keep your car doors LOCKED at all times.... :angry:
It's sad to think that someone might do that to any dog, think your'e right to keep the car locked in future :( Sad that it takes drastic measures like consolation I suppose...............someone must think your'e dog enough of a threat to do it :( Hope she's ok ( wouldn't be any sandwiches in the front of our van cos Rob always gets to them first (w00t) )

it was not me id eat all the food 1st lol
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:clown: Yes we know that you wouldn't share even with Tora :D
Well we were gutted and so upset that we have to think somebody would do such a thing, there just aint a chance in hell the dog could get out herself... She is fine tho thankfully other than coming off track lame but that could happen at any race meeting :(
Cant believe anybody would do this :angry: especially to nice people like the Wilsons!!

Also cant believe that Tora let a stranger do this too her, she's not normally so tolerant, would have served whoever it was right if she had taken a little nibble of them! :p Just goes to show we are too trusting when we think we are amongst friends!

I am glad Tora was ok after this, and sorry to hear she has come off lame, nothing some TLC wont sort and she'll be back right as rain soon! :thumbsup:
I can hardly believe what I have just read, this is supposed to be a family sport for goodness sake. It is not as though we are running for a million pounds. What the hell is up with some people? They should hang their heads in shame, my personal opinion is that such people should not be welcomed at any of our meetings. They are nothing but despicable pieces of c**p.
hope she ok Karen and soon back to her winning ways, lock the car unless someone you trust stays with the dogs, lucky it was just food she got hold off,
Karen do what we did when racing,lock the car or one stays with the dogs.

With Robbie (Guess Who),he would never eat roll's or anything left about, but Ricky (Guess When), he would eat all everything left,,,thats why John carried him about.

Just be glad she was let out the cage and not given some nasty stuff to slow her down :angry:

Just shows you,,folk are scared of her :D
Karen do what we did when racing,lock the car or one stays with the dogs.
With Robbie (Guess Who),he would never eat roll's or anything left about, but Ricky (Guess When), he would eat all everything left,,,thats why John carried him about.

Just be glad she was let out the cage and not given some nasty stuff to slow her down :angry:

Just shows you,,folk are scared of her :D
Can't believe some one would stoop so low , what would happen if some one gave tora somthing nasty and she failed a test never mind slowing her down. hope your proud !
There arent any gaps in the cage where she could squeeze, the cage is solid, i'll be blunt the dog aint clever as people who know Tora will tell u, theres some dodgey ******* people about even in the sport we all love, word of warning to others keep your car doors LOCKED at all times.... :angry:
As you see Kim aint quite so tactful as me, I actually do want to believe she somehow, maybe, just could have, how i'll never know but she just managed to do it herself and that people don't dislike us that much that they would risk harming what we love most our dogs, altho after sleeping on it and going out again this morning to look at the cage can't imagine how!!!

So to all our whippet racing friends or not friends good luck with your dogs and just be careful cos i will be more so now :D
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I can hardly believe what I have just read, this is supposed to be a family sport for goodness sake. It is not as though we are running for a million pounds. What the hell is up with some people? They should hang their heads in shame, my personal opinion is that such people should not be welcomed at any of our meetings. They are nothing but despicable pieces of c**p.
ye ok lol nowt to do with dogs anymore its more the case BIG EGO'S.I hope tora is ok and she gets over her injury soon kim but as u knw there is a lot of jealousey in this sport now and EGO finders.just hope 1 day its returns back to were it used to be then u may get people comin back into this FAMILY SPORT again.Here's hopeing
comes to summat when you cant leave your dogs in your own car whilst either watching the racing or socializing in the bar with freinds! Hope your dog makes a full recovery and if the person or people who did it are caught ban the cheating ******** :angry:

yours in the sport

russ and ryan
cant imagine theres anyone in the sport who would do such a dirty trick but you never know :rant:

george you allways moanin about good old days zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make it good again stop fu..n moanin
cant imagine theres anyone in the sport who would do such a dirty trick but you never know :rant:
george you allways moanin about good old days zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make it good again stop fu..n moanin
Well i personally don't want to believe there are people like that in the sport Gary but i just cannot see any other way she could have got out of the cage without assistance - now if anybody knows anything different and maybe felt she needed to be removed from her cage for any reason feel free to let me know and if she ever gets out again on her own accord i will publicy apologise for jumping the gun but can't see how it happened :eek:

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