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Doce Gabana Di Mahana

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hi K9ners,

I already posted into the Whippet Discution section this offer ...

Who knows for those that maybe do not see the advert and now news photos I am posting here ...

Gaby is waiting for a new show (or pet) home ...

I give her fro free , only expenses to travel to her future owners belong to them ...

Every single questions about Gaby will be answered as well as every single enquiry ...


Stephy 8)
Why don't you contact her breeders. Serious breeders take back their dogs.

Yes serious breeders take their dogs back.

This litter with Gaby's mother Betsi was bred for me to have a bitch and I choose to put her to the wrong people so it up to me now to find Gaby a nice new home and if K9 forum is giving me a possibilty to find it, why not ?!

And thanks to the Delabelle for a such nice bitch Gaby is ...

Now I could not kkep her with me , I am sad but my life does not permit me more than what dogs I already have actually ...

So hope Gaby find the right hoem with understandable true whippet mind owner ...

Not a person that will put her in a crate all day.

I am TOTALLY against that and you know that very well ...

Whippet are built to run not to be closed in a cage nor a garden thier whole life ...

Gaby loves to run and she deserve it ...

Best regards,

Stephy 8)
Gaby looks lovely!! :wub: :wub:

Hope she finds the right home very soon! But with looks like that,I can't imagine her hanging around for very long somehow!! :*
Jeez this little one looks sooo sad :(

I wish i was near enough to take her, just to give her a happy home.

I hope this makes people think long & hard about breeding litters & where they place their pups & what happens to those pups sired by their stud dogs (altho i wont hold my breath :- " ).

sorry to sound pesimisstic but why is it always the dogs to suffer :(
she's lovely, good luck in finding her a new home :luck:
St.Elsewhere said:
Bart, Yes serious breeders take their dogs back.

This litter with Gaby's mother Betsi was bred for me to have a bitch and I choose to put her to the wrong people so it up to me now to find Gaby a nice new home and if K9 forum is giving me a possibilty to find it, why not ?!

And thanks to the Delabelle for a such nice bitch Gaby is ...

Now I could not kkep her with me , I am sad but my life does not permit me more than what dogs I already have actually ...

So hope Gaby find the right hoem with understandable true whippet mind owner ...

Not a person that will put her in a crate all day.

I am TOTALLY against that and you know that very well ...

Whippet are built to run not to be closed in a cage nor a garden thier whole life ...

Gaby loves to run and she deserve it ...

Best regards,

Stephy 8)

I think it is a very strange situation, first other breeders breed especially for you a litter ( ??? )

And finally you can't take the puppie out of that litter yourself ??

Anyway, it is not my business, but I always think when breeding a litter, they are like my children, and whatever happens with them , I LOVE to take them back.

After taking them back , I will try to look myself for a new home, or the dog will stay forever with me.

If you are not able to do these things, i think you should never start breeding, because breeding is so much more as just selling the puppies.

ps: Stephy, you write " I am TOTALLY against that and you know that very well ... "

How am I suppose to know this ? Because with all these secret names it is difficult .....

Finally , I do hope the best for Gaby.
*** Bart,

You know me but maybe you do not know who you are speaking to.

Never mind I did not like that way you said good breeders take their dogs back.

Whippet and dogs in generals are not children excuse me.

And that is why Gaby was in a cage for 2 years allowed to run in a small garden and never free ...

I got Gaby as a GIFt from Dominique, Marie-Chistine and their whole family took care of Betsi when she had the littert here.

The agreement I had with them that have nothing to do with you, that's a fact.

I did not ask DD or MC to take Gaby back even if they had her for 5 months at their home before she came to me and to her future (now past!) owner.

I made the wrong decision to let her be in the house with the person she was.

So I have to repair the mistake of trsuting who should not be !

I asked the bitch to come back to me as there was an agreement that was never followed to its end.

And words taken how Gaby will be reared. Nor either !!!

I will be all truely open mind and will tell you Gaby arrived the 7th january 2005 with all her vaccinations.

And I got her back in february 2007 without ANY vaccinations done.

The bitch was so 2 years and 3/4 !

How do you think the person who got her should be treated by me in this condition ?

I prefer to not give the name publically but if you asked me if we meet one day or another I will tell you who is that person.

I am very concern to find a nice new pet ot show home for Gaby as soon as poosible for her to settle now and for ever in a new happy life ...

I cam to that forum because a friedn of mine told me K9ners have the "english2 way to think how a whippet life could be.

I do not crate my dogs all day and if they have a cage it is open all day for them to rest if they want ... always a place on the sofa for them to be as well in my own house.

that's how I see A whippet life ...

If you want to judge me because I could not offer a permanent life to Gaby myself, it is up to you ...

I just have my concience that she free of her movement the whole day here and not in cage looking at me when I used to visited her with her terrible whippet eyes saying I was not suppose to be there, ????!!!!!

I am not starting breeding , I stopped long time ago and I try all my best for Gaby to have the perfect new permanent happy life she deserve.

Is that everything you want to know ?

With all my best wishes,

Stephy ***

I think it is a very strange situation, first other breeders breed especially for you a litter ( ??? )

And finally you can't take the puppie out of that litter yourself ??

Anyway, it is not my business, but I always think when breeding a litter, they are like my children, and whatever happens with them , I LOVE to take them back.

After taking them back , I will try to look myself for a new home, or the dog will stay forever with me.

If you are not able to do these things, i think you should never start breeding, because breeding is so much more as just selling the puppies.

ps: Stephy, you write " I am TOTALLY against that and you know that very well ... "

How am I suppose to know this ? Because with all these secret names it is difficult .....

Finally , I do hope the best for Gaby.

Stephy I don't want to blaim anyone, sorry if you thought this.

The only thing that came into my mind was I would be very unhappy if I knew other people placed one of my dogs on internet to give away for free, without knowing it myself. That's all.
Boxing Helena said:
Stephy I don't want to blaim anyone, sorry if you thought this. The only thing that came into my mind was I would be very unhappy if I knew other people placed one of my dogs on internet to give away for free, without knowing it myself. That's all.

*** Bart,

DD and MC knew the SAME day Gaby was back with ME and I could not keep her due may actual personal situation.

If I decide to give her free or not , it is up to me.

I never received any objection from them on that point til now.

They know I took Gaby back for the righ reasons.

And that I want to best for Gaby in her future.

and Gaby will go to the right home to the right person this time.

Excuse me but what came to your mind could have been ask in PM and not publically in the forum.

I had answers all questions about Gaby right now even to people that just wanted a photo to see and beeing honnest to say we like her, we could not have her but would like to see how she look like as an adult.

I am not giving her away !

I see nothing wrong in my way to search for a new life for Gaby.

If you feel it is, up to you ...

I do not have web site sorry as I do no consider it so necessary for me ...

I only have Betsi who's 9 years old and not breeding so ????

I think K9 was the web place to find a new nice home as at least it is full of very concerned whippet lovers.

I do like Gaby a lot and sometimes in life you have to see the sacrifice for the best of the dog.

I am sure Gaby will find THE right home ...

Best regards ,

Stephy 8) ***
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After reading this several times I think I understand now.

Your bitch Betsi went to someone else to have a litter and you were given one 'Gaby' who you didn't have space for so decided to sell/home and it turns out that this home for Gaby wasn't ideal (kept in a cage, etc etc) So as you sold Gaby you have taken her back and still haven't the space so are now trying to find a wonderful home for Gaby who will treat her like a member of the family.

Have I got this right?

Best of luck for Gaby, I hope you find her the perfect home :D
I think she is beautiful, if only you were closer ! :wub:
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After reading this several times I think I understand now.

Your bitch Betsi went to someone else to have a litter and you were given one 'Gaby' who you didn't have space for so decided to sell/home and it turns out that this home for Gaby wasn't ideal (kept in a cage, etc etc) So as you sold Gaby you have taken her back and still haven't the space so are now trying to find a wonderful home for Gaby who will treat her like a member of the family.

Have I got this right?

*** More or less ...

Just few rectifications : My FRIENDS reared a litter with Betsi who was breed to one of their male. Betsi had the litter there and I had a bitch Gaby that was at the beggining to be for me and a co-owner.

I was asked by another person who was the best friend of ex-partner to have Gaby so I GAVE this second person GABY with an agreement that was never followed.

I am not going to put any names on this forum for personal reason.

I chosse to put Gaby on the wrong family.

They did not pay for her but they never show her as it was paln and they never vaccinated her as welll.

now the treat is closed about Gaby's past as it was difficult for me to see her so unhappy during these years ...

I would like to concentrate on her future rather than tell the bad memories publicaly ...

I hope you all understand

I am not upste I know curiosity in this case is normal ...

I think I expalin it so ...

I would like to say THANKS to all of you who said she looks gorgeous and those who have contacted me .

I will certianly give the K9ners the end of the Gaby's story when her new definitve family ...

Best regards,

Stephyy ***

*** PS : I spent lots of evening late at night to read all the so interesting subjects and looking at photos on the forum, it is super informative and I am very happy to be a little part of the K9 forum . Yeah ! ***

Best of luck for Gaby, I hope you find her the perfect home :D

she is a lovely looking girl :wub: shame i can't have girlies here, my Owen would adore her.

all the best finding her a nice forever home :thumbsup:

:luck: :luck: :luck:
All the best to Gaby! She is lovely :wub: . Best of luck finding her a loving permanent home :luck: !
St.Elsewhere said:
Boxing Helena said:
Stephy I don't want to blaim anyone, sorry if you thought this. The only thing that came into my mind was I would be very unhappy if I knew other people placed one of my dogs on internet to give away for free, without knowing it myself. That's all.

*** Bart,

DD and MC knew the SAME day Gaby was back with ME and I could not keep her due may actual personal situation.

If I decide to give her free or not , it is up to me.

I never received any objection from them on that point til now.

They know I took Gaby back for the righ reasons.

And that I want to best for Gaby in her future.

and Gaby will go to the right home to the right person this time.

Excuse me but what came to your mind could have been ask in PM and not publically in the forum.

I had answers all questions about Gaby right now even to people that just wanted a photo to see and beeing honnest to say we like her, we could not have her but would like to see how she look like as an adult.

I am not giving her away !

I see nothing wrong in my way to search for a new life for Gaby.

If you feel it is, up to you .

I do not have web site sorry as I do no consider it so necessary for me ...

I only have Betsi who's 9 years old and not breeding so ????

I think K9 was the web place to find a new nice home as at least it is full of very concerned whippet lovers.

I do like Gaby a lot and sometimes in life you have to see the sacrifice for the best of the dog.

I am sure Gaby will find THE right home ...

Best regards ,

Stephy 8) ***

Stephanie you posted your item on a public forum remember !

I only asked you things on this public forum because you placed an item.

Sorry, but I see no problem in asking you things about your topic here on K9

I'm a person who always says what comes in my mind, why not ?

You are not giving the dog away, but YOU did write here on k9 she is for free ??

What is the difference between giving away and giving for free ??

I do understand your situation, and I am sure you have the right intentions to find a new home.

But telling in public she is for free, is NOT a good way to find a home in my opinion.

I did place / rehomed dogs myself, but money was never the first thing to talk about.

When people are interested and they are willing to pay, you can always tell them you want to "give" the dog, but I think money can NEVER be a reason for taking , or not taking a dog .

When mentioning this already from the beginning, , you will maybe get the wrong persons again ....

If you have no website yourself, maybe you are a member of a club ? they can help, or yes, here K9, but it sounds like you don't have so much possibilities.

That's also the reason why I told you to contact her breeders again, they have a big contact around the world, and replace dogs regulary.

This conversation is getting nowhere, as it seems like I have to defend myself for everything I say.

Sorry, but I think this will be my last post on this.


Mr Scheerens,

The Forum is not 100% PUBLIC ...

You have to subscribe to it , is it right ?

Are you trying to give me advice if I have to offer Gaby for free or not ?

sheis mine, she was breed by the Delabelle's and not by you.

Sorry but now enough is enough , it is not your business.

People will contact me if they want to be responsable owner for the REST OF GABY'S LIFE and I will answer everybody like I am doing since the beginning.

I will be the oen that will choose her the best family .

I would like to thanks all the people that email me for Gaby ...

Yes I am saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad that she have to go because she is the only one I have from my Dear Betsi and thanks Bart for telling me all that in a public forum while you could have make me a PM ...

UNFORTUNATLY I could not keep Gaby .

And thanks to remind me the reasons why I left the whippet world years ago ...

Best wishes,

hi all Kn9ers !

I will like to give ou news of Gaby ...

She yes find a new owner and will join her in 6 months time more or less ...

Gaby is now owned by Pamela and Ryan HUNTER of "Mossbawnhill" whippets in Northern Irland.

Wishing them all the best with her ...

St.Elsewhere said:
hi all Kn9ers !
I will like to give ou news of Gaby ...

She yes find a new owner and will join her in 6 months time more or less ...

Gaby is now owned by Pamela and Ryan HUNTER of "Mossbawnhill" whippets in Northern Irland.

Wishing them all the best with her ...


And thankyou Stephy for entrusting us with your beautiful girl....she is as you already know with friends until we can come over and pick her up somtime in November and thankfully I am able to say that the ONLY time Gaby will be crated is at night in our bedroom in the huge crate with the rest of our girls...the boys are on the other side of our bed in their crate and she will also be in a crate at shows,other than that she have full run of our house and property as well as our 6 acres and the bridlepaths and the beach which is only 15mins walk away,she will be introduced to our other 7 Whippets and the Basenji as well as our horses,sheep and hens and finally will live here for the rest of her life!!

So once again a [SIZE=21pt]HUGE [/SIZE] thankyou for letting us have her!! :huggles: :thumbsup: :huggles:
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