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Dog Fouling.


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Right, here it is people....

I live in a village (on a row of terraced houses with no gardens, just small public areas to hang up clothes across the street) right across the way from a park. Everyone, including myself, exercises their dogs in this park even tho there is a sign that say 'no dog fouling'. I'm not English, so sometimes terms confuse me - my husband said it would be ok to exercise your dog there as long as you cleaned up after it, and this is what we do. However, there is one family in particular that exercises their dog there and never clean it up. Today is the 3rd day in a row that either myself, my husband, or my dog have stepped in it tracking it all over the carpets, it's really rancid too :x Twice I've been hanging up clothes and have stepped in huge piles (this dog is like a huge Alsation cross) I'm starting to get really really mad.

Now my questions are this.

Does dog fouling mean do not do it completely, or you can, just don't leave the dog poo there?

I have seen the man leave the dog poo once, but I can't assume that all piles are his (tho I'm sure they are). Would you say something to the family in question? Or would you leave signs on the poles by the clothes lines saying basically 'Please clean up after your dog or I will report you to the council'.

Do you have any other suggestions? This is really making me mad! I'll post pictures of the area in question if that would help visualise what I'm talking about.

Thank you!

~Sari (Belle's mum)

I would usually take 'no fouling' to mean 'make sure you clean up after your dog' but I suppose some non dog people would take it to mean 'no fouling at all' :blink:

I too live on a terrace but have a small yard, outside my gate I kept repeatedly finding pooh which started to wind me up, especially when I took my bin out (after wheeling the bin up 3 steep steps I then had to wheel it through the pooh :rant: ). So I put a sign on the gate 'please don't leave your dog mess outside my gate' :- " sorted, no more pooh :D but I guess that some people wouldn't be so reasonable.

Also, down the street is a man with 2 large dogs, he lets them pooh everywhere, I have even pointed out to him that his dog was standing in the pooh but he didn't seem bothered, then I saw him lead the dog back in the house without cleaning the dogs feet :x and I KNOW he has carpet :x :x :x

In answer to your question, you could try putting up a notice or contacting the dog warden. It depends what this person is like, if you put signs up and he ignores them so you contact the dog warden, is he likely to cause trouble with you cos he'll know who reported him? Does that make sense?

Whoever thought dog pooh could be such a lengthy subject :lol:
Just see that you are in West Yorks, so am i :blink: We're probably just neurotic about dog poo :D

Thing is, I've seen the lady clean up after her dog, and I've seen the guy just leave it. I've chatted to both before in a casual 'hi how are you?' sort of way, and they don't seem like unreasonable people. I just find it incredibly rude that people let their dogs go whereever they want and don't clean up after them! My husband said that he would have a word with them tonight. Like I said tho, I can't be 100% sure that all of it is from his dog although it has the same smell, not that I'm actively smelling it, it's just that horrible :x

Can't believe someone would leave it in front of your gate, that would REALLY wind me up :lol:
kissi said:
Just see that you are in West Yorks, so am i  :blink:   We're probably just neurotic about dog poo :D
Thing is, I've seen the lady clean up after her dog, and I've seen the guy just leave it.  I've chatted to both before in a casual 'hi how are you?' sort of way, and they don't seem like unreasonable people.  I just find it incredibly rude that people let their dogs go whereever they want and don't clean up after them!  My husband said that he would have a word with them tonight.  Like I said tho, I can't be 100% sure that all of it is from his dog although it has the same smell, not that I'm actively smelling it, it's just that horrible  :x

Can't believe someone would leave it in front of your gate, that would REALLY wind me up  :lol:

Oh dear, I now have a visions of you on your hands and knees smelling dog pooh :lol: I'm sure thats not the case though!

The pooh outside my gate was only small, think it was the guy with the yorkies, if it was him, we live next to his daughter so he probably wants to keep us happy :) but the guy with the GSDs, they are large and sloppy :x

Yes I am neurotic about dog pooh!!! I don't mind clearing up my own dogs pooh but not anyone elses, a bit like changing a nappy really!
This is the last thing I'll say on the matter.....I was on my hands and knees cleaning the carpet, it's that pungent, nuff said. :x And this has happened more than once. I don't have a soft stomach either, but the smell made me dry heave yesterday, I was over the sink retching.

You know, I almost resorted to cleaning it up - better that then me, hubby, or dog stepping in it - but like you said - why should I have to?!? tempting to bag it and put it on his doorstep saying 'I think you forgot something.'

Another thing is, if I left a note, I wouldn't mind signing it (meaning, leaving my house number) in case anyone would like to have a word with me regarding it. I don't think he'd cause problems, I'm pretty sure all of the neighbours would side with me.

Ugh, this is when I miss the states and having my large garden. :teehee:
we have had problems with someones dog pooing outside our drive infront of our houes The trouble is peoepl presume its my dogs and iv just left it So i have to allway pick it up. I saw who it was one day did a letter didnt sign it and it aid iv got a pick of your dog pooing and you leaving it if i see this happen again i will send it to the dog warden and that will ciost you a lot mopre then a few poo bags.

I didnt sign it just put poted it to him hes a bit of a thug so didnt want to takel him and now he dosnt even walk his dog past our houes so it worked and he wont actualy be sure who sent it as his dogs done it infront of a hew houes and in peopls gardens.

I DUNNO EH :wacko:

J :clown: HN
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I live on a Main Street in the village where I live - not far from the main Paper shop.

I always clean up after my dogs even when I go round the fields and pathways..there are lots of dog bins in the village plus a dog walk too.

Anyway someones dog ALWAYS seemed to do it right on my front step - so I put a Polite Notice in my window.....

If your dogs must use this area as a toilet, would you please be so kind as to clean up after them. Thank you.

Seemed to do the trick anyway - but only trouble is the notice has now gone and Ive noticed dog poo twice lately and Ive ended up clearing up after someone elses dog. :x :rant:

.....think I need to put it back in again.

Wouldnt care but there is a Dog fouling Fine Notice right on the lamp post outside my house.
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There are signs up all round my estate and nobody takes any notice of them, Its been mentioned to me by non dog owners that I'm the only one who picks up after my dogs.

Last week a walking warden for the council was in my cul-de-sac just having a nosey, when I happened to be out with the girls.

He watched everything I was doing and I watched him watching me.

Once I'd cleaned up and the girls had finished, I walked over to him and said, it the other dirty so and so's you need to watch not me and he walked away ever so quickly.

There are so many people who don't clean up after their dogs, it doesn't cost much for poo bags and it doesn't take 2 minutes to pick up a why don't they??
Just a thought that might help - in my local park they have boxes attached to trees with poo bags in, so if ppl have forgot their supplies or run out, they know they can always get one. It seems to help, if only that ppl don't have an excuse not to clear up after their dogs.

One positive thing you could do would be to attach a box to your gate and keep it stocked, with a notice next to it saying 'please clear up - help yourself to a bag'

Won't stop everyone being inconsiderate, but may well cut down the problem :luck:
my dad had a big problem with this kind of thing. He is the coach of a junior football club and he kept finding lumps of poo on the pitch and around where other kids play. He put up notices but it seemed to get worse! it got so bad that other teams were saying that they wouldn't play here because they were worried that they slipped in poo. HE EVEN HAD SOMEONE THROW POO AT HIM!!!! but eventually he got the council involved and bins were put up around the field and it has got a lot better. i would guess no fouling meant pick up after your dog basicly :b
Wow, interesting stories here!! Seems to be a common problem.

Well there is an update, I had my husband go over (as I was really mad and didn't want to be mean about it), so he went over and just told her what's been happening and could she please pick up after her dog, she was very apologetic and said that she's been having troubles with her two adopted children and it's all been a bit hectic lately (only takes 5 seconds to clean up after them tho). My husband said 'no problem', shook her hand and left. I was happy as I knew she was genuine, and we forgot about it

There was a knock on our door later, she was a bit teary eyed and had a bottle of wine in her hands and said that she was really sorry. My husband was like, 'No, that's ok, you really don't have to' but she said 'I insist, please take it, I appreciate you being civil about it'

So - now I feel a bit like a heel, maybe this lady was having some sort of troubles, I dunno. Just hope that it's all taken care of now and everyone can be friendly :b
Aawww bless her at least she seems genuine...time will.

I think not picking poop up is a commen problem every where and I can't understand why.

Keep us updated with whats happening.
On holiday recently in Devon & Cornwall, we walked from a car park to a lovely beach, following a bloke with his Springer Spaniel running off lead. The dog cr***ed twice, and the bloke just walked on and left it. :x :x We felt like picking it up and putting it on his car, but we didn't have the courage. :lol: :lol:

The trouble is that it gives all dog owners a bad name. :( :(
I always clear up after my dogs, but in my local park I have seen people just walk off when their dog has pooed and quite a few time i have said "excuse me would you like one of my poo bags " up to now no one has refused, they take the bag and clear up and look rather embarressed :b
In most areas it's part of the dog warden's brief to enforce anti-fouling bylaws, so if there's a particular problem in an area it's worth giving your local warden a ring.

We had problems with people allowing their dogs to foul on the pavement right outside the local primary school (despite a dog bin just over the road). :rant: It was amazing how quickly the problem stopped when the dog warden's van started regularly cruising up and down that road.
Oh dear ... now I've got to add my two-pennorth!

An access lane runs down the side of my house, it serves the backs of the houses of which my house is the end terrace, also the backs of the houses of an adjacent road.

This afternoon at about 3.30 pm, I was in our kitchen which overlooks the lane, and I heard voices. I saw a young woman who I recognise, but not sure where she lives, and she was with her small (about 3-year-old) son and their staffy. She belongs to one of our local thuggish, yobbish families - her lovely younger (16/17 yr old) brothers are always damaging cars - scratching them etc. Delightful family. Always in trouble with the police.

Anyway I looked out of my window and her dog was squatting in the grass. I presumed it was just having a pee, I couldn't be too sure and I didn't want to say anything when not sure of my full facts. At that point I didn't have any shoes on either, so that didn't help. :blink:

I put my shoes on and went outside to peer over the fence to check if any fouling, and yes ... her dog had messed and she'd walked away. I am 99% sure it was her dog because of where the mess was (next to someone's wheelie bin).

Dilemma is, I should have said something directly to her at the time, but couldn't accuse her of anything til I knew for definite. And by the time I did know, it was too late and she had gone. I ought to add too, that our fence is quite high, it isn't just a case of being in the garden and glancing over the fence, I have to take a small step-stool out to see over it :b :b

If I ever see this in action again I will not give her the benefit of the doubt but I am not always around at that time of day.

What would others do, would you challenge her in the street anyway (bearing in mind the family she comes from) or would you wait and hope to catch her in the act?

I have now printed up a notice and put it in the window where she was stood so hopefully in daylight hours at least, she will see it. (asking people to clear up if their dogs foul). Sorry to be so cowardly where this girl (and her family) is concerned, but my husband works shifts and I am on my own a lot overnight.

What would you do in my position, any suggestions are more than welcome.

Thanks, Gill
its hard especially if your on your own sometimes , id leave this one to be honest :b as i would think of yourself and dogs and not put yourself at risk because of dog poo :blink:

hopefully the notice should help and if not , you tried .

sometimes you have to decide if its worth taking someone on over this matter and possibly getting grief for it :unsure:

im a coward in that way too , my safety comes first and if that means putting up with something like that then im afraid i would be one of those who would just clean up the mess myself if it was near my house :(

i know everyone wont agree but as i am on my own with the kids i would try and avoid a confontation :b
I think your right to be cautious about confronting this girl, especially if her family is as notorious as you say.

See if your sign helps any and if not you could try and get some sort of evidance and report them to the dog warden and see what they can come up with.

I don't know what else to suggest but please be careful, these people don't sound like the sort you want to upset.
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Ooh yeah, that doesn't sound like something I would deal with either, I'd like to keep my car unscratched thanks. I'd probably also contact the dog warden as well. It's a tough situation tho cause I don't care who it is, I don't think people should be getting away with it no matter who they are. And she was with a young son, teaching him how not to be responsible as well....

This morning the woman who my husband talked to was out early with her dog, but she had a large bag and she was cleaning up all of the dog poo. While she was doing it tho her dog went to the bathroom under my clothesline and she didn't see it - my husband went out to pick it up straight away (after she left of course) You just have to keep an eye on your dog at all times. I hope she'll supervise her dog more in the future. I can appreciate picking up what's already there but I still don't want to dodge new piles.... :- "
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