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Dog sweet around me but horrible around my mum despite loving her more.


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Hi, I've noticed for a while that while my dog is sweet to me and my brother when my mum is not around, when she is, the dog just behaves badly.

fyi the dog is a German Shepard cross with another working dog breed (cannot remember exactly) and is 2 and half years old.

For example, the dog likes to steal and destroy things. When my mum goes upstairs, the dog follows and actively try to take things from either our rooms (mainly pillows or clothes). The dog never does this when she's not around and I can even leave shoes on the floor without her taking it. If she does take the shoe anyways, they're always left intact whereas if she took them while my mum around, the laces would be ruined again.

Her worst habit is when after dinner usually at half 8, the dog continuously barks and bites at my mum, annoying and hurting her and as of recent, the dog is going back to its old habit of scratching the carpet and sofa. I cannot figure out why it's either food (my mum constantly gives her all the leftovers and oven trays with foil on to try to get the dog to shut up, but it never works) or wanting attention, despite getting it all.

Also when my mum is around, the dog has completely destroyed her dog bed and her part of the sofa, which is pretty much metal at this point. We were going to get a new sofa, but my dog recently got into her old habit of scratching the carpets again, making the carpets worse again.

She also refuses to eat or drink when my mum isn't around for some reason and since she does sleepovers for work, the dog barely eats and drinks, if not at all.

Meanwhile, around me, she's sweet. She never bites me, she never begs for food or any of the other behaviours I mention. All she wants from me is belly rubs, which I'm ok with honestly, as I don't like being licked or jumped on, like she does with everyone else.

Getting the dog was my mum and brother's idea and I never wanted a dog as at the time I was scared of dogs and thought they'd be too much hard work. They got her as a puppy 2 years ago and they never trained her or got her professional training, despite paying for it earlier this year. She only knows sit, lay down and to go to the toilet outside. My mum had always said she'll grow out of her bad habits but that has never really happened, and her scratching one has returned all of a sudden.

My mum pretty much other than Monday and Tuesdays, some mornings and some evenings is never at home. She only gets walked a few days a week when my mum is available and my brother, despite wanting the dog more, has only walked her like 4-5 times since they got the dog, which I see as unacceptable. His excuse is that he doesn't trust the dog to walk and not escape. Yes, I could walk the dog, but I am scared of walking alone and with the brother being home every day, I shouldn't really have to. He even says no if I offer to join him. My role is to feed, water and give the dog attention.

My only guesses are that she has separation anxiety and maybe isn't fed enough food (although I am feeding her more now).

It's getting to the point to where she admitted to preferring to be at work then at home, despite her job being incredibly difficult (carer).

Is there anything I can do? The other two won't listen, but is there anything I, by myself, can to try and improve the dog's behaviour? If not, just some general advice, please?

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