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Drug Testing

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I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?

I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.

i would like to know who's was the one that leaked???????????????????just as a matter of interest
they test them because some people in this country would give there dogs drugs just to get the glory and the money. and in some causes other things.
i didnt know they did this....

do you ave money as prizes?? in non ped's

Perhaps you should have pretty rosettes.... :huggles:
Joanna said:
I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.


This is an interesting question, but so far nobody seems to have an answer for it. I would like to be enlightened too.
boothros said:
Joanna said:
I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.


This is an interesting question, but so far nobody seems to have an answer for it. I would like to be enlightened too.

So would I (w00t) (w00t)

My dog was tested after his first BWRA Champ win,,,he peed in a box thing and then the vet put it into a tube,,made of plastic,,,I sighned it ,,it was sent somewhere :blink: ,,got the all clear about 3 weeks later :D

Ive no idea what they test for,,chocolate/coffee,,,
Peds have been tested in the past, but the cost is very high ...........I guess its like any sport thats competetive ......There will always be a few that may try to get an advantage :(

Try this link ......this subject was covered a while back :)

Banned substances .......
As soon as you bring money into things it changes everything IMO :( I'm happy to run mine for running's sake if the win a nice rosette or a trophy then it's a nice bonus, I certainly would never pump some crap into them for any reason, thats not winning it's cheating and animal abuse :angry:
Why dont you pedigree racers bring this up in your own forum.[its nowt to do with you] Us non- pedigree racers couldnt give a dam what you have to say on the drugs issue. We have all give our opinions on the matter in the past & we are sick of hearing about it & this is one of the reasons our sport is on the decline.

johnnoble said:
Why dont you pedigree racers bring this up in your own forum.[its nowt to do with you]    Us non- pedigree racers couldnt give a dam what you have to say on the drugs issue.    We have all give our opinions on the matter  in the past & we are sick of  hearing about it & this is one of the reasons our sport is on the decline.                                      STICK TO YOUR OWN FORUM. :rant:

That's not very friendly. I haven't got any-thing to say about it, just don't know what it's about.

Shan't venture over here again............far too scarey and impolite (w00t)
johnnoble said:
Why dont you pedigree racers bring this up in your own forum.[its nowt to do with you]    Us non- pedigree racers couldnt give a dam what you have to say on the drugs issue.    We have all give our opinions on the matter  in the past & we are sick of  hearing about it & this is one of the reasons our sport is on the decline.                                      STICK TO YOUR OWN FORUM. :rant:

Your attitude is one of the reasons the sports in decline, after reading your post who'd want to go into non ped racing :sweating: we all have racing dogs, therefor a common interest (whether you like it or not), if your sick of hearing about the drug testing then don't read the posts :thumbsup:

And under the forum heading it doesn't say PED RACERS KEEP OUT :unsure: so we can go where we want :thumbsup:
Please note that not all non ped racers are so rude and aggresive. Obviously this must be a touchy subject for some, but that is still no excuse for being so impolite. A simple question was asked at the beginning of the post, there really was no need to be so nasty.
I am sure if you go back through the none ped section you'll find loads of topics on the drugs issues, as john said i am sure if you bring the question up in your own section there is plenty of people will to give you the answers you are looking for, most none ped racers are pissed off with hearing about drugs, I wouldn't says that none ped racing is in decline because of johns attitude hes raced whippets for years ...failing that have a looking in the HFL web site

There is a topic in the ped section on this subject link to ped section

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johnnoble said:
  Us non- pedigree racers couldnt give a dam what you have to say on the drugs issue.    We have all give our opinions on the matter  in the past & we are sick of  hearing about it & this is one of the reasons our sport is on the decline.
Agree we all have our opinions and quite agree maybe one of the reasons sport is in decline.

It is unfortunate that this person has opened up a topic that we in non peds have seen far too much of recently and has been of great debate but i am sure that it hasnt been brought up out of malice and they probably know nothing of the stir it has caused for non peds. If it is a subject we dont want to bring up again (as i'm sure we dont this one) why not just ignore or politely say been here done this one (ok several times).

But I dont agree to people sticking to their own forums i for one am very interested in reading both non ped and ped forums (well all of them really lurchers, greyhounds the lot) and have in the past put replies to posts on ped section, is it not the idea that k9 users venture on all forums and post on all topics if they so wish, and maybe we can learn from each other. :)
The question was one that seeks an answer from non-ped owners, what would be the point of asking it on the ped forum??? :wacko:
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LasVegasNo1 said:
The question was one that seeks an answer from non-ped owners, what would be the point of asking it on the ped forum??? :wacko:

Exactley :thumbsup: Joanna didn't ask to cause trouble how on earth would she know it would :unsure:

I'm sure John is a very capable and knowlegable racer I am not doubting his ability but why does it have to be so 'them and us' why are ped racers seen so much different from non ped (I have felt this oppinion when talking to some, not all,ped and non ped owners) like I said before don't we all have a common interest, I'm sure it must be hard all the drug testing thing because it seems to me to be very untrusting and doubting, and is enforced because of the few dishonest people who to winning is paramount, they are the ones who are sending the sport into decline in reality :(
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I am sure if you go back through the none ped section you'll find loads of topics on the drugs issues,

as i said if you seek you will find

i to have no problem with using other forums and others using this forum, and dont think it was done in malice
Maybe if you were to Email Linda Broom NNWRF --and ask her opinion about the drug testing you would get the answer you are looking for under name weathergirls ___failing that go on to the BWRA site and ask Malcolm Clarke by email -- he is very well informed on the drug issue as he needs to be due to his job ----and i am sure he will give you an opinion baised on a great deal of research done by people who are in that field --not bullshit--facts and results of test in past years ---you would find his views very enlightening i am sure--and Malcolm is always very helpful if asked about any aspect of whippet racing ---

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