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Drug Testing

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kipper fluke said:
Maybe if you were to Email Linda Broom NNWRF --and ask her opinion about the drug testing you would get the answer you are looking for under name weathergirls ___failing that go on to the BWRA site and ask Malcolm Clarke by email -- he  is  very well informed on the drug issue as he needs to be due to his job ----and i am sure he will give you an opinion baised on a great deal of research done by people who are in that field --not bullshit--facts and results of test in past years ---you would find his views very enlightening i am sure--and Malcolm is always very helpful if asked about any aspect of whippet racing ---steve


Having not visited this forum before, I was not aware of any problem in asking the question. I didn't even realise drug testing took place in whippets until yesterday. I was completely unaware of historical problems connected with the matter, and of course I couldn't start a topic with malice as I have only met two people with non-peds personally.

I think it is a little sad that there should be a divide between these two forums, after all, we share the same racing magazine and have common interests. Thanks for your time and response. I might just trawl back through this forum to see if I can find the information I am looking for as no-one is willing to answer my initial question with a straightforward reply. I will also bear in mind the other two avenues you have given me.

Joanna said:
I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.


*testing is done via-urine sample

*the organising bodies-BWRA/NNWRF bear the costs via membership subscriptions

* a positive test does not occur very often as far as I am aware


As soon as you bring money into things it changes everything IMO sad.gif I'm happy to run mine for running's sake if the win a nice rosette or a trophy then it's a nice bonus, I certainly would never pump some crap into them for any reason, thats not winning it's cheating and animal abuse mad.gif

Rosettes are a lovely idea...we are given trophies also Lesley

Prize money isn't all that big usually....but is helpful towards fuel/travel costs etc

Unfortunately cheats raise their heads in most competitive sports as we have all seen only recently on tv/athletics

Cheating for 'pure glory' trophies/money(large or small amounts) only reveals a deep inadequacy in my eyes.

Nothing can beat honesty and fitness.

I like trawling different forums too :thumbsup: I think it makes for more interesting reading/feedback

Karen Boyd
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Karen-Coral said:
Joanna said:
I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.


*testing is done via-urine sample

*the organising bodies-BWRA/NNWRF bear the costs via membership subscriptions

* a positive test does not occur very often as far as I am aware


As soon as you bring money into things it changes everything IMO sad.gif I'm happy to run mine for running's sake if the win a nice rosette or a trophy then it's a nice bonus, I certainly would never pump some crap into them for any reason, thats not winning it's cheating and animal abuse mad.gif

Rosettes are a lovely idea...we are given trophies also Lesley

Prize money isn't all that big usually....but is helpful towards fuel/travel costs etc

Unfortunately cheats raise their heads in most competitive sports as we have all seen only recently on tv/athletics

Cheating for 'pure glory' trophies/money(large or small amounts) only reveals a deep inadequacy in my eyes.

Nothing can beat honesty and fitness.

I like trawling different forums too :thumbsup: I think it makes for more interesting reading/feedback

Karen Boyd

Thank-you Karen, I appreciate your answer. I have had a little look through some topics and can see there is a divided opinion on the subject. I think I would welcome testing at the Pedigree Championships and would be prepared to pay a bit extra for it to take place. Perhaps random samples would be the answer and be enough to deter people who cheat. It is a shame, but as you say, I expect it does occur in all sports, even dog racing.
well said karen i think you hit the nail on the head :thumbsup: chris
we had people testing our dogs that gave positive test of there own dogs

if you do start test at Pedigree Championships be sure to do it all above board and get a vet in and use a reptible testing lab good luck
Joanna said:
Karen-Coral said:
Joanna said:
I was just wondering which drugs you non ped folk test for at your championships, how you test, ie blood/urine, who bears the cost and how often a positive test occurs?I am also intrigued as to why non peds are tested and not peds.

This is simply a pondering as I am quite interested to see that testing occurs in whippet racing at all.


*testing is done via-urine sample

*the organising bodies-BWRA/NNWRF bear the costs via membership subscriptions

* a positive test does not occur very often as far as I am aware


As soon as you bring money into things it changes everything IMO sad.gif I'm happy to run mine for running's sake if the win a nice rosette or a trophy then it's a nice bonus, I certainly would never pump some crap into them for any reason, thats not winning it's cheating and animal abuse mad.gif

Rosettes are a lovely idea...we are given trophies also Lesley

Prize money isn't all that big usually....but is helpful towards fuel/travel costs etc

Unfortunately cheats raise their heads in most competitive sports as we have all seen only recently on tv/athletics

Cheating for 'pure glory' trophies/money(large or small amounts) only reveals a deep inadequacy in my eyes.

Nothing can beat honesty and fitness.

I like trawling different forums too :thumbsup: I think it makes for more interesting reading/feedback

Karen Boyd

Thank-you Karen, I appreciate your answer. I have had a little look through some topics and can see there is a divided opinion on the subject. I think I would welcome testing at the Pedigree Championships and would be prepared to pay a bit extra for it to take place. Perhaps random samples would be the answer and be enough to deter people who cheat. It is a shame, but as you say, I expect it does occur in all sports, even dog racing.

do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.

most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you
trap1 said:
do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you

I beg your pardon. Do I know you? I don't believe I have inferred any-thing, just asked a question out of interest. If drug testing was to be introduced, I would support it, and said quite clearly, it would have to be random

I was replying to a post by another member which stated that performance enhancing drugs are apparent in all sports now. Why should dog racing be any different? If there have been cases of illegal doping in Non-ped, what makes ped racing any different?
trap1 said:
do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you

Unnecessary :angry: Joanna didn't say any of that :wacko:
why do you think testing is needed ????? something must have brought it to mind .

and yes joanna i do know you
trap1 said:
do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you

I cannot see any advantage to drug testing taking place at peddie Championship level.

From reading about the non peddie experience of it over the years all it seems to do is cause trouble and bad feeling. :(

More importantly I also believe that other peddie racers are like myself in that they do not and would not give drugs to their dogs in order to win. Thus I see no point in drug testing being carried out at Championship level. Seems to me you either trust folks or you don't and if you don't then why waste precious social time with them.

If this is a discussion about drug testing at peddie championships then it should be discussed in that forum and not here as a lot of peddie racers won't see it.
unwanted said:
i would like to know who's was the one that leaked???????????????????just as a matter of interest
Sorry George i missed your question earlier when reading the topic

The NWRF tests done at Devon were taken by a vet we did all 5 sup winners ie vets adults pups yearling's and scr we thought this was fair and no one would think they were targeted ...the vet choose 3 of the 5 test to send off to HFL she handled the test and results....the nwrf got all the necessary paper work which read 2 of the 3 test we clear and the 3rd test had leaked .. theres is no name on the test its all done in bar codes ...all the nnwrf's paperwork is always at hand for any nnwrf member to see if they want to, hope this helps...i am sure the full results will be in the whippet news
BeeJay said:
If this is a discussion about drug testing at peddie championships then it should be discussed in that forum and not here as a lot of peddie racers won't see it.
Totally agree :thumbsup:
If this is a discussion about drug testing at peddie championships then it should be discussed in that forum and not here as a lot of peddie racers won't see it.
It isn't.

I asked out of curiosity, I think a line should be drawn under this thread, there is an element of sniping been introduced unnecassarily. It seems a shame that you can't ask a question without nasty comments and personal remarks being made.

Again, thanks to the people who answered my original question as it was a simple pondering after reading a thread topic which happens to be on the index page of this forum from the NWRF.

Hope that has answered your earlier question Steph!
More importantly I also believe that other peddie racers are like myself in that they do not and would not give drugs to their dogs in order to win. Thus I see no point in drug testing being carried out at Championship level. Seems to me you either trust folks or you don't and if you don't then why waste precious social time with them.

WELL SAID and I think most of the non ped racers think the same ! however,

Drug testing is done to deter "ANYONE" from giving their dogs any sort of substance which might enhance their dogs performance, we do not know what they test for nor do we want to know long as it is done properly we say carry on ???
my opinion is that since drug farceing opps :blink: i mean testing started the whippet racing sport has definitely gone into decline :( its a touchy subject especially in non peds personally i read all forums in k9 and enjoy i :thumbsup: t hopefully its being done properly now but my view is its a load of shite to test in a sport which is supposed to be a family sport .a lot of people have left the sport over the years and i am sure mostly because of the controversy testing has caused.i also think the cost of testing could go to better use to make the sport better, those who cheat know they won titles or whatever by abusing their dogs what for a bit of plastic and a few quid :( let whoever cheats live with their own dishonesty its time for whippet racing to get better, for the sake of the future of our beloved sport :thumbsup: just my view :- "
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It isn't.

I asked out of curiosity, I think a line should be drawn under this thread, there is an element of sniping been introduced unnecassarily. It seems a shame that you can't ask a question without nasty comments and personal remarks being made.

Again, thanks to the people who answered my original question as it was a simple pondering after reading a thread topic which happens to be on the index page of this forum from the NWRF.

Hope that has answered your earlier question Steph!

sorry joanna but it was me that took exeption to your earlier posts and if you think i was being nasty then you obviously arent getting out enough

Joanna said:
trap1 said:
do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you

I beg your pardon. Do I know you? I don't believe I have inferred any-thing, just asked a question out of interest. If drug testing was to be introduced, I would support it, and said quite clearly, it would have to be random

I was replying to a post by another member which stated that performance enhancing drugs are apparent in all sports now. Why should dog racing be any different? If there have been cases of illegal doping in Non-ped, what makes ped racing any different?

It saddens me to think that someone as new to the sport as you are, feels the need to ask such a question :( ...........Within this topic it sounds like people are giving drugs to their dogs just to win .......The non peds prize money is normally peanuts and as you may know the peds win a piece of plastic, rosette or such like ........I do hope there are no antis reading this as our beloved sport is in enough trouble without them thinking we're abusing our dogs left right and center ........There will be sniping as you've put it because people are VERY protective over their sport and their dogs ........Neither peds or non peds need bad press like this .........I would personally put a link on the ped section as most tend not to venture on to this forum (and vice versa) ........... All of this is my own personal opinion though as I think i'm still just about allowed one of those on k9 :unsure:
Strike Whippets said:
Joanna said:
trap1 said:
do you have any partiular dogs or owners in mind for testing joanna or just anyone who has faster dogs than you why after 5 minutes racing are you inferring that dogs need to be full of illegal substances to compete at championship level.most banned substances will only inhibit performance and any that can give any improvement ie anti inflammatorydrugs on injured or sore dogs will soon ruin a

dog completely well worth it for a poxy rosette

i would suggest that if you feel ped racing has sunk that low perhaps it is not the hobby for you

I beg your pardon. Do I know you? I don't believe I have inferred any-thing, just asked a question out of interest. If drug testing was to be introduced, I would support it, and said quite clearly, it would have to be random

I was replying to a post by another member which stated that performance enhancing drugs are apparent in all sports now. Why should dog racing be any different? If there have been cases of illegal doping in Non-ped, what makes ped racing any different?

It saddens me to think that someone as new to the sport as you are, feels the need to ask such a question :( ...........Within this topic it sounds like people are giving drugs to their dogs just to win .......The non peds prize money is normally peanuts and as you may know the peds win a piece of plastic, rosette or such like ........I do hope there are no antis reading this as our beloved sport is in enough trouble without them thinking we're abusing our dogs left right and center ........There will be sniping as you've put it because people are VERY protective over their sport and their dogs ........Neither peds or non peds need bad press like this .........I would personally put a link on the ped section as most tend not to venture on to this forum (and vice versa) ........... All of this is my own personal opinion though as I think i'm still just about allowed one of those on k9 :unsure:

I can assure you that antis do read this forum.
>If drug testing was to be introduced, I would support it,

Why? Do you believe that peddie racers are drugging their dogs in order to win then?
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