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Eastwood Show


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Hi Folks,

I am still at it even though I had to use my chair yesterday at Eastwood. My handler did a fantastic job even though my two babies just didn't want to show being the first time out. Everything was was new and those big dogs were so scary lol.

Anyway Mikadene Fly me to the Moon got 1st puppy and best puppy in breed and his sister Mikadene Blue Moon came 4th in a fantastic class so I was very pleased with both results. Only one lady complained because her bitch who came second at Crufts was behind my little girl and she has a light eye and it should be dark.

K surah surah !!!

Regards to all

I wasnt at Newark yesterday , but I did hear about a poor puppy being dragged around the ring :eek: ( and no,it wasnt from the very nice lady who was behind her ;) )

As its been said many times before there is NOTHING in the whippet breed standard that says they should have dark eye :wacko: and she wasnt second at Crufts either :eek: but a very commendable 5th :thumbsup:

but as you say

K surah surah :lol:
JAX said:
I wasnt at Newark yesterday , but I did hear about a poor puppy being dragged around the ring  :eek: ( and no,it wasnt from the very nice lady who was behind her  ;) )
As its been said many times before there is NOTHING in the whippet breed standard that says they should have dark eye  :wacko: and she wasnt second at Crufts either  :eek: but a very commendable 5th  :thumbsup:

but as you say

K surah surah    :lol:

`Well seeing as it was the first time out and my handler had never seen either puppy they just dug their heels in. In the Group the puppy winner went round quite nicely. What does one do when at home they move very well you enter a show and they just don't like the atmosphere. Does one perservere and try your best and risk critasism or does one pick the puppy up and walk round the ring. I have judged many shows were the puppy has had to be dragged round the ring and I have at times given that dog the honours because it was a better dog.

Please tell me When is the knives going to taken out of my back. I am really getting so fed up with it. I try and buy a puppy from Tony at Stripduke and when it becomes public he gets phone calls telling him not to sell to me as my dogs are allways dirty and judges can't go over them because of the filth and Yes I was given all the names by Henny who these people are. So I bred my own puppy I have my own handlers 2 of them and I think I have bred some nice puppies. The people that phoned Tony should hang their heads in shame. I have bred and shown GSD's for over 40 yrs and am a very respected person in the breed. I come over to hounds and hey I have never known such venom even the split between the shepherds doesn't create as much victamisation. The comment Jax you made is totally uncalled for. When are you going to quit being nasty. I have complained about your behaviour befor but you never stop. It would have been nice to have said well done but do you think the puppy was quite ready for the ring. A nice way, but no you have to stick the knife in I had forgotten all the problems and was willing to forget but now I think I'll talk to you the same way as you talk to me.
mikadene said:
Hi Folks,            I am still at it  even though I had to use my chair yesterday at Eastwood. My handler did a fantastic job even though my two babies just didn't want to show being the first time out.  Everything was was new and those big dogs were so scary lol.

Anyway Mikadene Fly me to the Moon got 1st puppy and best puppy in breed and his sister Mikadene Blue Moon came 4th in a fantastic class so I was very pleased with both results. Only one lady complained because her bitch who came second at Crufts was behind my little girl and she has a light eye and it should be dark.

K surah surah !!!

Regards to all


Personally,i think that was an uncalled for comment.Why should you feel the need to say that anyone complained? :blink:

If you read the breed standard,you will see there's nothing that say's the English whippet must have dark eyes :thumbsup:

alfyn said:
mikadene said:
Hi Folks,             I am still at it  even though I had to use my chair yesterday at Eastwood. My handler did a fantastic job even though my two babies just didn't want to show being the first time out.  Everything was was new and those big dogs were so scary lol.

Anyway Mikadene Fly me to the Moon got 1st puppy and best puppy in breed and his sister Mikadene Blue Moon came 4th in a fantastic class so I was very pleased with both results. Only one lady complained because her bitch who came second at Crufts was behind my little girl and she has a light eye and it should be dark.

K surah surah !!!

Regards to all


Personally,i think that was an uncalled for comment.Why should you feel the need to say that anyone complained? :blink:

If you read the breed standard,you will see there's nothing that say's the English whippet must have dark eyes :thumbsup:


hello Debs,

It was the way the event took place. I was ever so pleased to have got what I did. I was slighlty embarressed and in my heart I know I maybe stole the placings I got but the judge commented that they were very nice puppies and would keep and eye out for them. I actually went to the lady that got Best of Breed and she had the bitch that was behind mine. I just asked her for her opinion on the babies, but her face was like thunder and She said not really so I said oh and tried to back away red faced. not easy with 2 pups and a wheelchair. but she then commented that she didn't aggree with that bitch being in front of hers and what she got at Crufts I thought she said 2nd. I will stand corrected. then she said and it's got a light eye as well.So her friend said what does that mean. So she explained they must be as dark as possible I just tried to smile and take it on the chin. She never did say what she thought of them. She asked me why I didn't show them from the chair, and she knew people that did. we did in fact part company better than we started. My wife refuses to go to Hound shows. She say's there is so much hatred in the breed and it is unpleasant to go to shows. We never missed GSD shows. I don't know what I have done but I wish i was left alone. I will not give in though. I am a very religeous person but it is very hard to be kind to some folks. I have had to ban some people from my box or I would go mad I think.

My previous employment befor I became disabled was Law Enforcement and I found the only way to treat bad mouthed people is to laugh at them and pity themfor they have no decency in them.

Well done on your wins. :thumbsup:

I can only say that I have always found whippet shows to be wonderful and most people very keen to offer advice and help the newer exhibitors. :)
im glad i dont show any more. :thumbsup: my solicitor once told me that the most venomous court cases were to do with dog people! :- "
Sorry , but if you `attacked `one of my friends then I will fight their corner ,

Its a shame you werent there today , then maybe I could have helped you with the handling . Dragging any dog around the ring does the dog in question no good at all Ddo you not have any ringcraft classes you can go to ?

Meant to say well done , :oops:
Surely 'dragging' any puppy or dog around the ring is not acceptable !!

On the whole i dont find any whippets exhibitors back stabbing the way you describe, i feel that is an unfair comment. Only last week the EAWC had a breed open show and was described evenby those who never won, the best show ever, so friendly.
Last edited by a moderator:
EAWC is a perfect example of how lovely shows can be.

I don't even show any of the dogs, but go along with my sister to nearly all of them because it's such a nice day out, seeing the dogs and chatting to people. Surely this is testament to the fact that there's not 'so much hatred in the breed and it is unpleasant to go to shows'

If I know that there is a show that weekend, I really look forward to it all week :b
sadly I have seen the same kind of thing in the show ring, people love to critisize, why did the person concernd not offer some helpful advise? You cannot steal a place the judge must have thought your dog worthy.
mikadene said:
I  have bred and shown GSD's for over 40 yrs and am a very respected person in the breed. I come over to hounds and hey I have never known such venom even the split between the shepherds doesn't create as much victamisation.
Having been in Gsd,s myself for 15+years,i know exactly how venomous some of the people were.

But i am horrified that you could tar whippet people with the same brush :(

I have only been actively showing whippets for 5 years,but have made so many friends & have found virtually everybody as nice,friendly & helpful people :thumbsup:

Perhaps you should go back to your Gsd,s if you find us that bad??? :- "
mikadene said:
alfyn said:
mikadene said:
Hi Folks,             I am still at it  even though I had to use my chair yesterday at Eastwood. My handler did a fantastic job even though my two babies just didn't want to show being the first time out.  Everything was was new and those big dogs were so scary lol.

Anyway Mikadene Fly me to the Moon got 1st puppy and best puppy in breed and his sister Mikadene Blue Moon came 4th in a fantastic class so I was very pleased with both results. Only one lady complained because her bitch who came second at Crufts was behind my little girl and she has a light eye and it should be dark.

K surah surah !!!

Regards to all


Personally,i think that was an uncalled for comment.Why should you feel the need to say that anyone complained? :blink:

If you read the breed standard,you will see there's nothing that say's the English whippet must have dark eyes :thumbsup:


hello Debs,

It was the way the event took place. I was ever so pleased to have got what I did. I was slighlty embarressed and in my heart I know I maybe stole the placings I got but the judge commented that they were very nice puppies and would keep and eye out for them. I actually went to the lady that got Best of Breed and she had the bitch that was behind mine. I just asked her for her opinion on the babies, but her face was like thunder and She said not really so I said oh and tried to back away red faced. not easy with 2 pups and a wheelchair. but she then commented that she didn't aggree with that bitch being in front of hers and what she got at Crufts I thought she said 2nd. I will stand corrected. then she said and it's got a light eye as well.So her friend said what does that mean. So she explained they must be as dark as possible I just tried to smile and take it on the chin. She never did say what she thought of them. She asked me why I didn't show them from the chair, and she knew people that did. we did in fact part company better than we started. My wife refuses to go to Hound shows. She say's there is so much hatred in the breed and it is unpleasant to go to shows. We never missed GSD shows. I don't know what I have done but I wish i was left alone. I will not give in though. I am a very religeous person but it is very hard to be kind to some folks. I have had to ban some people from my box or I would go mad I think.

My previous employment befor I became disabled was Law Enforcement and I found the only way to treat bad mouthed people is to laugh at them and pity themfor they have no decency in them.


I think all the whippet people are all very nice, I never fallen out with anyone. I enjoy a day out at a show win or lose because of the social side.

Maybe when your dog has just won a class asking the person that came second their opinion is not the best thing to do!

I haven't even been showing for two years, so still very new. Everyone has always been really nice to me and very helpful :thumbsup:

Can I ask who was judging and how many puppies there were in the class?

Have to agree with others, EAWC show was fab :D
TC said:
I haven't even been showing for two years, so still very new. Everyone has always been really nice to me and very helpful  :thumbsup:
Can I ask who was judging and how many puppies there were in the class?

Have to agree with others, EAWC show was fab  :D

Hi ,

I must thanks all the very nice people that have sent me nice letters and good wishes. There was only 2 puppies in the class but in Junior there was a few more. I didn't expect to get anything at all, and it wasn't as bad as some have said about dragging a puppy round the ring , She was walking but needed extra encouragement and a few times did put the brakes on. I would not have allow anyone to drag a dog the whole way round and I don't think the judge would have allowed it either. For God's sake give the Judge a break. She commented on both the dog and bitch and I quote, Very nice puppies with good rear angulation I will be keeping my eye on these two. Her parting comment was It was a pity they didn't move to their best but one has to excuse puppies at times.

I have prayed for those that see only evil, May God forgive you for your sins. I have found some very nice people at shows and I was trying to be nice to the woman getting Best of Breed and tried to congratulate her. Wrong thing to do it seems. On my first show ever I got two ladies that came and helped me out. They were the tops. I have only asked two people for critiques since showing Whippets and on both occasions it has become very unpleasant. Yet if anyone asked me about any Pastoral or working group dogs I would be as helpfull as I could. I have trained many folks up to handle Shepherds running a training club on my land and it used to be great. Hot dogs for the owners and hot tea at half time and the dogs used to get a good work out. All free. God bless all he nice folks and the nasty ones as well.

mikadene said:
TC said:
I haven't even been showing for two years, so still very new. Everyone has always been really nice to me and very helpful  :thumbsup:
Can I ask who was judging and how many puppies there were in the class?

Have to agree with others, EAWC show was fab  :D

Hi ,

I must thanks all the very nice people that have sent me nice letters and good wishes. There was only 2 puppies in the class but in Junior there was a few more. I didn't expect to get anything at all, and it wasn't as bad as some have said about dragging a puppy round the ring , She was walking but needed extra encouragement and a few times did put the brakes on. I would not have allow anyone to drag a dog the whole way round and I don't think the judge would have allowed it either. For God's sake give the Judge a break. She commented on both the dog and bitch and I quote, Very nice puppies with good rear angulation I will be keeping my eye on these two. Her parting comment was It was a pity they didn't move to their best but one has to excuse puppies at times.

I have prayed for those that see only evil, May God forgive you for your sins. I have found some very nice people at shows and I was trying to be nice to the woman getting Best of Breed and tried to congratulate her. Wrong thing to do it seems. On my first show ever I got two ladies that came and helped me out. They were the tops. I have only asked two people for critiques since showing Whippets and on both occasions it has become very unpleasant. Yet if anyone asked me about any Pastoral or working group dogs I would be as helpfull as I could. I have trained many folks up to handle Shepherds running a training club on my land and it used to be great. Hot dogs for the owners and hot tea at half time and the dogs used to get a good work out. All free. God bless all he nice folks and the nasty ones as well.



Thanks for the reply :thumbsup:

Please rest assured I was not criticising the judge, purely asking who was judging :D

Alayna Morland said:
Maybe when your dog has just won a class asking the person that came second their opinion is not the best thing to do!

Been a long long time since I showed dogs but I think this comment is spot on infact if your wish to ask anyone's opinion you've got to appreciate that you might not get what you want to hear.

What you can do though is take those negative comments and improve on what you can, personally I'd be getting that puppy off to ringcraft and walking them through car boots, busy town centres etc until the dog was bomb proof. After all a happy, showy pup is going to stand and move a damn sight better than a nervous one. I can appreciate it was puppy's first show but looks alone may not get you a win next time. Hope you can see this as constructive criticism rather than a negative one.
Being in a wheel chair most of the time myself :( I admire you for having whippets at all ). As much as Id love one I realise that I couldnt give them the exercise and time that they would need . and now youve had puppies too ( well your bitch has :lol: )

That must be really hard work cleaning up after them. :wacko:

I have seen people showing there dogs from a wheelchair at some shows , Is that what you aim to do when they are better trained ?

I dont think Jax or any one else had a dig at you on the earlier posts ,they were more concerned for your puppy . You just seem over sensitive to me . perhaps being in a chair makes you unhappy . I know Its taken me along time to get used to it ,( if you ever do , when youve neen as active as I was ))and I did feel as the world and all his men were out to get me . Perhaps you should also try to be a little more christian :cheers:

I think whippet people are some of the friendlist Ive ever known :huggles:
bashful said:
Being in a wheel chair most of the time myself  :(   I admire you for having whippets at all ). As much as Id love one I realise that I couldnt give them the exercise and time that they would need . and now youve had puppies too ( well your bitch has  :lol: )
That must be really hard work cleaning up after them.  :wacko:

I have seen people showing there dogs from a wheelchair at some shows , Is that what you aim to do when they are better trained ?

I dont think Jax or any one else had a dig at you on the earlier posts ,they were more concerned for your puppy . You just seem over sensitive to me . perhaps being in a chair makes you unhappy . I know Its taken me along time to get used to it ,( if you ever do , when youve neen as active as I was ))and I did feel as the world and all his men were out to get me . Perhaps you should also try to be a little more christian  :cheers:

I think whippet people are some of the friendlist Ive ever known  :huggles:


Thankyou Bashful :huggles:

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