"ouch" juney ,know what you mean i had one a few years ago when they found a lump ,felt like they were crushing you boobs !! (w00t)Well the lady at the hospital said "this might be a bit painful for you", to which I replied, "it didn't hurt last time at all" - that was a mistake - the bitch made sure it did this time - yeeeeeoooooooowwwwch. Never again will I make light of a mammogram. I thought some women were just wusses, think I know better now :teehee:good luck juney :luck: :huggles:Well I bet you're all jealous - I'm going to hospital to have me boobs squashed this morning :unsure: Catch up with you later when I get to work :thumbsup:
hope you all have a good day :huggles: :huggles: