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For Ted Hilland

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£10,000 geoff surely more like 15,ooo


billy you`d be surprised at the class of dog that goes on the flaps :- "
wild whippies said:
I'm sorry but Billy keep your criticisms of peoples dogs to yourself. You continually post in other peoples threads being derogatory and bigging up your own dogs. Now I'm sure you've got some fine dogs and I'm sure the whippet racing community look forward to them coming over and racing with ours but please let your dogs do the talking and use your typing skills for more positive comments.

Would you catch a grip,whoever you are.this is only a bit of old bantering between old rivals,a sort of windin thing,thats been going on in here from long before i ever came about.Now shoo,before i put Stromydog,or Markbrick on you. ...Billy...
Please, Please, Please, don't do that Billy, my heart won't stand it :p

Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell John, but 2 big boys are coming to Highgate for the lurcher racing ;) so don't say a word :D
I'm well aware of what banter is as John knows me well. (w00t)

Anyway that's what you say so fair enough. :thumbsup:
wild whippies said:
I'm sorry but Billy keep your criticisms of peoples dogs to yourself. You continually post in other peoples threads being derogatory and bigging up your own dogs. Now I'm sure you've got some fine dogs and I'm sure the whippet racing community look forward to them coming over and racing with ours but please let your dogs do the talking and use your typing skills for more positive comments.

1st?Where have i criticised anyones dogs here,as all i have done if my words are interprited properly,is commend Geoff for being able to do what no one over here ,who had given up on the bitch,and got rid of her ,could do.Shows how good a dog man he is,dont it.I have also commended the breeding and the litter.And to be honest,there are a lot of dogs takin over to England every week,and sold for unreal money,as to what would be paid for them over here.Most are sold for£40 or£50 and i have sold a couple for this myself as they were rubbish and it saved me payin £20 a time to have them PTS.Iknow of one of mine which i sold for£40,and made £380,in the sales in Scotland.So that is what i was going by,when i said there was big money being paid for rubbish.Sorry if i worded this wrong..Where does it say that this topic is private,as there is 18 different posts by other people ,before my first post which to save you the bother looking is post 62,when all i did was ask Geoff which bitch she was, as i knew the litter.As far as bragging about my dogs and their success,doesnt everyone do that now and again.I think Geoff has highlighted this,in his topic about a bit of nostalgia,Chatsworth??as it goes back quite a few years.So whats the harm in that.As for running peoples dogs down,i'll do it to their faces,but i wont be a coward and hide behind a keyboard.If ive got a problem ,i'll go to the problem ,as Geoff will tell you.When everyone else was talking behind his back at Chatsworth,about the hight of Milly,it was little 5ft 6 me who took the accusation to him,even should i be wrong ,and him twice the size of me,and that was with him in his own back yard.As for typing skills,i have never in my life typed anything,before my 3/4 pups were born 5 months ago,so skills,nope not me.I'll finnish with this.I do have some very good brood bitches in my yard,better than a lot,but not the best.One of them has severe early and was as fast as they come to the first bend.And when i mention these and a bit about them and the early they posses,am i not only doing what all those with their good stud dogs,are doing,when they post about them and how good they are or were.When i breed from these, it will be for the none ped scene,so yes i will let my dogs do the talkin again,but they cant type,so i'll do it for them..As im only realy new on here,can you tell me this one thing.Is it only the people who start a topic,that are aloud to post on it.Cause if that was the case,this K9 thing would be a very boring place to be.The only reason i mentioned Faughan Jess,and Mineola Farloe was to highlight the breeding of my bitches..All the bestest in sport,and please dont take this the wrong way,asits all only a bit of craic.Love you'se all realy. Billy.
billyboy45 said:
wild whippies said:
I'm sorry but Billy keep your criticisms of peoples dogs to yourself. You continually post in other peoples threads being derogatory and bigging up your own dogs. Now I'm sure you've got some fine dogs and I'm sure the whippet racing community look forward to them coming over and racing with ours but please let your dogs do the talking and use your typing skills for more positive comments.

1st?Where have i criticised anyones dogs here,as all i have done if my words are interprited properly,is commend Geoff for being able to do what no one over here ,who had given up on the bitch,and got rid of her ,could do.Shows how good a dog man he is,dont it.I have also commended the breeding and the litter.And to be honest,there are a lot of dogs takin over to England every week,and sold for unreal money,as to what would be paid for them over here.Most are sold for£40 or£50 and i have sold a couple for this myself as they were rubbish and it saved me payin £20 a time to have them PTS.Iknow of one of mine which i sold for£40,and made £380,in the sales in Scotland.So that is what i was going by,when i said there was big money being paid for rubbish.Sorry if i worded this wrong..Where does it say that this topic is private,as there is 18 different posts by other people ,before my first post which to save you the bother looking is post 62,when all i did was ask Geoff which bitch she was, as i knew the litter.As far as bragging about my dogs and their success,doesnt everyone do that now and again.I think Geoff has highlighted this,in his topic about a bit of nostalgia,Chatsworth??as it goes back quite a few years.So whats the harm in that.As for running peoples dogs down,i'll do it to their faces,but i wont be a coward and hide behind a keyboard.If ive got a problem ,i'll go to the problem ,as Geoff will tell you.When everyone else was talking behind his back at Chatsworth,about the hight of Milly,it was little 5ft 6 me who took the accusation to him,even should i be wrong ,and him twice the size of me,and that was with him in his own back yard.As for typing skills,i have never in my life typed anything,before my 3/4 pups were born 5 months ago,so skills,nope not me.I'll finnish with this.I do have some very good brood bitches in my yard,better than a lot,but not the best.One of them has severe early and was as fast as they come to the first bend.And when i mention these and a bit about them and the early they posses,am i not only doing what all those with their good stud dogs,are doing,when they post about them and how good they are or were.When i breed from these, it will be for the none ped scene,so yes i will let my dogs do the talkin again,but they cant type,so i'll do it for them..As im only realy new on here,can you tell me this one thing.Is it only the people who start a topic,that are aloud to post on it.Cause if that was the case,this K9 thing would be a very boring place to be.The only reason i mentioned Faughan Jess,and Mineola Farloe was to highlight the breeding of my bitches..All the bestest in sport,and please dont take this the wrong way,asits all only a bit of craic.Love you'se all realy. Billy.

Dont know big words like derogatory or this bigging up thingy,sorry.
milly said:
Please, Please, Please, don't do that Billy, my heart won't stand it :p Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell John, but 2 big boys are coming to Highgate for the lurcher racing ;) so don't say a word :D

tooo late i just seen this..........OPEN UP GEOFFFREY.......who is it that wants to race THE MIGHTY COLT ? :eek:
Right shorty :D I will only believe you're 5feet 6" if you let John measure you :p

Regarding you questioning the height of our Milly, your statement is sort of right.

You did not come up to me and personally question her height, you went to the NLRC officals and put a complaint regarding her height. I clearly remember you approaching me & Hazel before the racing started and having the crack for a few minutes If you would have queried her height when we were having the crack I would have taken you to the NLRC tent and we could have measured her in private. It would have saved you £5 and maybe we could have parted ways shaking hands and becoming good friends, like we are now, even though its through the written word. On reflection Billy I give you top marks for having the balls to do what you did because those poor losers who may have prompted you to do it never had the guts themselves. What they did not tell you Billy is that Milly had been measured at least 8 times in the show ring and she never went over 23" :thumbsup: and god knows how many times for the racing. But if you are still in doubt Billy then this will go to the grave with you. Its funny how no one ever asked to have her measured on the odd occasion when she lost.

Regarding my back yard, I raced my dogs as far north as Ayr & as far south as Penzance and all of the counties inbetween.

Yours in sport The Beast Of Bolsover (w00t) :D

Ps At the end of the day,all I did was take my dogs to race them,win or lose

Billy, I forgot to mention, when Milly was 10 months old I taught her to limbo dance :D
milly said:
Right shorty :D I will only believe you're 5feet 6" if you let John measure you :p Regarding you questioning the height of our Milly, your statement is sort of right.

You did not come up to me and personally question her height, you went to the NLRC officals and put a complaint regarding her height. I clearly remember you approaching me & Hazel before the racing started and having the crack for a few minutes If you would have queried her height when we were having the crack I would have taken you to the NLRC tent and we could have measured her in private. It would have saved you £5 and maybe we could have parted ways shaking hands and becoming good friends, like we are now, even though its through the written word. On reflection Billy I give you top marks for having the balls to do what you did because those poor losers who may have prompted you to do it never had the guts themselves. What they did not tell you Billy is that Milly had been measured at least 8 times in the show ring and she never went over 23" :thumbsup: and god knows how many times for the racing. But if you are still in doubt Billy then this will go to the grave with you. Its funny how no one ever asked to have her measured on the odd occasion when she lost.

Regarding my back yard, I raced my dogs as far north as Ayr & as far south as Penzance and all of the counties inbetween.

                            Yours in sport The Beast Of Bolsover  (w00t)   :D

Ps At the end of the day,all I did was take my dogs to race them,win or lose

Yes youre right Geoff.But do you also remember that i went to the measuring stand with you ,and in front of you.(Not behind youre back,like everyone else) watched you measure her.And as far as not shaking youre hand.You never looked me in the face again that day,so do you realy think i would have felt welcome coming to shake youre hand.Tell you what Geoff,i'll shake youre hand any day, anywhere,and any time,as ive nothing to feel guilty about.I fallowed not only a gut feeling that day,but also what everyone else was sayin.If i was wrong ,then i was wrong,and i have already apologized for this,so i dont think i need to do it again.One thing i learned in life was never to be affraid to say sorry,cause it can go a long way to making you a man.We'll leave it at that. ...Billy...
Right Ted, back on topic :D just found a video of Maggie winning a race at Highgate. She was off scratch giving 1 to 5 dogs 3 yards, this was in the top heats what a race. I touched the bookies for £2,400, £800 at 3/1 ;) I will let you borrow it if you like.(Thats the tape) :D Also on this tape was my other young bitch,out of Droopys Merson. I waited 6 weeks for my mark then bingo, she's in trap 4 giving 1& 2 dogs 1 yard, she's got the 5 dog level with her & the 6 off scratch giving her 1 yard.

Watch her trap Ted, she comes out as though her arse is on fire, and wins by at least 15 lengths :D the 6 dog was evens fav & I got 2/1 :D ££££££££££££££££££ ;)

My mate Mike Palmer is coming from Cornwall in the mornig so when he;s seen it I will post it to you.
what ever you saw of this bitch in ireland billy is deff not what ive seen of her,cracking bitch,well worth what fletch payed for her :thumbsup:
milly said:
Right Ted, back on topic :D just found a video of Maggie winning a race at Highgate. She was off scratch giving 1 to 5 dogs 3 yards, this was in the top heats what a race. I touched the bookies for £2,400, £800 at 3/1 ;) I will let you borrow it if you like.(Thats the tape) :D   Also on this tape was my other young bitch,out of  Droopys Merson. I waited 6 weeks for my mark then bingo, she's in trap 4 giving 1& 2 dogs 1 yard, she's got the 5 dog level with her & the 6 off scratch giving her 1 yard.Watch her trap Ted, she comes out as though her arse is on fire, and wins by at least 15 lengths :D the 6 dog was evens fav & I got 2/1 :D ££££££££££££££££££ ;)

My mate Mike Palmer is coming from Cornwall in the mornig so when he;s seen it I will post it to you.

Great, look forward to it mate. One of my fav. passtimes seeing the bookies cry :lol:
what ever you saw of this bitch in ireland billy is deff not what ive seen of her,cracking bitch,well worth what fletch payed for her :thumbsup:
Its funny how they can change under a new pair of hands Niel.Just look at the half brother to my Sugarland Tina bitch,who won in Derry the other night.He was bought for 6 Grand,from my old mate John ,who bred them,after doing a couple of very fast trials.Then he was sold to England ,and did absolutely nothing,so was sent back,and did a 28.66 trial first time round Shelbourne Park,and went on to be one hell of a dog,and was Dearby bound,before injury.He was bustin the clock one night,and broke down coming of the last bend,when 4 lengths faster than the trec rec,holder at that point.Name Agamenman,Droopy's vieri,Little Violet.Iwas tellin youre Graham,there's two great looking bitch pups out of little Violet ,for sale at the moment,to Faughan Emmet.£375,a pup,at 5n1/2 months old.A give away,at this price,as the last 2 were sold for a £100 more,a month ago.If you know anyone interested let me know. ...Billy...

Sorry for hijacking youre thread again Geoff,but only replying to Neil.....
billyboy45 said:
what ever you saw of this bitch in ireland billy is deff not what ive seen of her,cracking bitch,well worth what fletch payed for her :thumbsup:
Its funny how they can change under a new pair of hands Niel.Just look at the half brother to my Sugarland Tina bitch,who won in Derry the other night.He was bought for 6 Grand,from my old mate John ,who bred them,after doing a couple of very fast trials.Then he was sold to England ,and did absolutely nothing,so was sent back,and did a 28.66 trial first time round Shelbourne Park,and went on to be one hell of a dog,and was Dearby bound,before injury.He was bustin the clock one night,and broke down coming of the last bend,when 4 lengths faster than the trec rec,holder at that point.Name Agamenman,Droopy's vieri,Little Violet.Iwas tellin youre Graham,there's two great looking bitch pups out of little Violet ,for sale at the moment,to Faughan Emmet.£375,a pup,at 5n1/2 months old.A give away,at this price,as the last 2 were sold for a £100 more,a month ago.If you know anyone interested let me know. ...Billy...

Sorry for hijacking youre thread again Geoff,but only replying to Neil.....

No probs Billy, but you must try getting to bed early, it's not good for you these late mornings -_-

milly said:
billyboy45 said:
what ever you saw of this bitch in ireland billy is deff not what ive seen of her,cracking bitch,well worth what fletch payed for her :thumbsup:
Its funny how they can change under a new pair of hands Niel.Just look at the half brother to my Sugarland Tina bitch,who won in Derry the other night.He was bought for 6 Grand,from my old mate John ,who bred them,after doing a couple of very fast trials.Then he was sold to England ,and did absolutely nothing,so was sent back,and did a 28.66 trial first time round Shelbourne Park,and went on to be one hell of a dog,and was Dearby bound,before injury.He was bustin the clock one night,and broke down coming of the last bend,when 4 lengths faster than the trec rec,holder at that point.Name Agamenman,Droopy's vieri,Little Violet.Iwas tellin youre Graham,there's two great looking bitch pups out of little Violet ,for sale at the moment,to Faughan Emmet.£375,a pup,at 5n1/2 months old.A give away,at this price,as the last 2 were sold for a £100 more,a month ago.If you know anyone interested let me know. ...Billy...

Sorry for hijacking youre thread again Geoff,but only replying to Neil.....

No probs Billy, but you must try getting to bed early, it's not good for you these late mornings -_-


The wound will be fully healed in another week,so will start going to bed again then.As my little un keeps coming in and jumping on me in the morning,ive decided to stay down stairs till im fully healed,n thats why i cant get a sleep.But thanks for the advice ...Billy.
billyboy45 said:
what ever you saw of this bitch in ireland billy is deff not what ive seen of her,cracking bitch,well worth what fletch payed for her :thumbsup:
Its funny how they can change under a new pair of hands Niel.Just look at the half brother to my Sugarland Tina bitch,who won in Derry the other night.He was bought for 6 Grand,from my old mate John ,who bred them,after doing a couple of very fast trials.Then he was sold to England ,and did absolutely nothing,so was sent back,and did a 28.66 trial first time round Shelbourne Park,and went on to be one hell of a dog,and was Dearby bound,before injury.He was bustin the clock one night,and broke down coming of the last bend,when 4 lengths faster than the trec rec,holder at that point.Name Agamenman,Droopy's vieri,Little Violet.Iwas tellin youre Graham,there's two great looking bitch pups out of little Violet ,for sale at the moment,to Faughan Emmet.£375,a pup,at 5n1/2 months old.A give away,at this price,as the last 2 were sold for a £100 more,a month ago.If you know anyone interested let me know. ...Billy...

Sorry for hijacking youre thread again Geoff,but only replying to Neil.....

now then billy i hope your picking on my little bro
milly said:
Right Ted, back on topic :D just found a video of Maggie winning a race at Highgate. She was off scratch giving 1 to 5 dogs 3 yards, this was in the top heats what a race. I touched the bookies for £2,400, £800 at 3/1 ;) I will let you borrow it if you like.(Thats the tape) :D   Also on this tape was my other young bitch,out of  Droopys Merson. I waited 6 weeks for my mark then bingo, she's in trap 4 giving 1& 2 dogs 1 yard, she's got the 5 dog level with her & the 6 off scratch giving her 1 yard.Watch her trap Ted, she comes out as though her arse is on fire, and wins by at least 15 lengths :D the 6 dog was evens fav & I got 2/1 :D ££££££££££££££££££ ;)

My mate Mike Palmer is coming from Cornwall in the mornig so when he;s seen it I will post it to you.

great looking bitch that mike palmer raced at highgate yesterday i think her racing name was ellies star she won her heat and was runner up to deneside belle in the no limit final

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