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Greyhound Left To Die In Police Kennels

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theres just no person going to take responsibility for this.theyll all pass the buck.why does a dog have to die in agony for lessons to be learned?why didnt the desk sergeant ask someone if the dog had been taken?why did noone follow it through?probably cos it was just a dog. :( my heart breaks thinking of the poor animal sitting there waiting for someone to come and feed him and help him.ill spend another sleepless night now thinking about this.when will it all end? :(
What a total waste of life, and what a horrible death. Absolutely sickening, whoever is responsible needs to be prosecuted and punished. :rant: :rant:
They should be prosecuted like any member of the public would be, but I expect they will get away with it
I have emailed my horror to the powers that be, I suspect they had already tried to cover it up, because it was found on the 10/12th Jan, and news has only just come to light. So whats good for us is good for the Police. :angry:
Oh, this is just so sad.

I have taken a few dogs down to my local police station when there has been no other option. My own Scrumpy was on her way there when she was 10 weeks old :( but I said I'd foster her till an owner was found. Well she's still here 18 months later :- "

At the very back of the building there is a car park which is sort of below street level & this is where the one "kennel" is. It's a brick cell really, very dark & damp & the last time I took a dog there the "bedding" was a filthy dirty quilt which had been there for ages. I hate having to leave a dog there but the local kids tend to "find" dogs & bring them to me on a Sunday when there is no way of getting the dog warden out.

I can't ever keep them here cos of the cats & Rafferty can be a bit of a sod with strange dogs in his house.

One time I went with a very big bouncy collie type & the woman on the desk wouldn't even take the dog herself, she made me take the dog down to the cell as she was scared of dogs. This is how I know how awful it is, I don't think the public generally go down there.

If the police managed to forget about some :rant: deadleg in a cell there would be uproar about their human rights. What about this poor poor dogs rights :(

RIP Doggy.
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stormydog said:
well you cant expect the bastrds to hear a dog cry whilst they watch videos or play snooker now can you. paid for prancing round in uniforms like they are something....yup they are i suppose..."scum"

What a horrible, sad situation for that poor Greyhound. :( It really in inexcusable. :rant:

I do take offence to what you've said Stormy. The majority of the police force work damn hard and deal with shit everyday of the year. When i was in uniform (now a detective), the chance to play snooker would be a fine thing, running around like a blue arse fly all day :- " It's like every profession, good and bad do exist and it's only the bad things that make the news.

Before anyone jumps on my back - i am NO WAY condoning what has happened, it is sickening and i too think action should be taken against those responsible. It just pi**es me off that people make ridiculous sweeping generalisations
Sorry but i think the police have about as much interest in "helping" dogs in ANY situation as what they do bothering to nick theives & other criminals. :- "

If there is money involved & they can fine you for speeding, or not wearing a seat belt etc, hey now we are talking :thumbsup:

When my dogs were stolen, they couldn't have cared less, when my old girl got lost & i found her a few hours later in their so called "kennels" filthy dirty, scummy place, no bedding, no water, no shelter from the rain .

She had an i.d disc on with my name, address & phone number, yet i had rang them 3 times to be told "no, no dog had been handed in"

Truth, they couldn't be bothered to get off their arses to go look.

So, why does this not surprise me??? :blink:

Because our so called "police force" are on the whole nothing but a bunch of crooks, who get paid money for old rope.

When you need them, try ringing them, when your car has been broken into, when you think you have a burglar, when you see a fight going on.

Forget it, you got more chance of seeing pink elephants dancing passed or flying pigs. (w00t)

Yet go 2 mph over a 30 mph speed limit & boy see how quick they can appear.

Stormy mate, i'm with you all the way.

We dont have a caring, hard working police force, we have a JOKE.

They must be stressed & overworked counting all the money they rake in, in fines :eek:
This was on the national news tonight.

The police should be bloody ashamed of themselves for letting this poor dog die.

As soon as the dog was taken in it was their responsibility to care for him, what do they do......forget he's there for 10 whole days. :rant: :rant: :rant: Absolutely incredible.

What an awful way to die for this poor greyhound.I am so angry to think he was left to suffer for such a long time and left to eventually die all alone because none of the police had the intelligence or compassion to take the proper steps to provide any care when he was taken in.
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I hope whoever is responsible is punished. :rant: It's heartbreaking to think of such a noble creature being left to die alone, hungry and cold. :( That could have been one of our pets - no record of it being handed in. I'd not be responsible for my actions if that had been my dog. :eek: They knew exactly what they were doing when they disposed of the 'remains' - it's a disgrace.

I once took a stray into the local police station, we couldnt even keep it over night as Vader hated it so much, and there was no bed or water - they didnt have a bed at the station and when I offered to give them the one out of the back of our car they said they couldnt have it for H&S reasons. I know it was taken to a rescue the next day thankfully.

IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.

RIP Greyhound.
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nina said:
Sorry but i think the police have about as much interest in "helping" dogs in ANY situation as what they do bothering to nick theives & other criminals.  :- "
If there is money involved & they can fine you for speeding, or not wearing a seat belt etc, hey now we are talking  :thumbsup:  

When my dogs were stolen, they couldn't have cared less, when my old girl got lost & i found her a few hours later in their so called "kennels" filthy dirty, scummy place, no bedding, no water, no shelter from the rain .

She had an i.d disc on with my name, address & phone number, yet i had rang them 3 times to be told "no, no dog had been handed in"

Truth, they couldn't be bothered to get off their arses to go look. 

So, why does this not surprise me???  :blink:

Because our so called "police force" are on the whole nothing but a bunch of crooks, who get paid money for old rope.

When you need them, try ringing them, when your car has been broken into, when you think you have a burglar, when you see a fight going on.

Forget it, you got more chance of seeing pink elephants dancing passed or flying pigs.  (w00t)

Yet go 2 mph over a 30 mph speed limit & boy see how quick they can appear.

Stormy mate, i'm with you all the way.

We dont have a caring, hard working police force, we have a JOKE.

They must be stressed & overworked counting all the money they rake in, in fines  :eek:

police force, police men n women, what are those, never see the buggers around here, im sick to death of my car being vandalised, complete waste of time, i look after my own security and well being of my family and property to the best of my ability, violence if neccesary f**k the consequencies.
mazza said:
This was on the national news tonight.

The police should be bloody ashamed of themselves for letting this poor dog die.

As soon as the dog was taken in it was their responsibility to care for him, what do they do......forget he's there for 10 whole days. :rant: :rant: :rant: Absolutely incredible.

What an awful way to die for this poor greyhound.I am so angry to think he was left to suffer for such a long time and left to eventually die all alone because none of the police had the intelligence or compassion to take the proper steps to provide any care when he was taken in.

I totally agree, they should be ashamed BUT to be honest we all know they dont give two hoots.

This poor poor dog, will haunt me & what it sufferd :(

Unfortunately, they dont haver a conscience & as there was no fine imposed for taking the poor little mite in, it slipped their mind totally :- "
police force, police men n women, what are those, never see the buggers around here, im sick to death of my car being vandalised, complete waste of time, i look after my own security and well being of my family and property to the best of my ability, violence if neccesary f**k the consequencies.

Exactly! (w00t)

Ask most people if they have experienced a crime, what did the "police" do & you will find their answer is "WHO"???

Its a matter of time i think, but these overpaid, underworked FAT CATS are gonna have to start answering some questions pretty damn soon.

How long will tax payers keep forking out for such a total waste of space. :angry:
kris said:
theres just no  person going to take responsibility for this.theyll all pass the buck.why does a dog have to die in agony for lessons to be learned?why didnt the desk sergeant ask someone if the dog had been taken?why did noone follow it through?probably cos it was just a dog. :( my heart breaks thinking of the poor animal sitting there waiting for someone to come and feed him and help him.ill spend another sleepless night now thinking about this.when will it all end? :(
Heart breaking does'nt even come close Kris,that poor,poor dog!! :(

I can't actually comprehend how that poor dog must have felt just sitting there patiently waiting for someone to come with a little bit of food or some water,he must have sat there listening to every little noise,thinking,oh that is someone coming now.......and then nothing!! This really is the most atrocious thing I have heard for a long time and I feel sick to the pit of my stomach just thinking about it. :'(

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Heart breaking does'nt even come close Kris,that poor,poor dog!!  :(
I can't actually comprehend how that poor dog must have felt just sitting there patiently waiting for someone to come with a little bit of food or some water,he must have sat there listening to every little noise,thinking,oh that is someone coming now.......and then nothing!! This really is the most atrocious thing I have heard for a long time  and I feel sick to the pit of my stomach just thinking about it. :'(


Yeah & the likes of you & me & lots of others will have nightmares thinking about this poor little devil BUT those who were meant to be in charge of this poor souls well being............................................................Will they lose a nights sleep???? Will they f**k :(
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I too think this is disgusting and let's hope that those responsible are prosecuted.

But to tar all police with the same brush is just ridiculous. I know for a fact that my sister for one is an excellent example of a police officer, works much harder than anyone else I know and does her job very very well, to come out with statements like some people have on this thread is just offensive.

My experiences of the police have all been positive - maybe West Mercia police are an exception to the general rule.
nina said:
Heart breaking does'nt even come close Kris,that poor,poor dog!!  :(
I can't actually comprehend how that poor dog must have felt just sitting there patiently waiting for someone to come with a little bit of food or some water,he must have sat there listening to every little noise,thinking,oh that is someone coming now.......and then nothing!! This really is the most atrocious thing I have heard for a long time  and I feel sick to the pit of my stomach just thinking about it. :'(


Yeah & the likes of you & me & lots of others will have nightmares thinking about this poor little devil BUT those who were meant to be in charge of this poor souls well being............................................................Will they lose a nights sleep???? Will they f**k :(

AND it won't bring the poor dog back either. :( :( :rant:
jok said:
stormydog said:
well you cant expect the bastrds to hear a dog cry whilst they watch videos or play snooker now can you. paid for prancing round in uniforms like they are something....yup they are i suppose..."scum"

What a horrible, sad situation for that poor Greyhound. :( It really in inexcusable. :rant:

I do take offence to what you've said Stormy. The majority of the police force work damn hard and deal with shit everyday of the year. When i was in uniform (now a detective), the chance to play snooker would be a fine thing, running around like a blue arse fly all day :- " It's like every profession, good and bad do exist and it's only the bad things that make the news.

Before anyone jumps on my back - i am NO WAY condoning what has happened, it is sickening and i too think action should be taken against those responsible. It just pi**es me off that people make ridiculous sweeping generalisations

Hi folks. I have sent a further e mail to Lothian and Borders police suggesting that if they are in any doubt over the depth of feeling over this issue then they should log on to k9community to get the flavour.

To the person who's post I quote above, can I say that many people in various walks of life run around like blue arsed flies just to stand still and probably do so for a lot less money than a police constable earns. Speed of response and the necessity to work hard is irrelevant in this instance. The public has a right to expect that the police service behave in a correct and responsible manner and as far as this poor dog was concerned, to see that it had at least a minimum level of care. Sadly, they have been found wanting in this respect and unfortunately no amount of defending of their position in other respects is going to alter the perception that many people have at this time.
Rae said:
IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.
RIP Greyhound.

Yes...I agree....take away any responsibility for taking in stray dogs from the police. JT's description says it all as well.

They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.

Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really. :(
Nicola said:
Rae said:
IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.

RIP Greyhound.

Yes...I agree....take away any responsibility for taking in stray dogs from the police. JT's description says it all as well.

They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.

Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really. :(

I agree. Police are not equipped or at all suitable for looking after dogs, responsibility does need to change.


I said that the majority of the police work damn hard, somthing i'll stick by. It doesn't mean they are good at looking after dogs, i didn't say that. Sweeping generalisations and some shit that people come out with are just a load of rubbish in my opinion.

This is about a poor greyhound that died, not one big 'lets have a go at the police'.
jok said:
Nicola said:
Rae said:
IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.

RIP Greyhound.

Yes...I agree....take away any responsibility for taking in stray dogs from the police. JT's description says it all as well.

They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.

Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really. :(

I agree. Police are not equipped or at all suitable for looking after dogs, responsibility does need to change.


I said that the majority of the police work damn hard, somthing i'll stick by. It doesn't mean they are good at looking after dogs, i didn't say that. Sweeping generalisations and some shit that people come out with are just a load of rubbish in my opinion.

This is about a poor greyhound that died, not one big 'lets have a go at the police'.

I don't think I missed the point at all and I of course realise that you appear to have a chip on your shoulder. I cannot overcome that i'm afraid. You're not my problem.
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