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Hare Coursing,


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If the tories win the next election do you think the hunting ban will be repeeled and hare coursing will again take place?

Does anybody know their policy on this matter, if so let us know.

If they plan too lets all vote conservitive :cheers:

(ps I come from a working class background and am no toff)
lol.............i'm afraid i couldn't vote for a party on the basis one one particular issue - no matter how strongly i felt about it!

would be interesting to find out if they do have a policy though :D
Lakey said:
If the tories win the next election do you think the hunting ban will be repeeled and hare coursing will again take place?
Does anybody know their policy on this matter, if so let us know.

If they plan too lets all vote conservitive  :cheers:

(ps I come from a working class background and am no toff)

conservative, national front this party that party, i do what i want no one ever bothers me around here, fox badger hare rabbit, if my dog chooses to hare then so be it.

midlanderkeith said:
conservative, national front this party that party, i do what i want no one ever bothers me around here, fox badger hare rabbit, if my dog chooses to hare then so be it.


won't be long before your getting your collar felt kieth with an attitiude like that mate especally with the badger statement.

I personally don't think hare coursing will ever return, i hope it does but we have to be realistic. No matter which party gets voted in i don't think they havn't the balls to bring it back IMO
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mally said:
midlanderkeith said:
conservative, national front this party that party, i do what i want no one ever bothers me around here, fox badger hare rabbit, if my dog chooses to hare then so be it.


won't be long before your getting your collar felt kieth with an attitiude like that mate especally with the badger statement.

I personally don't think hare coursing will ever return, i hope it does but we have to be realistic. No matter which party gets voted in i don't think they have the balls to bring it back IMO

Maybe your right Mally, but im a fanatic about working my dog, and my dog is a fanatic about working, had my collar felt many a time, in your own words Fxxx the ban, as for the badger statement, what im saying is, i know where there are 3 setts i go visit on my own in the middle of the night to watch them, only last week i watched a vixen carry her cubs in the fields not more than 10 mins from where i live, what more cud a bloke like me who loves that way of life ask for

these are my views and not meant to offend

i hope they do paul, or else scenes like this will die forever..
urchin said:
lol.............i'm afraid i couldn't vote for a party on the basis one one particular issue - no matter how strongly i felt about it!
would be interesting to find out if they do have a policy though  :D

In my opinion both parties are pretty much are the same these days in reguard to their policies so if one of them says they will bring back hare coursing I'll vote for them :thumbsup:

In the mean time I'll have to keep looking over my shoulder too Keith :- "

But I would love to go to a proper coursing meeting and course my whippets against other whippets :thumbsup:
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Jazzys dad said:
Each to their own, but I like Hares. They are sacred.
make the most of seeing them now then as they are all getting shot in our area, now coursing is banned they no longer want them damaging crops.

worst thing about the ban is, it is a disaster for the hare population as they were tolerated for coursing events but that is no longer the case.

I'd sooner see a good dog behind a hare than one being shot anyday
And me!!!

As far as I know , the Conservatives have pledged to repeal the Hunting Act if they get elected, which is looking more likely by the week . I personally will be glad to see the back of Bliar and Fat boy Prescott , or should it be little john prescott ( if you read the Star recently you`d understand !!!) :D

I know many people have carried on as before, and fox hunting, beagling etc have found ways around the act , but it would benice to walk a field whippets in slips , waiting for Lepus to get up , knowing that you had nothing to fear, and that you were fully legal as long as you had the landowners permission, which we all do don`t we boys and girls?? :cheers:
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nigelmcfc said:
And me!!!
As far as I know , the Conservatives have pledged to repeal the Hunting Act if they get elected, which is looking more likely by the week . I personally will be glad to see the back of Bliar and Fat boy Prescott , or should it be little john prescott ( if you read the Star recently you`d understand !!!) :D

I know many people have carried on as before, and fox hunting, beagling etc have found ways around the act , but it would benice to walk a field whippets in slips , waiting for Lepus to get up , knowing that you had nothing to fear, and that you were fully legal as long as you had the landowners permission, which we all do don`t we boys and girls?? :cheers:

Hey up Nigel, hows Gypsy doin these days, hope u r well

keith :thumbsup:
Hey up Nigel, hows Gypsy doin these days, hope u r well

keith :thumbsup:

Hi Keith, she`s doing very well mate, she`s had a couple of rabbits , one was myxied , the other she caught with the help of one the other dogs , I reckon she`ll be catching well come the start of the season and the grass is down . Here`s a pic of her took recently

View attachment 32266
nigelmcfc said:
Hey up Nigel, hows Gypsy doin these days, hope u r well

keith :thumbsup:

Hi Keith, she`s doing very well mate, she`s had a couple of rabbits , one was myxied , the other she caught with the help of one the other dogs , I reckon she`ll be catching well come the start of the season and the grass is down . Here`s a pic of her took recently

Are you taking her to Broughton show Nigel ? We're taking ours if it isnt to hot
Are you taking her to Broughton show Nigel ? We're taking ours if it isnt to hot

Yeah we`ll probably take Gypsy with us if it isn`t too warm, it`s been a scorcher here today.
nigelmcfc said:
Hey up Nigel, hows Gypsy doin these days, hope u r well

keith :thumbsup:

Hi Keith, she`s doing very well mate, she`s had a couple of rabbits , one was myxied , the other she caught with the help of one the other dogs , I reckon she`ll be catching well come the start of the season and the grass is down . Here`s a pic of her took recently

God her as grown into a fine looking animal, good luck with her

keith :thumbsup:
If a Hare shows it self then I think its a big rabbit (w00t) so do the dogs.

No probs this end of England,

If the tories plan to try to reinstate hunting and hare coursing then everything I have said about David Cameron is true. He is a slimy toe rag.

Long live the ban.

Personally haven't seen the article about the very talented John Prescott but then the Daily Star is a comic not a newspaper so doesn't interest me.

Suzycbee said:
If the tories plan to try to reinstate hunting and hare coursing then everything I have said about David Cameron is true.  He is a slimy toe rag.
Long live the ban. 

Personally haven't seen the article about the very talented John  Prescott but then the Daily Star is a comic not a newspaper so doesn't interest me.


It`s not a case of if the Tories get in , it`s a case of when , the way blair and co are acting they are winning the battle for us :cheers: , as for little john, are you one of his girlfriends :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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Suzycbee said:
If the tories plan to try to reinstate hunting and hare coursing then everything I have said about David Cameron is true.  He is a slimy toe rag.
Long live the ban. 

Personally haven't seen the article about the very talented John  Prescott but then the Daily Star is a comic not a newspaper so doesn't interest me.


Many a hare escapes the dog but they dont dodge shotgun pellets quite so well :(

If you think the ban has saved many a hare or fox then you know naff all :rant:

They now have no value to land owner who allowed coursing/hunting on their land and as such are just persecuted as pests, just the same as you would most lightly kill a rat in your back yard

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