It was great to meet everyone................shame about the weather. (w00t)
Here are a few photos from our walk. We will be lucky if we got any decent rained continuously, and the mist was quite low, so there wasn't much to see scenery wise either. Such a shame for those that came from further afield ...Julie and family and Ella whippet...(I hope I'm remembering some names correctly...I'm a bit flaked out today)
Here's a photo of JT's dogs, whilst wating for folk to arrive.......

Here are a few photos from our walk. We will be lucky if we got any decent rained continuously, and the mist was quite low, so there wasn't much to see scenery wise either. Such a shame for those that came from further afield ...Julie and family and Ella whippet...(I hope I'm remembering some names correctly...I'm a bit flaked out today)
Here's a photo of JT's dogs, whilst wating for folk to arrive.......

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