I'm hoping to start lure coursing next year with my lot. I think Leia would be excellent at it. (We hoped to start this year but with the stick injuries and ill family members we couldn't make the dates
Stupid questions follow..... :clown: Would really appreciate your help.
I've contacted the BFSA - and noticed on their website that 'KC reg sighthounds can race' so Star is OK, and 'lurchers owned by owners of registerd sighthounds'....so does this mean Leia & Vader can race because we have Star?
I understand that they can do as many trials as they want before we go into a a proper competiton race, until we are sure they have got it right. Can they be disqualified from trials though? (I would be sooooo embarassed) What I'm worried about is that when they run loose together they all play fight with each other, and obviously I don't want them to do this on the field, but don't want to stop them doing it now. It is too much to expect that they will behave differently at a lure coursing event?
Is there much lure coursing down here in Somerset (or Devon as we are right onthe border)?
I think Vader could behave himself, but at 7 is he too old to start?
Also - do all hounds chase - 3 of mine do have a good chase instinct.... :- " o
but I'm not sure if Star would go off chasing on her own, ie without Leia to hold her hand/paw. :wacko:
Lastly - are they more likely to get injured doing lure coursing than just runing about like the lunatics they are as normal? :unsure:
Thanks, Rae
I'm hoping to start lure coursing next year with my lot. I think Leia would be excellent at it. (We hoped to start this year but with the stick injuries and ill family members we couldn't make the dates
Stupid questions follow..... :clown: Would really appreciate your help.
I've contacted the BFSA - and noticed on their website that 'KC reg sighthounds can race' so Star is OK, and 'lurchers owned by owners of registerd sighthounds'....so does this mean Leia & Vader can race because we have Star?
I understand that they can do as many trials as they want before we go into a a proper competiton race, until we are sure they have got it right. Can they be disqualified from trials though? (I would be sooooo embarassed) What I'm worried about is that when they run loose together they all play fight with each other, and obviously I don't want them to do this on the field, but don't want to stop them doing it now. It is too much to expect that they will behave differently at a lure coursing event?
Is there much lure coursing down here in Somerset (or Devon as we are right onthe border)?
I think Vader could behave himself, but at 7 is he too old to start?
Also - do all hounds chase - 3 of mine do have a good chase instinct.... :- " o
Lastly - are they more likely to get injured doing lure coursing than just runing about like the lunatics they are as normal? :unsure:
Thanks, Rae