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Ooooooooh this makes me so MAD! The hundreds and thousands of people, families too who will lose their livelihoods and homes because some ill-informed little plebs believe a fox holds greater value than human life and living - why aren't they sorting out our schools and hospitals - why this persistent attack on the rural economy?

It's already been banned long enough here but we're fast sliding toward banning fishing and shooting ... then what - a ban on eating meat? wearing leather shoes? using fly-paper?
When it comes the time of fishing/shotting lets hope they get more support from the hunting community than they have given the hunting community.

Just heard on the news Blair didn't vote on banning hunting with hounds? so he can allow such a stupid needless vote to take place but he doesn't seem to see it as important enough to vote himself!
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I have to disagree with you Mark about the amount of support from both the BASC and the Salmon & Trout Association which has been given to the Countrside Alliance. Before I took up whippet racing I went to both of the London Marches with a S&TA hat on as did numerous other fishermen and shooters. One of the senior CA management team is an S&TA member and represents Game Fishers. All shooters and fishermen are concerned that if hunting is banned, it is only a matter of time before their activities are closed down as well. Obviously now that I have a couple of whippets, one of which I think will make a good courser, I am doubly concerned.
i'm speaking from those I see and speak to while i'm out fishing from the local clubs (2) the members are of the opinion that they are safe and fishing will never get touched so have no interest in adding their names to any fight to save hunting.

The Governing body's in fishing may be lending their suport but it's the man on the ground that it needs the backing of to make the numbers up.
ILoveKettleChips said:
It's already been banned long enough here but we're fast sliding toward banning fishing and shooting ... then what - a ban on eating meat?  wearing leather shoes?  using fly-paper?
Once the anti steam roller flattens coursing and any hunting with dogs their attention will be on the other field sports.

I don't think that there is any doubt that if they succeed with field sports their next target will be ANY racing that features animals. In the anti's book that is animal exploitation.

I don't know about the UK, but in the USA the animal rights brigade have already

stated that ANY sport that includes animals is against their manifesto.

That includes dog showing. There have already been incidents at shows where AR activists have released dogs from crates in an attempt to "Set them Free!"

It reminds me of the old saying about the Nazis. What was it? We did nothing when they persecuted Gypsies. We did nothing when they persecuted Jews. When they started persecuting us, their was no one left to protest.

The AR people are well organized and well funded. It's time for the opposition to them to play catch up and. That's all people who value any sport involving animals. Whippet racing could be getting close to the end of the line. You don't think so? Hope you are right!
We did nothing when they persecuted Gypsies. We did nothing when they persecuted Jews. When they started persecuting us, their was no one left to protest.
Nicely put Tony.

if the new law proposed by Lord Lipsey gets through parliament regarding animal welfare it would mean that all dog racing events MUST have a vet in attendence which at around £500 for a Sunday afternoon I wonder how many whippet racing clubs will be ably to aford that!
Lets hope the government supply those dear little red foxes with gas masks and bullet proof vests because fit and healthy or not they are about to be annihilated like they were when Scotland banned hunting with hounds. Lets face it any idiot can go out and shoot them, licensed or not, hope they are a good shot :thumbsup:

I know of least one pheasant game keeper who will be out with his gun which he hasnt done before as the hunt cross his land.

In all honesty though some of the urban foxes need putting out of their misery judging by the amount with mange.

Sheer and utter bloody lunacy
I wish people just took the time to try and understand what this means and where it'll end up :( .......I love all of my dogs dearly but they were bred to hunt and i personally won't stop them in doing what comes naturally to them :- " but as was mentioned earlier in this topic .........there are much more important things for our beloved government to deal with, than spending their time on this ......

Then to see adults crying as they will lose EVERYTHING with this ban :angry: .........So if huntings going then fishing and shooting will have to go aswell ...........then that leaves topics like F***ing cats roaming free and demolishing our native wildlife :oops: ........they would have to go as they are just mindless killing machiens, i suggest that we will have to gas them or something like that'll only hurt for a while :eek: .......oh hang on i hear cries from animal right's's natural for a cat to hunt ........duh then what are most dogs instincts ??
I'll be picking you up about midnight on the 25th to go down to Brighton, then you suddenly seem to be offering your full support.
John it's always had my full support but if your going there on the 25th does that mean your not running at the Champs on the 26th to support the cause?

turning out in Brighton will change nothing, you only have to look at the past 8 years and the recent vote to see that.

what will change things is all those that are not against hunting speaking out by that I don't mean the normaly quiet area of the hunting community but Joe Public it's only by getting those on side and speaking out that you will get things changed the CA can have all the rallys they want but at the end of the day they are preaching to the converted.
Ok.....I got the date wrong, Brighton is the I will be travelling down overnight on the 27th......because I can't sit on my fat arse in front of a computer pontificating, when I know people are fighting for the sport I love.

I will be at the Champs.....and Stanborough, and three coursing stakes which I have already entered, before xmas.....I will also be at work 6 days a week, in a job which is also in the firing line of the antis, animal rights, etc.

I have known you for approx. 6 years.....and I don't remember coursing (I DO NOT use the superfluous prefix "live") having your "full support" throughout that period. Indifference is a word which springs to mind.
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Yep I can take it or leave it, hunting is not the be all and end all for me.

I do it if and when I feel like it and when the ban comes in i'll still do it when I feel like it.

if you want company on the 28th you only had to ask, What time do you want to leave.
Following Tuesday's appalling scenes outside Westminster, it looks like MP Alun Michael can't get enough of it; It has been confirmed by Tom Fell and the Countryside Alliance that he is visiting Chipping, Lancashire on Sunday19th September at 08.00am. He is here for breakfast and a general meeting about "rural affairs" in the Village Hall. Pass the word and be here on Sunday to ensure a very warm reception for Mr. Michael !!
according to the news last night due to secrurity advice he's not going.
This is the final straw for myself and many of the electorate. I actually don't want my dog to course, but hubby is keen to go and do some rabbiting with him. That's up to him, so long as I don't have watch (or hear about it in technicolour detail :x ).

What this government is doing is APALLING. We are no longer a democracy, but a nanny state. Hunting is the tip of the ice-berg.

All freedom of choice is being taken away, it's a drip, drip, drip scenario.

For example, children can no longer take marbles to school.......Someone may swallow one :lol:

No playing British Bulldogs......A little one may get hurt (w00t)

No racing against each other on sport's day, a poor little child might get upset if they come last!


WHAT THE F**K is wrong with this country?
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you missed that they can no longer sell Candy Floss on a stick at it might hurt somone! REDICULESS.

Whats wronge with this Country? LABOUR
you missed that they can no longer sell Candy Floss on a stick at it might hurt somone! REDICULESS
:eek: :eek: :eek:

WHO DO YOU VOTE FOR????????????

They are all just as bad.

If Blair wins this election, you can kiss good-bye to [SIZE=21pt]GREAT BRITAIN[/SIZE]

It wil be snivelling little island just off main land Europe, and a [SIZE=21pt]LAUGHING STOCK[/SIZE]

:( :( :(
Just thought I'd add a few to your list Joanna...

My nine year old is going to camp next spring, they'll do abseiling, orienteering, lots of time spent out of doors having great fun. Usually the teachers assemble a basic fist aid kit with Waspeze, Calpol, Antiseptic wipes etc. This year they are not allowed to do that. They don't seem to know why, but have told parents it's new Health and Safety guidelines. They have told us that we can send a basic first aid kit with our child, in a sealed box, which they the teachers will lock away in a cupboard (so that's two classes in the year group, about 46 first aid boxes). IF one of our children is stung, scratched, scraped, whatever, they must go to the teacher who will give them the first aid box. The child (9 years old) must then apply any first aid THEMSELVES because the teacher is not allowed to 'touch' the child in case their 'touch' is considered abusive.

This is the same mentality of people who also insisted back in Reception Year that my 4 year old should burn in the midsummer sun because they are not allowed to apply sun cream for her because their touch might be considered abusive, and she is incapable at 4 of applying it to all areas of her arms and face. So that's one red and white striped child, then.

And just o who was she more at risk from on a daily basis? A pervert teacher (unlikely) or the sun at midday during July????

[SIZE=14pt]FFS [/SIZE] :rant:

And - the same primary school, no one is allowed to RUN in the playground any more in case they bump into someone and that someone is hurt. They must also not do handstands any more because someone over-balanced and 'hurt' themselves last year.

AND - they built (at great expense with lots of parent fund raising) one of these wooden play areas full of bark chippings for the kids to play in because they were all going stir crazy since they had the other play equipement (skipping ropes, footballs etc) taken away for Health and Safety reasons. Almost immediately someone tripped over the bark chippings, the bark chippings were found 'not to be of sufficient depth to prevent injury' and the whole area was cordoned off for months. Three hundred kids were left to stare longingly over the cordone every playtime for weeks and weeks and weeks.

This country is run by IDIOTS. How the hell are children supposed to learn about risk if they are wrapped up cotton wool and made to walk around in slow motion like zombies???????????

:rant: [SIZE=14pt]AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGH! [/SIZE] :rant: :rant:

Helen (going WAY off topic here!)

Just to bring it back on topic - who do you vote for? Actually, I don't think our votes will count any more. I think we all might have a very nasty shock at the next election when we realise that Blair's 'electoral reform' has most probably fixed things so that our votes don't count. We're probably stuck with Labour, and that's a very frightening thought.

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