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Im in the wars

Mad Murphy

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Back in January I got tripped by a wire noose left in the street. Open knees and hands bruises like rainbows but they all cleared up..

But since then Ive been having hip problems on the right its a pain in the hip joint area and when I get up from the chair I tend to waddle like a duck, on the left Ive been getting a funny tingeling like pins and needles and a burning sensation in my thigh.
So I went to see my Gp he thinks its a muscle strain or trapped nerve due to the fall and prescribed anti inflammtories and a trip to the physio to get it checked out . Ive just phoned the physio and got an appointment for next Monday.

Oh and while I was there he decided my cold isnt a cold its a nasty respitory infection so Ive got meds for that too if it gets any worse I have to go back in case it turns into pneumonia..
Feeling a bit sorry for myself now!
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon.
Oh dear :-( I hope the physio can fix your hips - make sure you rest if that's what is advised!
Sorry you're in the wars- re your hip have you looked into whether it's bursitis? (Had it last year, better now!) Although to be honest pain killers and NSAI's are probably still the best bet! Good luck with everything anyway.
Thanks. I will know more after I see the physio on Monday. I hate the naproxen it makes me feel sick even with a protective stomach pill... but needs must.

Its a pain in the bum as Ive only just been given permission to start building up our walks after my shock wave therapy for my foot.
As it’s on both sides it could be coming from your back I get the burning and tingling in my hip and pain in the other but have been told it’s my lower back but the physio hopefully will know best. I use an ice pack on mine, I was told by a physio to never use heat. I hope you will feel better soon, take care of yourself x

Oh, Lordy, that’s awful. :( I am so sorry to hear it, I know U were thrilled when the Doc gave the OK to start longer walks again. //. What numpty left a wire noose lying about on a public street! - ye gods, how could anybody think that was safe to leave carelessly on the ground?! :mad:

I injured my back very badly twice in my life [so far...], once in an auto accident, once while at work, when lifting a heavy object solo. // Humans are not well designed, as being bipedal we cannot compensate for any injuries that throw off our balance, or which involve our spines.
Quadrupeds are so lucky, they can redistribute their wt to reduce the load on a painful joint or injured tissue.

I hope the physio can give U some prompt relief, & can also figure out what’s causing the pain - pray heaven it’s something simple, & the prognosis is a brief recovery period before a full return to active function.
Sending healing vibes,
- terry

As it’s on both sides it could be coming from your back I get the burning and tingling in my hip and pain in the other but have been told it’s my lower back but the physio hopefully will know best. I use an ice pack on mine, I was told by a physio to never use heat. I hope you will feel better soon, take care of yourself x

The GP also wondered about my back but because Ive fallen over twice in the last few months (that makes me sound old) he also thought it might be due to shock/impact injury through jarring. Thats why he said physio..
Im hoping the lungs start to clear soon yesterdays walk was a disaster I ended up hanging onto a farm gate wheezing and puffing..
Being sensible Im staying home today :(
Back in January I got tripped by a wire noose left in the street. Open knees and hands bruises like rainbows but they all cleared up..

But since then Ive been having hip problems on the right its a pain in the hip joint area and when I get up from the chair I tend to waddle like a duck, on the left Ive been getting a funny tingeling like pins and needles and a burning sensation in my thigh.
So I went to see my Gp he thinks its a muscle strain or trapped nerve due to the fall and prescribed anti inflammtories and a trip to the physio to get it checked out . Ive just phoned the physio and got an appointment for next Monday.

Oh and while I was there he decided my cold isnt a cold its a nasty respitory infection so Ive got meds for that too if it gets any worse I have to go back in case it turns into pneumonia..
Feeling a bit sorry for myself now!
Hope you feel better soon. My husband had severe sciatica last year that lasted over six months. Ended up being prescribed morphine for the pain.
Hope you have had your hips scanned too. My back pain disappeared after my hip replacement

Oh, @Nanny71 , that sciatica flare-up sounds dreadful. :(

I am so glad U & hubby are doing better - back pain & hip pain are hellish. // U cannot lie down, stand, sit, bend over, ANY & EVERY position is painful. Yee-owch. Hopefully Ur relief is pretty permanent, with the new hip, but hubby’s sciatic nerve may be a come-&-go stinker.

A quick Q, if i may? - does hubby drive a car?
Many ppl unintentionally set themselves up for back pain & various spinal or nerve neuralgias by getting INTO & OUT of the car, in a way that overloads or strains the joints - sitting down facing TO THE SIDE, then swinging both legs in, is a much-more ergonomic way to enter the car, vs stand on one leg, insert the near foot, sit, & then pull the other leg in.
Similarly, when exiting, pivot to the door, lift both feet out sitting sideways, put them on the ground, use the door armrest, a door-gripper, or the seat under yer butt to help lift U, & then stand to exit.

My chiropractor drilled it into my head that whether U drive or ride in a personal auto, entering & exiting it **with both feet** is essential to avoiding joint & nerve irritation. :) I have been so grateful to him, as i injured my back very badly in a car accident in 1984.
My ongoing stability [as spines don’t so much heal as resettle in a new alignment] is largely due to a past Hx of long-time yoga, & his good advice on not stirring up trouble.

Hope U are both pain-free for a long time,
- terry

Many ppl unintentionally set themselves up for back pain & various spinal or nerve neuralgias by getting INTO & OUT of the car, in a way that overloads or strains the joints - sitting down facing TO THE SIDE, then swinging both legs in, is a much-more ergonomic way to enter the car, vs stand on one leg, insert the near foot, sit, & then pull the other leg in.
Similarly, when exiting, pivot to the door, lift both feet out sitting sideways, put them on the ground, use the door armrest, a door-gripper, or the seat under yer butt to help lift U, & then stand to exit.

It has taken a burgered-up knee for me to finally work out how to get into and out of a car elegantly, like a laydee. Previously, I'd always struggled to keep my dignity if wearing a short skirt but finally, I've nailed it :D

Oh, @Nanny71 , that sciatica flare-up sounds dreadful. :(

I am so glad U & hubby are doing better - back pain & hip pain are hellish. // U cannot lie down, stand, sit, bend over, ANY & EVERY position is painful. Yee-owch. Hopefully Ur relief is pretty permanent, with the new hip, but hubby’s sciatic nerve may be a come-&-go stinker.

A quick Q, if i may? - does hubby drive a car?
Many ppl unintentionally set themselves up for back pain & various spinal or nerve neuralgias by getting INTO & OUT of the car, in a way that overloads or strains the joints - sitting down facing TO THE SIDE, then swinging both legs in, is a much-more ergonomic way to enter the car, vs stand on one leg, insert the near foot, sit, & then pull the other leg in.
Similarly, when exiting, pivot to the door, lift both feet out sitting sideways, put them on the ground, use the door armrest, a door-gripper, or the seat under yer butt to help lift U, & then stand to exit.

My chiropractor drilled it into my head that whether U drive or ride in a personal auto, entering & exiting it **with both feet** is essential to avoiding joint & nerve irritation. :) I have been so grateful to him, as i injured my back very badly in a car accident in 1984.
My ongoing stability [as spines don’t so much heal as resettle in a new alignment] is largely due to a past Hx of long-time yoga, & his good advice on not stirring up trouble.

Hope U are both pain-free for a long time,
- terry

My hip has been absolutely great, thank you.
Hubby knows the sciatica could return. He does drive a car and does get in it incorrectly.
After my hip replacement I was given the advice about getting in the car correctly.

Oh, @Nanny71 , that sciatica flare-up sounds dreadful. :(

I am so glad U & hubby are doing better - back pain & hip pain are hellish. // U cannot lie down, stand, sit, bend over, ANY & EVERY position is painful. Yee-owch. Hopefully Ur relief is pretty permanent, with the new hip, but hubby’s sciatic nerve may be a come-&-go stinker.

A quick Q, if i may? - does hubby drive a car?
Many ppl unintentionally set themselves up for back pain & various spinal or nerve neuralgias by getting INTO & OUT of the car, in a way that overloads or strains the joints - sitting down facing TO THE SIDE, then swinging both legs in, is a much-more ergonomic way to enter the car, vs stand on one leg, insert the near foot, sit, & then pull the other leg in.
Similarly, when exiting, pivot to the door, lift both feet out sitting sideways, put them on the ground, use the door armrest, a door-gripper, or the seat under yer butt to help lift U, & then stand to exit.

My chiropractor drilled it into my head that whether U drive or ride in a personal auto, entering & exiting it **with both feet** is essential to avoiding joint & nerve irritation. :) I have been so grateful to him, as i injured my back very badly in a car accident in 1984.
My ongoing stability [as spines don’t so much heal as resettle in a new alignment] is largely due to a past Hx of long-time yoga, & his good advice on not stirring up trouble.

Hope U are both pain-free for a long time,
- terry

There is a swivelling cushion you can get to aid getting out of the car with two feet. Also I was told a plastic bag works just as well.
Well it was good news from the physio no wear in the hip so just inflammation from the fall in January and possible residue damage from the one in October (all this falling over makes me sound very old or constantly drunk )

But my woes are not over yet...Chopping veg last night my knife slipped on a wet bell pepper and sliced into my middle finger.. Very sharp knife, clean slice, ..lots of red stuff ! ouch
Ouch! At least sharp knives make clean cuts that usually heal well (they don't call me Pollyanna for nothing, you know).

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