Think this needs to be said before we dont have any lurcher shows to go to? As many know me and my brother in law followed lurcherworld alot last year and all went well apart from the weather? I have heard mixed reactions to the 2 previous shows mostly bad one's :rant: i for one would just like to remind people that these people take the time to arrange these lurcher shows and work hard to keep them going and also bring there familys and have them to consider as well(THIS IS NOT A BUM LICK)??They are trying new things that might not be working but who am i to tell them what to do? :teehee: As this is a discussion board in stead of critisising :rant: give them some ideas to improve the show(helpfull hints) (!) anyway hope someone from lurcherworld answers there critics and something can be done.Hope to attend a show soon when the dogs are ready and it is a happy one where things run smoothly Russ and the family. :thumbsup: