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May I Just Ask...........

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my dogs dont catch kill and eat there quarry. they catch it then bring it to my hand if they can manage, and if they are lucky they can have the odd bone or 2..when its been cooked up and ive finished .. :thumbsup: i dont usually share my ego stroking habits either.. :p but you asked.
Thats a fair question that deserves an honest answer :thumbsup:

The rabbits we catch are causing major damage on the farms we take them from thats why we have permission to do so,The rabbits caught are retrieved live to hand & then humainly dispatched they are then taken home skinned & fed to the dogs/eaten/given to some of the local pensoniers or fed to the ferrets nothing that is killed is wasted some of the skins are used for training pups to retrieve & some used as lures for pups to chase.

And as all good chef's say :oops:

Here is one i prepared earlier :cheers:


eat it ourselves, feed the ferrets, feed the dogs. myxi'd or rats get burnt dont feed the buzzards round our way or the foxes. they can work for their grub
I let the buzzards have the rubbish our way as after all they are scavengers ...and such great birds :) I know where they nest .......foxes on the other hand .........
Joanna said:
~Helen~ said:
If mine ever did kill (which they haven't, yet) I would give the kill to them as part of their already varied raw food diet. Surely that's the best and healthiest way to "dispose" of it?
If they are trained to kill rabbit and bring back, they couldn't eat that many Helen. One is fair enough, and I would imagine any of yours would happily eat that (having seen the evidence of a house dog with pigeon). It is more the out to kill in numbers I am asking about.

i know this may come as a shock, but some of us have freezers (w00t)
~Helen~ said:
If mine ever did kill (which they haven't, yet) I would give the kill to them as part of their already varied raw food diet. Surely that's the best and healthiest way to "dispose" of it?
Yes, Helen & Alfyn, I would do this as both mine eat raw as well, but it would have to be fed to them later and not at the time of the kill as I wouldn't want them getting 'out of hand' in their desire to kill and eat immediately.

We live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by farmland, however we are next door to an estate which runs a pheasant shoot (loads of the bloomin' things come onto our land) and both myself and my neighbours have cats so all 'hunting' has to be carefully monitored in case of mistakes (w00t)

As you can imagine, with all the pheasants, we also have a very large, and well-fed, fox population so no problem getting rid of rabbit remains if necessary :thumbsup:
We have a freezer full of all sorts of game at the moment what OH has shot all will be consumed :D OH cooks it all and makes a fab game pie :thumbsup: Also we have plenty of wood pigeon and really enjoy that aswell :thumbsup:
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

swallows the buggers whole, if i let her, the rest i skin n cook, sometimes though i leave em hangin fer the many buzzards we have around here
alfyn said:
jinnyfizz said:
Good question ... it made me think.
I don't want to eat the rabbits and so I expect I shall dispose of them when the time comes. I haven't given this much thought yet but most 'roadkill' and other deaths get eaten by scavengers so I assume the same will happen if I throw any dead rabbits into the hedgerows - although they will be my hedgerows and not someone elses (w00t)

If you don't want to eat them,why not let your dogs have them?

If any of my lot catch a rabbit,or pigeon,they take great joy in eating their out very cost effective :D

Out of interest, do you do anything with the Rabbits etc before you let the dogs have them? Holly / Frankie are very keen at catching RAbbits now. Frankie has had a few now and kills them cleanly and just brings them straight back to me droppping them at my feet dead. If Chloe (my Dobe) is out with us too, she will try and pinch them and eat them whole! The Whips have no interest of eating them whole. Do they at home? Sorry to sound so stupid, but i have no active interest in them catching anything, it is just what they do on their daily walks in the countryside! :)
Out of interest, do you do anything with the Rabbits etc before you let the dogs have them? Holly / Frankie are very keen at catching RAbbits now. Frankie has had a few now and kills them cleanly and just brings them straight back to me droppping them at my feet dead. If Chloe (my Dobe) is out with us too, she will try and pinch them and eat them whole! The Whips have no interest of eating them whole. Do they at home? Sorry to sound so stupid, but i have no active interest in them catching anything, it is just what they do on their daily walks in the countryside! :)

Skin them & give them the dogs :thumbsup:
If I catch rats in the live trap, I am afraid they are killed and disposed of in the bin. Cant do much else with them, as I can never be sure they are free from weils disease etc.

If I am out and the dogs kill a squirrel (grey ones by accident officer :- " ), it goes in my pocket and the ferrets fill there tummies.

If I am out ferreting and the rabbit is caught by one of the dogs they go to the ferrets. Often the meat is spoiled if the dogs mouth them too hard. Ferrets work hard though so do deserve a bit of what they have worked for.

If the rabbit is pursed, I dispatch it quickly and then once home one of several things happen to them...

A) Go to Normans for his pot roasts and winter barbies.

b) Go in my tummy (normally in the form of a broth or stew)

c) Go to school - there are several members of staff in my place who are over fifty and still remember eating rabbit regularly as a child. They look forward to me bringing rabbit in for them during the autumn and winter.

Might I just add another point here...It is about 20 years since I ate any meat that was not free range (or organic in the case of lamb/beef/pork/venison). I would not eat any animal that had not had the best of care. Two reasons for this...

A) I see now reason to have an animal suffer to reduce the cost of the meat. If you want to eat the meat, you should put your money where your mouth is (sorry - pardon the pun - though rather a good I think :blink: )

B) There is a huge difference in texture/taste and quality. No going back once you tried it. You should have a go. You will see the difference between a chicken filled with meat and one filled with water instantly.
Pennymeadow Whippets said:
Skin them & give them the dogs :thumbsup:

My neighbour's kids skin the rabbits that their JRT and collies catch ... the kids like making 'aliens' by getting the skin off in one (w00t) and then I think the cats eat them.

Having seen it, I must admit that rabbits do look a bit sci-fi without their skin :blink:
Joanna said:
If your OH is going to go for pigeons (Presuming woodies) I'd just lift the breast off the bone and not bother with the rest of it - too much faffin' about.
Yes it is woodies, I have requested no carcass as I am squeamish. he has a code of conduct, and won't pop off a squirrel in his sights. It isn't just sport. I would hate that :(

Wood pigeon breast is lovely Jo, makes a really nice casserole or pie esp. with a bit of steak. It's WW3 against fruit munching tree rats here I'm afraid :nuke:
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100% agree no comparision!! :thumbsup:

mini me

A) I see now reason to have an animal suffer to reduce the cost of the meat. If you want to eat the meat, you should put your money where your mouth is (sorry - pardon the pun - though rather a good I think )

B) There is a huge difference in texture/taste and quality. No going back once you tried it. You should have a go. You will see the difference between a chicken filled with meat and one filled with water instantly.
Huge thanks for all the replies, not what I expected at all, and really fascinating replies (especially Sparky's stroking :x )

May I just ask about the Weils disease. Is this something that is detroyed by cooking?
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Me and the dogs and ferrets never kill anything just for the sake of killing . Rabbits are used either to feed the dogs or ferrets , or to make a nice old rabbit stew :thumbsup:

It`s pest control - I have permission to control rabbits on quite a few farms and the farmers welcome us . Even though we take largish bags most of the time , it`s not about numbers or satisfying your own ego , what gives me pleasure is seeing my own dogs and ferrets do what they were bred to do , and do it wel in some of the most beautiful countryside in the UK

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