hi i am posting this here as there are more brains that know about whippets in one place and may have had a simular problem i hope someone can help me
my 22 mnth old whippet bitch went down hill suddenly on sun eve she was unhappy and seemed a little stiff deffo not herself by early hours she had a very high temperature took her to vets first thing mon morning and they took a look at her as i had told him that in the night she had had the shivers then seem to be having pain in moving when trying to get up by the time we were at vets she still ad the temperature but was moving ok he felt her tum and took temperature and said it was an infection gave her antibiotics injection and something to cool temperature that day she seemed a little better in herself but by night she was back same i gave her her antibotic tablets today but she is sleeping all time and real down i am really worried about her then noticed a little earlier she has milk too she is eating ok and doing toilet fine but now is real lethargic and hot again as anyone got any ideas ( i am taking her back to vets tomoz but realy dont know what to say ) worried sick now
my 22 mnth old whippet bitch went down hill suddenly on sun eve she was unhappy and seemed a little stiff deffo not herself by early hours she had a very high temperature took her to vets first thing mon morning and they took a look at her as i had told him that in the night she had had the shivers then seem to be having pain in moving when trying to get up by the time we were at vets she still ad the temperature but was moving ok he felt her tum and took temperature and said it was an infection gave her antibiotics injection and something to cool temperature that day she seemed a little better in herself but by night she was back same i gave her her antibotic tablets today but she is sleeping all time and real down i am really worried about her then noticed a little earlier she has milk too she is eating ok and doing toilet fine but now is real lethargic and hot again as anyone got any ideas ( i am taking her back to vets tomoz but realy dont know what to say ) worried sick now