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getting my new 9 week old dog tonight and searching the net for info i stumbled across this good looking site(creep creep :)) )

i have been trying to use the search function but it doesnt seem to like me and just locks up :- "

a couple of quick questions that i hope someone will help me with.are there any specific rules in introducing a new whippet pup into the home or are they just like any other pup,the reason that i ask is that i already have a 14 year old colliex and 2 cats so therefore want to make sure that it is done properly and to not alarm any of the animals.

the only other thing that i am worried about is feeding as i havent had a puppy for 14 years so am a little rusty on how many times a day they need to be fed and how much.

will try and get some pics up of the little fellow when he is settled in :))
welcome to k9 and the wonderfull world of whippets :blink:

re feeding ; the breeder will tell you how much , what and how often the puppy is fed etc .

if they dont tell you then you MUST ask as changing a dogs diet , esp a puppy will probably end in a horrible tummy upset :(

as for introductions , just use common sense , remember a whippets skin tears easily so although the cats will prob tell the new pup off for bugging them , you also dont want them swiping him either .

good luck and keep us posted :thumbsup:
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Welcome to K9, you will find loads of help on here about any subject.

My bit of advice. Dont let the puppy pester other pets for a while and make sure you fuss your other pets a lot so they dont start off being jealous. I think it can be really stressful for and older dog to be confronted by a new puppy in the house.

Best of luck :luck:
Hi and welcome to K9 :thumbsup:

As Zephyr says the FAQ section will most likely answer all or most of your queries.

The best of luck with your new pup,have you thought of a name yet?

Looking forward to some lovely pix soon. :D
Welcome to k9, you creep well!! :thumbsup:

I'm sure that your puppy will settle in with all the advice.

Pics are compulsary on k9 though - hurry up - please!
well he is now here and is absolutely gorgeous and i am really sorry because i went to take some pics and the bloody camera is telling me that my memory stick is corrupt :rant: so as well as not being able to take pics of our new baby,i have lost all of my other photos :oops:

our other dog absolutely loves him but it is making me realise that i should have gotten him a crate as my other dog just wont leave him alone and wants to play non stop which is a bit of a surprise seeing as he is 14 years old :D the cats dont seem too keen and have given him a wide berth which is just as well for now as i dont fancy them scratching him.

i will try and get a new memory stick tomorrow and take some pics.

my only question at the moment is that the breeder supplied me with some of the food that he has been eating which is a raw chicken mix and a raw tripe mix.does this sound ok to continue giving to him as i just dont like the sound of giving raw meat to a baby and it doesnt help that it smells absolutely putrid even though it is still frozen :wub:

i am going to try and get some sleep now which is going to have to be on the sofa so that i can keep him with me until i get him a cage tomorrow so he can get some peace from my other great lump of a dog :lol:
everybody has diffrent ideas etc on feeding.

PERSONALLY i feed mine on the mince you appear to have but i boil it and i would get some complete puppy biscuits too , i use beta puppy and mix this in with the mince , but dd the biscuits gradually so as you dont upset his digestive system.

dont bother about sleeping on the sofa with him , take him to bed .. he will likely end up there anyway if he is a typical whippet :oops:

have fun :thumbsup:
well first night over and to be honest it wasnt too bad at all.didnt cry for too long and settled down to sleep with our other dog after about 10 mins and i hardly heard a peep all night.a couple of small presents left for me when i got up but luckily both were on the training pads that we bought.the only thing that wasnt on the pad was a little puddle and my god doesnt puppy pee half stink :lol: will be getting him a crate later so that we will feel a lot more happy about leaving him without having to worry about what he is up to as at the moment he is trying to kill everything in sight and is currently running around with the wifes slipper in his gob :- "

first visit to the vet later for his first jab so no doubt he wont be too happy later :b
Hi there,

Welcome to K9 - cant wait to se some pics

Puppy crates are great - helps with the chewing problem - preventing him from ingesting all sorts of unwanted nasties. Also great for toilet training as he wont want to soil his own bed. As for feeding - I personally would introduce a good quality puppy complete meal - such as Hills science plan puppy, Eukanuba, Pro plan or James wellbeloved - I would change him onto it gradually though to prevent unwanted tummy troubles :D Hope he's settling in well :huggles:

hi there,im glad your first night went well and hope you have many more good ones,ive got a 4 month old called kiplin and also a 2 and a 3 year old, they are all fed the raw diet and yes some of it does stink :lol: but they all seem to love it :thumbsup: looking forward to the pics. :wub:
well heres a couple before the camera went wrong again :rant:


Hi and Welcome to K9 :cheers: your puppy looks lovely :wub:

There is a lot of very helpful advice on this site, Im sure you will enjoy it. I also have cats - 3 of them and you will find that lots of members have quite an assortment of animals and very little trouble with the whippets. o:) :lol:

Good luck with your new arrival. :luck:
What a gorgeous little podgy pup :wub: - I love them when they are like that as puppies!! :thumbsup:

Very best of luck with him :luck: :huggles:

Any thoughts on a name yet? :- "

By the way, I expect the cats will sort out the new arrival pretty quick - Zephyr is in no doubt as to who is in charge here!!! :sweating: ;)
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we have decided to name him suki but we had a bit of bad news today at the vets where he had his first jab.the vet could only find 1 testical so therefore thinks he may need an op to find and remove the stubborn one and also recommends that his good one is also removed which is a shame as i didnt want him castrated but if it is for the best then obviously i will just have to get it done. :( the vet has said to leave it for 3 weeks until i go back for his 2nd jab and he will check again.
Hi, sometimes the boys do only have one to feel at this age. They can withdraw them if they are nervous. When he is relaxed and sleepy (w00t) gently stoke downwards and see if you can feel the other. Either way, there is no rush to do anymore about it at the moment, he is still very young, it may well appear in the weeks to come. He looks lovely, keep the pix coming. :huggles:
I agree with the above statement...I never worry about testes at this young an age. And to be honest,some vets are'nt that good at finding them!! :- " If I had a pound for every time someone has said to me "oh the vet could only find one" and then a few weeks later the pup has both! I'd be rich!!! :lol:

He certainly looks like the diest his breeder had him on has agreed with him,he is in lovely "fat puppy" condition, just the way I love to see a pup,I hate seeing skinny pups to me they should be podgy,at least that way when he is going thru growth spurts and losing some weight and condition - he can afford to without looking ribby.

He is a lovely pup :wub:
jas328sport said:
well he is now here and is absolutely gorgeous and i am really sorry because i went to take some pics and the bloody camera is telling me that my memory stick is corrupt :rant: so as well as not being able to take pics of our new baby,i have lost all of my other photos :oops: our other dog absolutely loves him but it is making me realise that i should have gotten him a crate as my other dog just wont leave him alone and wants to play non stop which is a bit of a surprise seeing as he is 14 years old :D the cats dont seem too keen and have given him a wide berth which is just as well for now as i dont fancy them scratching him.

i will try and get a new memory stick tomorrow and take some pics.

my only question at the moment is that the breeder supplied me with some of the food that he has been eating which is a raw chicken mix and a raw tripe mix.does this sound ok to continue giving to him as i just dont like the sound of giving raw meat to a baby and it doesnt help that it smells absolutely putrid even though it is still frozen :wub:

i am going to try and get some sleep now which is going to have to be on the sofa so that i can keep him with me until i get him a cage tomorrow so he can get some peace from my other great lump of a dog :lol:

I hope that this lasts. If he is anything like my pup, he will soon explain that what he expects is to be in your bed with you. Hope you continue to have lots of fun and that when you decide it is bed puppy doesn't decide it's playtime.

Looking forward to seeing some photos.

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