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Nnwrf Bend Champs

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carol it has been a long cold day n there was a traffic jam on the way back when we got back so sum people may not be home yet, n i dernt put them, i probs got sum wrong lol im ne gurd haha :lol:

17lb dogs - kai sera

19lb dogs - xbex

21lb dogs -

23lb dogs - vivs twilight

25lb dogs -? hes the pitts & l/w run off r/up minty

27lb dogs -

29lb dogs -

31lb dogs - sun sup

33lb dogs -

35lb dogs -


21lb - spirit of the stag

28lb - polysaurus

35lb - scooby dont & sup vet


17lb -

19lb -

21lb -

23lb -

25lb - sween & supreme

27lb - pickpocket

31lb - soul to soul

33lb -

35lb -

40lb - raggi black r/up trewlawnys girl

48lb - our ebby & supreme r/up ouja board

no limit -

there ive made it really easy for someone/anyone to put full results on just copy & paste and add champions in please ;)
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carol it has been a long cold day n there was a traffic jam on the way back when we got back so sum people may not be home yet, n i dernt put them, i probs got sum wrong lol im ne gurd haha :lol:

ive made it really easy kate lol
Albert and Greata won the class i have heard

also l/w run off i have been told

Albert and Greata won the class i have heard
also l/w run off i have been told

thanx steve have edited it in @ this rate it will b midnight b4 i know all the champs lol anyone know wot won the no limits?
Big Congrats to Worcester/Mid West dogs,

Supreme Scratch Our Ebby Well done Pat , Bob and of course Ebbs :luck:

Runner up 25lb Dogs :luck: Georgina with Minty

Nch Champion 31lb Dogs :luck: Billy & Doreen with Sun Up

Nch Champion 31lb Bicthes :luck: Lyndon & Bethany with Soul To Soul

48lb runner up :luck: Jo with Ouija Board

48lb Nch :luck: Pat & Bob with Our Ebby

40lb runner up :luck: Steve & Di with Trelawneys Girl

No bad for such a small region
brilliant well done all

tina tony
17lb dogs - kai sera

19lb dogs - xbex

21lb dogs -orantes

23lb dogs - vivs twilight

25lb dogs -? hes the pitts & l/w run off r/up minty

27lb dogs -forever autumn h/w winnr & sup

29lb dogs -made your point

31lb dogs - sun sup

33lb dogs -lenny's legs

35lb dogs -wor black


21lb - spirit of the stag

28lb - polysaurus

35lb - scooby dont & sup vet


17lb -beside the point

19lb - moochara

21lb - southern touch

23lb -inshalla

25lb - sween & supreme

27lb - pickpocket h/w winner

31lb - soul to soul

33lb -our touch

35lb -ruby murry

40lb - raggi black r/up trewlawnys girl

48lb - our ebby & supreme r/up ouja board

no limit -little wilma

there ive made it really easy for someone/anyone to put full results on just copy & paste and add champions in please ;)

think thats right :D
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GOOD DAYS RACING WELL RUN CHAMPS CREDIT TO FED AN IT WORKERS FEW SURPRISES FEW DREAMS SMASHED WERE DO I START vets scooby don't. I think she would won in main adult champs scr well done to our ebby really come to form on the day dogs. Ron reaction on xbex winning is championship I remember ron racing nutwood I was only kid great to see him put is hand in air well done ron all so don and ruths vivs twight ran well maid you point and cobain having a good battle mark and vicky maid you point just on top well done to lennys legs my bitch nch gkm litter brother I sure there be few more wins out this litter now on to bitchs mark and vicky to lightweight beside the point and mocarha make it treble for kennel now double for rob and tina with southern touch and our touch you got good traner there rob well done not forget nell double with picketpocket ran well my own soul to soul keep improving she having nice rest at seaside this week bitch that stolen the day was sween she was flying for billy winnig sup nch not forget dog sup nch forever autum he really stuck is head out in run off well done all the other winners did see all racing but really enjoyed day there. Was some good runs from dogs/bitchs that will be stars of futures but didn't win on the day good luck at harlow next week great venue well worth the drive down and win a few pounds off bookie see you there.
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big well done to all the winners today,some great races, well done bill sween was fantastic. :thumbsup:

not forgetting pick pocket & beside the point :D

also forever autumn very impressive

oh! nearally fotgot well done lenny's legs :)
great day out,well done all the winners and runners some cracking races.

local dogs winning there title,kia sera ,lennys legs,wor black,sprit of the stag,and the big lass little wilma taking the no limit in a tough race with the top no limiters .

though his the pitts ran fantastic taking the l/w dogs well done bertie,pick pocket had a great race with tinkers mill pity there had to be a looser, well done lassie taking the h/w bitches. nice one neil 2 titles :luck:

must admit sween showed them all the way round deserved supreme bitch.her run in the l/w run off (w00t) must be the highland air :thumbsup: forever autume( lovely little dog) nice one taking the dogs :luck:well done vicky/mark taking 3 titles

well done highgate /nnwrf faultless meeting.

no accidents :))
Some brilliant dogs on show today, each and every runner trying their hearts out.

Quite a few emotional moments, none more so for me than to see Sween's owner waving her jacket in the air as she went over the line to take Ch Ch's, a brilliant bitch and a real pleasure to watch today, given she'd had no running at Highgate she was absolutely faultless, trapped out well, railed to perfection and stayed on like a dog who'd run the bends a hundred times before. Must mention r-up sup Pick Pocket, another brilliant bitch totally unphased by it all, she did her mum proud today, well done Lassie. Huge congrats to Lyn, Mal & Champion of Champions Forever Autumn (well done Bud) and also runner up supreme (for the second year isn't it?) Greta, Albert & He's the Pitts, i have to admit i didn't shout for any as it was a shame there had to be a 2nd place. So so chuffed for Pat & Bob and their brilliant bitch Sup Sc Rch & now Ch Ch's Our Ebby, another that was totally faultless all day, she's bombed onto the bends in the same way she did the straights. Ahhhh Scooby, Scooby, Scooby what can i say, fan bloody tastic!!! I expect made even more sweeter for Linda by nephew Sun Up getting his first title, well done Bill, Doreen & Chalky (not forgetting mum Amy & Dad Russ).

Well done to fellow North Westers bringing home more trophies today, George with I'll be back digging in to get up for runner up in the 35lb vets, Mick, Lyn & Ash with She's a Flyer on her runner up and lastly our 3 troopers who are all spark out in front of the fire totally buggered.

So many other brilliant performances today i'd be here all night so congratulations to everyone else who's dreams came true today.
What a fantastic day it was today. First let me say thank you to all the workers both from the Fed and from Highgate. Your hard work is truly appreciated, it is through you all that our racing days are so great.

A very big well done to Ron with Xbecks he ran beautifully for you. As Lyndon has already said Ron's reaction was lovely to see. There was some great racing today and everyone who took part should be proud of what their dogs achieved, they gave you their all. Congratulations to all of you :thumbsup: :D
Just got home from Highgate we would like to thank the Highgate staff once again for making us feel very welcome, :thumbsup: It was nice to meet the boys from the north who made the effort to travel down with Almost Bobs, a lovely little dog, ;)

Thank you to the NNWRF for putting on such a great event, would just like to congratulate all winners and losers, especially Pat & Bobs Our Ebby winning Supreme Scratch, and well done to Raggie Black for winning the 40lb final, :thumbsup:

Didn't think we were going to make this one due to van problems earlier in the week.

Leia did me proud as she always does my little brindle angel, :wub: di
thanks for the champions and runners up john g now that everyones had a rest, cud someone please put the full programme on please? thankyou :D
Just off out to do a Taxi run for my son, i'll bring programme out of car and if no one else has done it i'll oblige Carole, well i am off work so no excuse :b
Just off out to do a Taxi run for my son, i'll bring programme out of car and if no one else has done it i'll oblige Carole, well i am off work so no excuse :b

thankyou karen arghhh 4got kids r off this week ( im no longer @ the skool) damn it ive got to pop out to pay some bills now i was waiting till the traffic died down lol
Vet 21lb

R Spirit Of The Stag 1st

B Morohous R/Up

Vets 28lb

R Moany Moany

B Pollysaurus 1st

W Whinney Skippet

Bk Bally So 2nd R/Up

O Just Right Tess

Vets 35lb

R Ludcris

B Scooby Don’t 1st

W Ill Be Back 2nd R/Up

17lb Dogs

R More Or Less R/Up

B Kia-Sera 1st

19lb Dogs

R Mac Spot

B Xbecs 1st

W Baileys Edition 2nd R/Up

21lb Dogs

R Orontes 1st

23lb Dogs

R Vivs Twilight 1st

B Joseph

W Achilles

Bk Fiddler 2nd R/Up

25lb Dogs Ht 1

R Fiddlers Sinatra

B Nevada

W Boomerang

Bk Hes The Pitts 1st And Class

O Mad Prince

Ht 2

R Rooneys Run

B Nemesis

W X Factor

Bk Minty 1st R/Up

27lb Dogs

R Mowgli

B Forever Autumn 1st

W No Joe

Bk Showman 2nd R/Up

29lb Dogs

R Barking Mad

B Maid Your Point 1st

W Cobain 2nd R/Up

31lb Dogs

R Maid U Look

B Blue Eyed Boy

W Sid Young 2nd R/Up

Bk Sun Up 1st

33lb Dogs

R Lennys Legs 1st

B Priums 2nd

W Super Blade

Bk Tuck In W/D

O Bobby Dazzler

35lb Dogs

R Junior Walker

B Ones Sammusaurus 2nd R/Up

W Freddies Melody

Bk Wor Black 1 St

O Tinkerhell

17lb Biches

R Besides The Point 1 St

B Spot Black 2nd R/Up

W Connors Dream

Bk No Angel

19ln Bitches

R Mochara 1st

B Shes A Flyer R/Up

21lb Bitches

R Candymill 2nd R/Up

B Game On

W Adlib

Bk Southern Touch 1 St

O Monkey Trouble

23lb Bitch

R Soot To Root 2nd R/Up

B Piccolo Amica

W Inshallah 1st

Bk Dark Gem

25lb Bitches Ht 1

R Sween 1st And Class

B My Quest

W Our Bea


R More Of Moppit

B Secret Spot 1st R/Up

W Dare Ya To

Bk Darlo Delight

27lb Bitches

R Whiskey Fudge

B Indica

W Tinkers Mill 2nd R/Up

Bk Pick Pocket 1 St

29lb Bitches

R Unique 2nd R/Up

B Bigland Lass

W Red Moon Rising

Bk Cookie

O Sing For Us 1st

31lb Bitches

Rsoul To Soul 1st

B Fun N Frolics R/Up

33lb Bitches

R Our Touch 1st

B Shes A Double R/Up

35lb Bitches

R Ruby Murry 1 St

doing rest now 2 tics
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Vet 40lb Scr

R Ones Custi Bok 1st

B Stag Possessed R/Up

Vet Scr 48lb

R Four Sale 1st

No Limit

R Muscle Bound

B On The Ball

W Quick Silver 2nd R/Up With Kick Board

Bk Little Wilma 1st

O As You Were

48lb Scr Ht 1

R Red Hot Spice

B Almost Bobs

W Deneside Colin

Bk Quija Board 1st

Ht 2

R Jeans Pride

B Curlin

W Our Ebby 1st and Sup

Bk Stag Paws

40lb Scr Ht 1

R Maggies Lass

B Mule Skinner

W Ones Sumnasato 1st

Bk Hit The Flo

Ht 2

R Bagheera

B Mr Solo

W Avit

Bk Raggie Black 1st and Sup

Ht 3

R Ebony Expo

B Mr Dillion

W Trelawneys Girl 1 St

Bk Stevie B

L/W Dog Final

Hes The Pitts

H/W Dog Final

Forver Autum

L/W Bitch Final


H/W Bitch Final

Pick Pocket

Vet Final

R Scooby Don’t 1st Sup

B Ploysaurus 2nd

W Spirit Of The Stag 3rd

Vet Scr Final

R Ones Cuti Bok

B Four Sale 1 St And Sup

Sup Scr

R Little Wilma 2nd

B Raggie Black

W Our Ebby 1 St Sup

Sup Dog Final

R Forever Autumn 1st And Sup

B Hes The Piits

Sup Bitch Final

R Pick Pocket

B Sween 1st And Sup
well done all winners and losers, fantastic days racing and company......cheers :D

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