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Ok Who's Puts A Curse On Us


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this morning alex said could we pop to ikea for a couple of cheep £1.59 white and blue rugs for her room. so off we pop its only 15 minutes away and it said there was 58 in store so no waisted journey.

when we get there no rugs of that style in any colour never mined blue and white but they check and warrington had 87. well since we were already out might as well go there but quit miffed as it said they were in stock.

we pop on the petrol station forecourt to fill up before we set of and its really busy one car in front then a few behind and all the pups full. next a sliver car flies past us and jumps the Que. we didn't bother if there that desparts let them go first but the car in front was fuming he flies over in his car and screams and shouts at the woman. then puts his car in revers foot down and revers full pelt into us so the cars smashes and tony and me have spent the afternoon at the hospital with soft tissue damage and whiplash. so they have given me even more painkillers and my good arm and shoulder aren't working now but hopefully wont be long before there OK. and after all that we managed to go to the other ikea and Guss what they had no rugs either there computer stock is messed up arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ohhhhhhhh Wendy you do seem to have a lot of bad luck :( Hope you and Tony are gonna be OK, bet you'll know all about it tomorrow.

Look after yourselves

oh my god, :eek:

whiplash can be nasty, my OH was reer ended nearly 3 months ago now and is still in pain, the insurace companys now sending him to physio as its affecting his work (he does alot of lifting)

ikea is rubbish for saying they are instock when their not, your best to phone the store and get them to check and put aside for you :)

hope your all feeling better soon

:luck: :huggles:
sorry to hear you had such a bad day. :(

hope you feel better very soon, :)

you should write to ikea and tell them wat you went through, just to get 2 of their rugs. :wacko: :rant:

you never know they might send you 2 free. :thumbsup:

take care and hope you feel better soon . :thumbsup:

from me and the kids (the dogs) sam, millie, lizzie, alfie and blue :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Aaaw Wendy - it never rains...but it pours! Hope you and yours are well soon!

What an awful thing to happen. Hope you are better soon.
OMG Wendy, hope you and Tony aren't too sore, hugs, Annie
OMG, tell your insurance co about your injuries. I hope you are feeling better soon. Tell Alex to make a rag rug, much safer!
not more bad luck, hope your all ok and there's got to be some good luck on the horizon for you soon soon :luck:

talking of bad luck trip to vet for Izzy yesterday she took off after a rabbit came back with a gaping hole on her back finished up with 8 staples and 2 injections there were only 4 staples still in this morning but fingers crossed the vet glues holding it together, bloody barbed wire should be banned
ohhh sorrto hear of your bad luck #

hope you and Tony are ok and up and about soon

and still havent got your rugs

thinking of you heres a big hug

get well soon Ruth and Don
we were a bit fed up but thought no problem hes admitted its 100%his fault and so his insurance company and last night we thought no problem LV his company phones said dont worry about anything a hire car will be here at 8 30am this morning a ford mondaio . brill wont have to miss any racing or superleage at the weekend. nocar turns up then we get and we get a call at 9am alex late for scholl and im about to miss an apontmet. were told we can have a car if we pay upfront and it will probably be a ford ka. ok anyone whos met us will know me tony a wheelchair and a min of 2 dogs arnt going to fit in that even if we have the money up front.

In the end our company took over claiming off LV but still no car and the garages hasn't come for ours yet why do I think this is going to be a long drawn out proses.

I can usually look on the bright side and deal with things but this is the last straw now and I'm fining it very had not to flip god we mustahve been evil in a past life

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