Hi, i have three dogs and have just got a letter thru from the council to advise me a complaint that a noise by a dog barking is causing a nuisance (thats how its phrased).
it mentions it is not known at this stage if the complaint is true or false but complaints of this nature must be investigated. it mentions how i can contact them to discuss this allegation.
it then again mentions that it is the environmental healths departments role to investigate all cases of noise nuisances to asses if the noise complained ist to amounts considered a statutory nuisance.
This person has been requested to keep a diary of dates and times and duration of noise. If complaints continue, council officers will undertake visits and may use noise monitoring equipment to gather evidence of the noise complained of. You will not be informed prior to visits.
If our investigation confirms that a statutory nusiance exists, council it obliged to issue a statutory nuisance abatement notice and if terms of that are breached action can be taken. This would involve a court prosecution and the seizure of any noise equipment in that property that is causing a nuisance.
OK.. Guys PLEASE help me here... what does this mean? what is going to be considered excessive or bad.. it mentions that whoever it is is keeping a diary, what will the council be looking for that means it is "too much"..? If their diary doesnt seem too much noise, will they still visit anyway? put noise equipment outside house etc?
has anyone gone thru this and can explain the exact steps? thanks so so so so so so much for any help, advice!!
it mentions it is not known at this stage if the complaint is true or false but complaints of this nature must be investigated. it mentions how i can contact them to discuss this allegation.
it then again mentions that it is the environmental healths departments role to investigate all cases of noise nuisances to asses if the noise complained ist to amounts considered a statutory nuisance.
This person has been requested to keep a diary of dates and times and duration of noise. If complaints continue, council officers will undertake visits and may use noise monitoring equipment to gather evidence of the noise complained of. You will not be informed prior to visits.
If our investigation confirms that a statutory nusiance exists, council it obliged to issue a statutory nuisance abatement notice and if terms of that are breached action can be taken. This would involve a court prosecution and the seizure of any noise equipment in that property that is causing a nuisance.
OK.. Guys PLEASE help me here... what does this mean? what is going to be considered excessive or bad.. it mentions that whoever it is is keeping a diary, what will the council be looking for that means it is "too much"..? If their diary doesnt seem too much noise, will they still visit anyway? put noise equipment outside house etc?
has anyone gone thru this and can explain the exact steps? thanks so so so so so so much for any help, advice!!