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Please help me before my husband gets rid of Sid, our new dog.

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That's good news ...let us know how you get on 😊
Bear in mind when going back to basics, that this isn't really about training. It's about taking the pressure off Sid completely, and giving him a chance to totally relax in a stress-free environment - which will mean managing him and Remi, and also not having arguments. My sighthound would get quite stressed if my husband and I argued... or even if we just discussed politics and ranted at the government!

It is possible to train a dog to bark or ring a bell when they need to go outside, as some will simply stand silently by the door even if you're at the other end of the house.

Also, remember that Remi also deserves a stress-free life, so if it doesn't work out, it really is better, for both of them, that Sid is rehomed. This isn't giving up, it's doing what is best for them.

Good luck - I really hope it does work out.
As a dog rescuer myself, 3-6 months to get settled is very ambitious, especially given the circumstances you've described. Slow, patient and empathic measures are required. Your husband is, unfortunately, making things worse. You'll need to put the work in as I'm sure you're aware, but the reward will be fantastic for you, your dogs, and your husband. who sounds as though he needs training more than your four legged friends.
I do also really hope things settle and have everything crossed for you all... please do keep us posted. It would be lovely if your husband could see just how passionate you are about helping Sid and not wanting to give up on him and give you the support you need. Dogs are so sensitive to atmospheres, even if there are no raised voices... I suppose there is the option of rehoming the husband:rolleyes:(joking!!)
Hey everyone.

So Yesterday went super well. No more accidents in the house as we been letting him out every hour and this seemed to also reduce the barking. I said to my husband that I think because he was left outside/to his own devices, being outside more than inside is/was all he ever knew so is like a 'comfort' for him formed from a unfortunate event.

My husband has been open to going back to basics with Sid, he even said that even though at first he was angry, he had some time to think and it's allowed the husband to 'do a clean slate' and work from the group up with Sid. He actually took part in training sid himself and took so much joy in it. He's alot more...loving and kind to Sid.

There was literally no barking yesterday at all (minus when we had to delay dinner but thats pretty fair to be honest)

His very own bed arrived, safe to say he likes it , even barks at Remi when Remi's sat on it.

Today we're carrying on what we did yesterday, with success and less barking.
No accidents in the house so far.
Playing much more nicely with Remi.
No arguments today with the Mr (as yet, hopefully none)
Everyone = happy

I also forgot to point out that we have toilet-training bells, we already had them for Remi (as I'm hard of hearing and couldn't hear Remi jingle the back door keys) Sid's picking up how to use them from Remi & i jingle them before letting them out for a toilet.

I'm hoping this is showing the husband that Sid just needs some extra TLC
Wonderful! I think sometimes when you adopt a dog who has many struggles, it can all get a bit overwhelming for everyone...really glad to hear your husband has had a re set too!
That's excellent news - and he is stunning!
Delighted to hear this - may you all go from strength to strength!
my dog used to poo indoors put a dog flap in took a while for him to use it, use to stand at the back door and pushed it open, took a while but solved the problem.
Wow, things may be turning around, that's awesome.
I was going to suggest neutering the husband, but looks like this may not be necessary after all :cool:
Jokes aside - avoid human arguments, they really throw sensitive dogs off their tracks...
heya everyone,

I am so thankful for you all. I'm sorry for the inital post, I got a bit... panicy and didn't want to loose Sid as he is just such a loving sweetheart.

More progress today.
* less barking in the day still, although today there was a bit more than there had been in the previous 2 days because he seemed to just be a little more 'worked up' than usual today.

* Had a lovely time in the morning where Sid & Remi were playing next to each other with different toys, limited snatching of toys

* Explored a little bit of introductory scent work , i hid a treat in a tin with holes in the top and used the clicker when Sid found/pointed out the one with treats in - took a while for him to understand what i wanted from him, but this was just a free-style kinda activity with no 'plan' of what i wanted him to do.

* Tried to take him out for a walk but was super reactive to everything and the walk itself only lasted 10 minutes as I have a foot injury where I'm not supposed to walk on it much. It poured down heabily half way walking back to our house, so I found a tree and sat both Sid and Remi down, scattered some treats in the grass and let thim find them whilst we waited for the rain to die down... failed walk but also helped Remi to deal with the rain (he hates water) and helped sid to start to be calm outside, with the sound of rain and all those smells that get kicked up from it. For me thats a win.

* I taught Sid Paw !! i used a different technique with Sid, as he wasn't sure of the common way to do it. I held one of his fave toys in my fist with a treat and placed in front of him. When he used his paw opn my hand to try and get the toy, i'd click the clicker and drop the treat for him. after a while, I removed the toy but carried on with the treat in fist.

* did a small bit of 'agility' getting Sid to weave in and out of tiny cones (my bad - i thought they were bigger!)

* Did some training to desensitise 'departure cues' such as me putting on shoes, coat and hat randomly in the house and rewarding calm behavior for both Sid and Remi. I originally put it on for a walk but heavy rain, so did some training whilst we were waiting for it to die off

I'm not pushing him to train all these things, these were done as part of our normal routines , i only did the tree game and the desensitiseation as the rain changed our plans / routine a little.
Well done to you - and to your hubby! Your 'failed walk' doesn't sound like a failed walk at all - you realised he wasn't in the right state of mind and, as you said, you turned it into a win :)
Very good news indeed, and I agree the failed walk wasn't a fail but something you turned into a training/bonding opportunity.
Glad to read this, great news. And Sid's a handsome chap!

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