Yesterday as I was out walking some of the dogs Bean and Fern took off after something. By the time that I'd got to where they'd left the track they weren't in sight. I called and called but nothing. Then I heard in the distance the sound of a car braking hard, a thud and a dog screaming.
Tally deerhound freaked at the sound but I caught him and put him on the lead and began to run up the track towards the road. I dunno why but I thought that it was Bean who'd been hit. Before I got very far Fern turned up. I could see the blood on her legs and that she was shaking. She was obviously in pain.
I thought about carrying on towards the road but despite being on her feet and able to move she wasn't in any fit state to go that way and then go back to the car which was a mile + back down the track. I decided to try to get her and Tally back to the car. Praying that Bean was/would be okay.
Some while later Bean turned up and apart from a tiny wound is okay. Poor Fern was in so much pain that she could barely walk. But I couldn't manage her and then other two. So I decided to get back to the car as fast as I could and if she collapsed on the way I'd dump the dogs in the car and go back for her and carry her if I could to the car. She was holding her head at an odd angle and was staggering about a bit.
She made it and when she got to the car she managed to scramble into it. I took her off to the vet. They kept her in over night as there was some concern over the shape of her rib cage.
I checked the road last night and there is no sign of any accident so I'm hoping that the car and the occupants are okay.
She's back home now. Very sore, bruised and with lots of small cuts all over her. She's had one stitched on the side of her wrist. She's had a big bowl of chicken and has taken herself back off to bed in a crate. Apart from moving very carefully as she is in obvious pain she's okay. Another of her lives used up.
Tally deerhound freaked at the sound but I caught him and put him on the lead and began to run up the track towards the road. I dunno why but I thought that it was Bean who'd been hit. Before I got very far Fern turned up. I could see the blood on her legs and that she was shaking. She was obviously in pain.
I thought about carrying on towards the road but despite being on her feet and able to move she wasn't in any fit state to go that way and then go back to the car which was a mile + back down the track. I decided to try to get her and Tally back to the car. Praying that Bean was/would be okay.
Some while later Bean turned up and apart from a tiny wound is okay. Poor Fern was in so much pain that she could barely walk. But I couldn't manage her and then other two. So I decided to get back to the car as fast as I could and if she collapsed on the way I'd dump the dogs in the car and go back for her and carry her if I could to the car. She was holding her head at an odd angle and was staggering about a bit.
She made it and when she got to the car she managed to scramble into it. I took her off to the vet. They kept her in over night as there was some concern over the shape of her rib cage.
I checked the road last night and there is no sign of any accident so I'm hoping that the car and the occupants are okay.
She's back home now. Very sore, bruised and with lots of small cuts all over her. She's had one stitched on the side of her wrist. She's had a big bowl of chicken and has taken herself back off to bed in a crate. Apart from moving very carefully as she is in obvious pain she's okay. Another of her lives used up.