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Poor Kiplin

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just phoned and hes still in surgery :( thanks everyone for your kind words :huggles:

going up to the vets soon for noahs puppy partys so will get a better chat with them then,hopefully he will be ready for home afterwards
Poor Kiplin :( I hope he makes a speedy recovery :huggles: :luck: :luck:
so sorry to hear about Kiplin.... His girlies are sending him big snooches :huggles:

Thinking of you trish. :huggles:

hope hes ok :luck: :luck:
Poor Kiplin, he has been in the wars lately. Hope he will be home with you tonight, and snuggled up for some TLC. :huggles: He must be one of those who always gets into some kind of mischief - whatever next? (w00t)

:luck: Lots of luck for a speedy recovery.
:( Poor Kiplin.... lots of hugs for a quick recovery from all of us :huggles:
Oh poor Kiplin :(

I hope he is home tonight- give him some very gentle hugs from us all here :huggles:

Liz and the Monellis
poor Kiplin I hope he is home with you soon lots of :huggles: :huggles: and :luck: :luck: to you all
Aw poor boy :( I hope he heals quickly. My thoughts are with you xx
Poor Kiplin, sending him lots of hugs :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Sorry to hear Kiplin has been injured. :( Hope he is back home with you soon and he makes a speedy recovery :luck: :luck:

Thinking of you Trish :huggles:
Poor Kiplin- how scary- I do hope he gets better quickly :luck: :huggles:
Sorry to hear about Kiplin :( ....... :luck: :luck: for a speedy recovery :huggles:
Oh Trish, poor Kilpin. I've just got in from dog training and this was the first thread I saw. Hope he's all stitched up now and on the mend. :thumbsup: Have you any idea what had happened to him? Lots of hugs and kisses for him. :huggles:

:luck: for a fast recovery

Pauline & Ruby
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Poor little Kiplin :( and poor you, Trish :huggles:

It's awful when they run off like that - Ella does it all the time and she's always up in the hedges with all the brambles pulling at her and barbed wire and pointy sticks (w00t)

Sending you heaps and heaps of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for Kiplin (and a couple for Noah too :) )

Keeping my fingers crossed that Kiplin is doing OK and will get a good night's sleep :thumbsup:
:( Oh no, poor Kiplin, :huggles: give him lots of cuddles :luck: :luck: hope he is ok :thumbsup:
just got back with kiplin bless him,hes very bruised and sore :(

hes got a few cuts which we didnt see too,so got 15 stiches in the chest wound and 4 in another ,all the others are just superfical.
Awwww big cyber hugs to Kiplin, I hope he makes a speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles:
Great news Kiplin is home with you, Trish :thumbsup:

Hope he has a good night :huggles:

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