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Poor Sunny Boy

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So sorry to hear your news, hope Sunny shows some improvement and gets better really soon, sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: and lots of :luck: :luck:
Christ! sounds like a nightmare for you and Sunny at the mo. :(

I hope he recovers soon. :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( So sorry to hear that Sunny is so unwell, let's hope something is sorted out for him very soon.

Sending yourself and sunny :huggles: :huggles:
hope he gets better soon :luck: don't forget the huggles :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Really sorry that Sunnys not well. Hoping he picks up soon.

:luck: and :huggles: to you both.
So sorry to hear that Sunny is so poorly :( - do you think the vets could refer you to a specialist that deals with Cushings and might have more up to date research into current treatment?

:huggles: :huggles: to Sunny and to you, Doris :huggles: :huggles:
sory to here about sunny boy :( hope he is getting better, we know what it is like GET BETTER SUNNY BOY :huggles:
poor Sunny still hasn't eaten anything, not even warm chicken jelly or smoked mackeral skin, which are his favourite things in the world! nice for the other dogs though, they are having a field day, they'll need to go on diets next week

he's not eaten since saturday evening but lucky he is drinking

I've spoken to a couple of people who know loads more than most about this sort of stuff and they've suggested several things, so I spoke to my vet this evening and we've agreed to take him off medication to see if that gets his appetite going naturally, then back to vet last thing tomorrow evening to see what happens next

thanks for nice messages :thumbsup:
I am in bits worrying for you and Sunny. This heat cannot help him, and may-be he'll feel a bit more lively if it cools down. At least he is drinking, that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing. He'll be feeling comfy if he is hydrated. I'll think about you both and pray he perks :huggles:

Take care

Jo x
no improvement so far today - still just small drinks and occasional wag of the tail
:huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
Come on Sunny...we're all waiting for your appetite to return. I think this recent heat wave has a lot to answer for too!

Best wishes and good luck. :luck:
A wag of a tail :D At least there is that.

I so hope that you can post some good news on here very soon. :luck:

It is frustrating that he has reacted to the medication like this but you'd think your vet or a specialist would be able to work round it.

Give Sunny a :huggles: from us.
we have decided against referring Sunny to a specialist - he is 12 and a half now, and gets stressed really easily, the last 4 months have been very tough on him and we are just not prepared to put him through that all again in a different place with strange people, its too much for him :(

he saw the vet today and has been given a steroid injection to try and reverse the overdose of medication and encourage him to eat

the vet said he totally understands us not getting Sunny referred which is why he has given him the steroid jab and he said that it should work fast, so we have a lunch time appointment to give him another jab if its working, but if it doesn't then he has agreed that its time to let Sunny go, as he's not eaten for a week now and has also developed some large bruises

it sounds so harsh when I'm reading what I've typed, but I can tell you that this is breaking my heart, I have cried a river and then some over this dog - he doesn't even want me to comfort him now, instead of asking for me to stroke him, he is getting up and moving away to be on his own

I'm just praying that he raids the kitchen bin overnight and that I find him sleeping in his bed on top of a pile of food wrappers
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My heart really goes out to you all. :(

It's hard to balance being positive and being realistic sometimes. You obviously love Sunny very much and will do what is best for him. Fingers crossed the steriod injection works. :luck:
These decsions are so hard, but I think you are doing the right thing for your boy :huggles: .
thinking of you at such a hard time, hope you get some good news soon, take care :huggles:
:luck: :huggles: Poor Sunny, let's hope that all the prayers and good wishes that have been sent to both Sunny and Doris, Smokey and Jean will help in some small way. :huggles: :luck:

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